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Lawden D.F. — An Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology |
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Aberration of light 60
Acceleration, motion with constant 63
Acceleration, transformation of 59
Adler, R. 200
Aether 5
Affine connection 98
Affinities, difference of 99
Affinity 97
Affinity, metric 110
Affinity, symmetric 100
Affinity, transformation of 98
Aharoni, J. 200
Angel, R.B. 200
Angle between vectors 29 107
Axial vector 31
Bateman, H. 161 199
Bazin, M. 200
Berry, M. 200
Bianchi identity 111
big bang 175
Black body radiation of cosmos 175
Bondi, H. 174 175 199
Boyd, T.J.M. 74 199
Cartesian tensor 24
Charge density, proper 74
Charge density, transformation of 82
Charge, conservation of 73
Charge, field of moving 85
Christoffel symbols 109
Clarke, R.W. 200
Clock paradox 13 14 20
Clock, coordinate 131 152
Clock, coordinate, standard 7 132 152
Clocks, synchronization of 7
Cloud, incoherent 51 140
components of vector 24
Compton effect 65
Conjugate tensors 95
Coordinate lines 87
Coordinate surfaces 87
Coordinates of an event 7 132
Coordinates, curvilinear 86
Coordinates, geodesic 108
Coordinates, spherical polar 86
Copernicus 5
Cosmic ray particles 43
Cosmic ray particles, decay of 13
Cosmic scale factor 181
Cosmical constant 137 188 198
Cosmical time 176
Cosmogony 174
Cosmological principle 176
Cosmological principle, perfect 176
Cosmology, steady state 175
Cosmos, radiation dominated 175 193
Coulson, C.A. 74 199
Covariant derivative 97 98 100
Covariant differentiations, commutativity of 118
Curl 31 118
Current density 73 154
Current density, transformation of 82
Curvature scalar 114
Curvature tensor for a weak field 139
Curvature tensor, covariant 111
Curvature tensor, Riemann — Christoffel 105
Curvature tensor, symmetry of 112
Curvature, space of constant 123 176
De Sitter's universe 164 165 171 188 197
Deceleration parameter 181
Dilation of time 13 39
Dirac, P.A.M. 200
Displacement vector 24 89
Divergence 29 112
Dixon, W.G. 200
Doppler effect 83
Earth's surface, metric of 89
Einstein's equation 46
Einstein's law of gravitation 137
Einstein's tensor 114 137
Einstein's universe 171 188
Einstein's universe, stability of 198
Einstein, A. 200
Electric charge density 5 73
Electric charge density, transformation of 82
Electric charge, conservation of 73
Electric charge, invariance of 74
Electric charge, proper density of 74
Electric current density 5 73 154
Electric current density, transformation of 82
Electric current, field of straight 78
Electric displacement 5
Electric intensity 5 75
Electric intensity, transformation of 77
Electromagnetic field tensor 76 154
Ellis, G.I.R. 200
Energy density, electromagnetic 81 82
Energy, conservation of 46 53 82
Energy, equivalence of mass and 46
Energy, kinetic 45
Energy, particle's internal 46
Energy-momentum tensor 52 135
Energy-momentum tensor, divergence of 53 136
Energy-momentum tensor, electromagnetic 80 155
Energy-momentum tensor, fluid's 50 70
Energy-momentum tensor, symmetry of 59
Eoetvoes, L. 128
Equivalence, principle of 129
Euclidean geometry 6
Euclidean space 88 96 106 109
Evans, D.A. 200
Events 7
Events, causal relation between 16
Events, coordinates of 7 132
Fall, particle in free 133 140
Fitzgerald Contraction 12 17
Fluid, EM tensor of 56
Fluid, perfect 57
Fock, V. 200
force 2 44
Force density 51
Force, centrifugal 3 17 128
Force, Coriolis 3 17 128
Force, fictitious 2 129
Force, inertial 3 128
Force, rate of doing work by 45 51
Force, transformation of 47
Frame, comoving reference 180
Frame, general reference 131
Frame, inertial 1 127
Frame, local free-fall 132
Frankel, T. 200
Friedmann universes 189 198
Fundamental tensor 25 105
Fundamental tensor, covariant derivative of 101
Future, absolute 16
Galactic gas 175
Galactic gas, closure density for 187
Galactic gas, EM tensor of 186
Galactic observers 176
Galaxies, distribution of 175
Galaxies, gravitational field of 129
Galaxies, proper distance of 182
Galaxies, red shift of 175 182
Galilean law of inertia 134
Galilean transformation 11
General principle of relativity 128
Geodesic 114 121 134
Geodesic frame 108
Geodesic, equations of 115 117
Geodesic, null 116 150
| Gold, T. 175 199
Gradient 28 91
Graves, J.C. 200
Gravitation, Einstein's law of 137 166
Gravitation, Newton's law of 139 140
Gravitational constant 136 140
Gravitational field of a point charge 172
Gravitational field of a sphere 145
Gravitational field, irreducible 131
Gravitational field, weak 137
Gravitational waves 160
Gravitational waves, polarization of 161
Hamilton's equations 49
Hamiltonian 49
Hamiltonian, electromagnetic 83
Harmonic coordinates 126 160 172
Hawking, S.W. 200
Heat, mass of 45
Heidmann, J. 200
Hoffmann, B. 200
Hole, black 159
Hole, white 159
Homogeneity of space 26
Horizon, event 189 196
Horizon, particle 195
Hoyle, K. 175 199 200
Hubble's constant 181 192
Hubble's Law 175 182
Hypersphere 123 176
Hypersphere, metric of 123 177
Index, dummy 23
Index, free 23
Index, raising and lowering 106
Inertial forces 128
Inertial frame 1 127
Inertial frame, local 132
Inertial frame, quasi 138
interval 105 132
Interval between events 132
Interval, proper time 14 132
Intrinsic derivative 119
Invariant 27 90
Invariant, covariant derivative of 100
Invariant, parallel displacement of 100
Inverse square law, Einstein's correction to 148
Isotropy of space 26
Kilmister, C.W. 200
kinetic energy 45
Kronecker deltas 22 25 92
Kruskal — Szekeres transformation 167
Lagrange's equations 49
Lagrangian 49
Lanczos, C. 200
Landau, L.D. 200
Landsberg, P.T. 200
Laplace's equation 26
Laplacian 113
Length 12
Levi-Civita pseudotensor 30
Lifshitz, E.M. 200
Light cone 16
Light pulse, wavefront of 7
Light ray, gravitational deflection of 152
Light signal, world line of 150
Light waves, velocity of 5
Light, limiting velocity of 11
Lorentz force 79
Lorentz transformation, general 9
Lorentz transformation, inverse 11
Lorentz transformation, special 9 17
Luminosity and red shift 185 197
Luminosity distance 184 197
Luminosity, apparent 183 184
Luminosity, intrinsic 183 184
Mach's principle 130
Magnetic induction 5 75
Magnetic induction, transformation of 77
Magnetic intensity 5
Mass 3
Mass, conservation of 42 45 51 190
Mass, equivalence of energy and 46
Mass, inertial 43
Mass, inertial and gravitational 130
Mass, invariance of Newtonian 4
Mass, proper 42
Mass, proper density of proper 53
Mass, rest 42
Mass, transformation of 43
Maxwell's equations 5 77 154
Maxwell's stress tensor 81
Mercator's projection 123
Mercury, advance of perihelion of 150
Metric 89 105
Metric affinity 110
Metric of a gravitational field 133
Metric of a sphere 119
Metric tensor 105
Metric tensor, covariant derivative of 110
Metric, form invariant 142
Metric, spherically symmetric 143
Metrical connection 105
Michelson-Morley experiment 5
Minkowski coordinates 8
Minkowski space-time 8 15
Misner, C.W. 200
Moller, C. 200
Moment of force 58
Momentum 3 43
Momentum density 50
Momentum density, electromagnetic 82
Momentum, conservation of 42 52 82
Momentum, density of 50
Momentum, transformation of 43
Muon 48
Narlikar, J.V. 200
Neutrino 48
Newton's first law 1
Newton's law of gravitation 139
Newton's laws, covariance of 4
Newton's second law 2 44
Newton's Third Law 3 44
Newtonian potential 136 139 140 146 153
Non-Euclidean space 88
Ohm's law 85
Orbit, planetary 69 147
Orthogonal transformation 21 86 92
Orthogonal vectors 29 108
Papapetrou, A. 200
Parallel displacement of vectors 96
Parity of space 26
Particle, Hamiltonian for 49 83
Particle, internal energy of 46
Particle, Lagrangian for 49
Particles, collision of 3 42
Past, absolute 16
Penzias, A.A. 175
Perihelion, advance of 150
Petrov, A.Z. 200
Photon 48
Pion 48
Planetary orbits 147
Poisson's equation 140
Potentials, electromagnetic 74
Poynting's vector 81 82
Present, conditional 16
Pressure 57
Privileged observers 127
Product, inner 28 94
Product, outer 94
Product, scalar 28 107
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