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Krotov V. — Global Methods in Optimal Control Theory |
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Absolute invariance 363
Absolute minimum problem 133
Achievability regions 49
Adjoint vector 133
Admissible controlled process 3
Andrecva, A.A. 312
Approximate optimal synthesis 190 204 333
Bellman function 230 295
Bellman, R. 18
Berkovitz, L.D. 369
Borelian measure 302
Borshchevski, M.Z. 124
Bounding function 35
Bryson, A.E. 233
Bukreev, V.Z. 230
Butkovski, A.G. 18
Caratheodory, C 54
Chernousko, F.L. 233
Chicala, P. 125
Clarke, F.H 299
Closure of variational problem 21
Conjugate variables 133
Control of observation process 244
Control under most adverse conditions 318
Control, synthesis 9 48; 232 331
Controlled processes 3
Convex Problem 131 161
Cyclic sliding policy 123
Decomposition 22
Degenerate variational problems 29 32 60 79 109 113 154 250
Differential games 319 331 337 351 369
Discontinuous solution 31 112 122
Distributed parameters 4
Disturbance factors 317
Dual problem of optimal control 21 43 260 302 310
Dychta, V.A. 123
Dynamic programming 181
Egorov, V.A. 125
Elementary operation 266
Eneev, T.M. 125 233
Equivalent extension 21
Equivalent representations 24 152
Estimation of optimality for control syntheses 48 192
Euler’s Problem of calculus of variations 29 32 123 146 171
Existence theorems for solving functions 287
Feedback policy 9 48 177 317
Feldman, I. 234
Field of extremals 183
Filippov, A.F. 121 122
Flight dynamics variational problems 9 88 197 365
Game theory 370
Gamkrelidze, R. 122 137
General optimization problem 1
Generalized flow 302 304
Girsanov, I.V. 53 130
Global bounds 34 323
Global improvement of control 237 244 251
Goncharov, A.D. 124
Gonsales, R.L. 53 297
Gradient improving method 250
Gurman, V.I. 53 123 124 324 112
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 181
Hamilton — Jacobi method 177
Hamiltonian 249
Hammel, Z. 9 18
Hibbs, A. 125
Hilbert, D. 121 311
Impulse sliding policy [(x, u)-policy] 33 66 96
Incomplete information 316 343
Information price (cost) 343
Invariant systems 318 359 364
Ioffe, A.D. 53 121 299
Ioslovich, I.V. 124
Jacobi conditions 148
Kantarovich, L. 304
Kanzakov, V.A. 6 22
Kelley, N.J. 233
Khrustalev, M.M. 53 125 130 304 311 312 371
Kirillova, F. 190
Kloetzler, R. 53 122 304 305 312
Knapsak problem 254
Kolokolnikova, G.A. 123
Konstantinov, G.N. 312
Krasnov, I. 18 126
Krasovskii, N.N. 369 371
| Kurganski, A.B. 319 369 371
Kuznetsov, N.A. 244
Lagrange’s functional 25 53 157 166
Leitmann, J. 18 53 311
Letov, A.M. 230
Lewis, R.M. 53 305 306
Local improvement of control 234
Lower bound maximization problem 22 35 264 302 307
Macromodels of economic development 13 18 69
Measurement operator 9 2
Miele, A. 124 125
Morgenstern, O. 370
Moskalenko, A.I. 53 312
Moskalenko, V.J. 230
Multiargument processes 4
Multiple Maxima Method 66
Multistage processes 4
Neumann, J. 370
Observable parameters 317
Optimal control 5
Ordinary process 4
Osipov, Yu.S. 369
Phase coordinates 5
Pickenhain, S. 312
Picone, M. 174
Pontryagin, L.S. 18 369
position control 123
Principle of least action 151
Principle of maximum 131
Principle of optimality 51
Principle, extension 20
Process control 123
Process state 3
program control 5
Propoi, A.I. 241
Pulsed thrust program 96
Quantum systems control 17.115 248
Ramsay, F. 14 18
Razmadze, A.M. 123
Realization of the controlled process 317
Riccarti’s equation 6 13 148 188
Rieman, G. 120
Rockafellar, R.T. 305
Rosenberg, G.S. 53 174
Roshina, A.A. 124
Rosonoer, L.I. 362 371
Rubio, E.J. 53 122 123 230 304 305
Rudolf, H. 305
Samoilenco, Yu. 18
Scheduling Theory 161
Schipanov, G.V. 371
Schrodinger equation 246
Sergeev.S.I. 286
Shaperev, N. 18 126
Skedov, I. 18 126
Sliding regime 66 122 247
Solow, R.M. 18 124
Solving function 43
Somoloi, J. 253
Stochastic variances estimates 244
Stoddart, A.W.J. 40 53
Strengthened lower bounds 49
Strengthened sufficient optimality conditions 49
Strong local minimum 143 172
Stum Theorem 148
Subbotin, A.I. 312 369 371
Subbotina, N.N. 312
Sufficient measurement operator 320 346
Sufficient Optimality Conditions 42 46 323
Synthesis of controllers 12 186 215
Tannor, D.J. 253
Time 5
Tonelli, L. 121
Trajectory 5 183
Transversality conditions 136
Tregub, M.V. 230
Vapnyarsky, I.B. 122 123
Viability 371
Vinter, R.B. 53 299 305 306
Warga, J. 121 122
Weak optimal control problem 302 304
Weak solving function 297
Weierstrass, K. 120 122 147
Young, L.C 54 57 83 304
Ziedan 175
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