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United States NAVY — Mathematics, Trigonometry (Navy course) |
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Abscissa 4-2
Acute angles 5-1 5-20
Addition, vector 7-2 to 7-3 7-6 7-23 7-24
Angles in standard position 4-2 to 4-4 4-30
Angles, Acute 5-1 5-20
Angles, Complementary 4-18 to 4-20 4-33
Angles, Coterminal 4-3 to 4-4 4-16 4-30 4-33
Angles, measurements of 3-1 to 3-19 3-31
Angles, measurements of, Degrees 3-2 to 3-3 3-31
Angles, measurements of, Mils 3-14 to 3-19 3-33
Angles, measurements of, Radians 3-4 to 3-13 3-31
Angles, measurements of, Radians, Angular velocity 3-8 to 3-11 3-32
Angles, measurements of, Radians, Area of a sector 3-12 to 3-13 33
Angles, Negative 3-2 3-31 4-16 4-32 6-5 6-34
Angles, Obtuse 5-1 5-20
Angles, Positive 3-2 3-31
Angles, Quadrantal 4-3 4-23 4-33
Angles, Reference 4-11 to 4-12 4-31
Angles, special 4-21 to 4-24 4-33
Angles, special, Frequently used angles 4-21 to 4-23 4-33
Angles, special, Frequently used angles, angles 4-21 to 4-22 33
Angles, special, Frequently used angles, angles 4-22 to 4-23 4-33
Angles, special, Quadrantal angles 4-23 to 4-24 4-33
Angular velocity 3-8 to 3-11 3-32
Antilogarithm 1-16 to 1-18 1-24
Area formulas 5-17 to 5-19 5-21
Area of a sector 3-12 to 3-13 3-33
Characteristic 1-9 to 1-10 1-23
Characteristic, Negative 1-10 1-23
Characteristic, positive 1-9 to 1-10 1-23
Cofunctions 4-18 to 4-20 4-33
Common logarithms 1-8 to 1-10 1-22
Common logarithms, Negative characteristics 1-10 1-23
Common logarithms, Positive characteristics 1-9 to 1-10 1-23
Complementary angles 4-18 to 4-20 4-33
Components of vectors 7-4 to 7-6 7-23
Computations with logarithms 2-1 to 2-17
Computations with logarithms, Algebraic operations 2-9 to 2-11 2-15
Computations with logarithms, Applications 2-12 to 2-13 2-15
Computations with logarithms, Division 2-5 to 2-6 2-15
Computations with logarithms, Introduction 2-1 to 2-2
Computations with logarithms, Multiplication 2-2 to 2-4 2-15
Computations with logarithms, Powers 2-1 2-15
Computations with logarithms, Roots 2-7 to 2-8 2-15
Computations with logarithms, Summary 2-15
coordinates 4-2
Coterminal angles 4-3 to 4-4 4-30
Coterminal angles, functions of 4-16 to 4-17 4-33
DEGREES 3-2 to 3-3 3-31
Direction of a vector 7-5 7-24
Division with logarithms 1-4 to 1-5 1-22 2-5 2-15
Double-angle formulas 6-16 to 6-18 6-36
Equilibriant force 7-13 7-25
Equilibrium 7-13 to 7-21 7-25
Equilibrium, rotational 7-19 to 7-21 7-25
Equilibrium, translational 7-15 to 7-19 7-25
Exponential form 1-2
Forces 7-11 to 7-12 7-24
Fundamental identities 6-1 to 6-7 6-34
Fundamental identities, Negative angles 6-5 6-34
Fundamental identities, Pythagorean 6-3 to 6-5 6-34
Fundamental identities, Quotient 6-3 6-34
Fundamental identities, Reciprocal 6-2 6-34
Fundamental identities, Verifying trigonometric identities 6-6 to 6-7
Graph of the cosine function 4-27 to 4-28
Graph of the sine function 4-27
Graph of the tangent function 4-28
Half-angle formulas 6-18 to 6-20 6-36
Horizontal component 7-4 7-23
Identities, formulas for 6-8 to 6-20 6-35
Identities, formulas for, Double-angle formulas 6-16 to 6-18 6-36
Identities, formulas for, Half-angle formulas 6-18 to 6-20 6-36
Identities, formulas for, Sum and difference formulas 6-8 to 6-15 6-35
Identities, fundamental 6-1 to 6-7 6-34
Identities, fundamental, Negative angles 6-5 6-34
Identities, fundamental, Pythagorean 6-3 to 6-5 6-34
Identities, fundamental, Quotient 6-3 6-34
Identities, fundamental, Reciprocal 6-2 6-34
Identities, fundamental, Verifying trigonometric identities 6-6 to 6-7
Identity 6-1
Initial position 3-2 3-31
Interpolation 1-13 to 1-15 1-23
Inverse trigonometric functions 6-21 to 6-27 6-36
Inverse trigonometric functions, Notation 6-22 6-36
Inverse trigonometric functions, Principal values 6-22 to 6-27 6-36
Law of Cosines 5-11 to 5-16 5-20
Law of cosines, Case 3. Two sides and the included angle 5-13 to 5-15 5-20
Law of cosines, Case 4. All three sides 5-15 to 5-16 5-20
Law of Sines 5-2 to 5-10 5-20
Law of sines, Case 1. One side and two angles 5-4 to 5-5 5-20
Law of sines, Case 2. Two sides and an angle opposite one of them 5-5 to 5-10 5-20
Length of arc 3-7 3-32
Linear velocity 3-9 3-33
Logarithm tables 1-11 to 1-12 1-23
Logarithmic form 1-2
Logarithms 1-1 to 1-27
Logarithms, Antilogarithm 1-16 to 1-18 1-24
Logarithms, Common logarithms 1-8 to 1-10 1-22
Logarithms, Common logarithms, Negative characteristics 1-10 1-23
Logarithms, Common logarithms, Positive characteristics 1-9 to 1-10 1-23
Logarithms, computations with 2-1 to 2-17
Logarithms, computations with, Algebraic operations 2-9 to 2-11 2-15
Logarithms, computations with, Applications 2-12 to 2-13 2-15
Logarithms, computations with, Division 2-5 to 2-6 2-15
Logarithms, computations with, Multiplication 2-2 to 2-4 2-15
Logarithms, computations with, Powers 2-7 2-15
Logarithms, computations with, Roots 2-1 to 2-8 2-15
Logarithms, Interpolation 1-13 to 1-15 1-23
Logarithms, Introduction 1-1
Logarithms, Laws for calculation 1-3 to 1-7 1-22
Logarithms, Laws for calculation, Division 1-4 to 1-5 1-22
Logarithms, Laws for calculation, Multiplication 1-3 to 1-4 1-22
Logarithms, Laws for calculation, Powers 1-6 1-22
Logarithms, Laws for calculation, Roots 1-6 to 1-7 1-22
Logarithms, Logarithm tables 1-11 to 1-12 1-23
Logarithms, Natural logarithms 1-19 to 1-21 1-24
Logarithms, Review of definitions 1-1 to 1-2 1-22
Logarithms, Summary 1-22 to 1-25
Magnitude of a vector 7-5 7-24
Mantissa 1-9 1-23
Mils 3-14 to 3-19 3-33
Multiplication with logarithms 1-3 to 14 1-22 2-2 2-15
Natural logarithms 1-19 to 1-21 1-24
Negative angle 3-2 3-31
Negative angles, functions of 4-16 4-32
Negative angles, identities for 6-5 6-34
Oblique triangles 5-1 to 5-23
Oblique triangles, Area formulas 5-17 to 5-19 5-21
Oblique triangles, Introduction 5-1 to 5-2
| Oblique triangles, Methods of solving oblique triangles 5-2 to 5-16 5-20
Oblique triangles, Methods of solving oblique triangles, Law of cosines 5-11 to 5-16 5-20
Oblique triangles, Methods of solving oblique triangles, Law of cosines, Case 3. Two sides and the included angle 5-13 to 5-15 5-20
Oblique triangles, Methods of solving oblique triangles, Law of cosines, Case 4. All three sides 5-15 to 5-16 5-20
Oblique triangles, Methods of solving oblique triangles, Law of sines 5-2 to 5-10 5-20
Oblique triangles, Methods of solving oblique triangles, Law of sines, Case 1. One side and two angles 5-4 to 5-5 5-20
Oblique triangles, Methods of solving oblique triangles, Law of sines, Case 2. Two sides and an angle opposite one of them 5-5 to 10 5-20
Oblique triangles, Summary 5-20 to 5-21
Obtuse angles 5-1 5-20
Ordinate 4-2
Periodic 4-27 4-33
Periods of the trigonometric functions 4-27 to 4-28 4-33
Periods of the trigonometric functions, Graph of the cosine function 4-27 to 4-28
Periods of the trigonometric functions, Graph of the sine function 4-27
Periods of the trigonometric functions, Graph of the tangent function 4-28
Positive angle 3-2 3-31
Powers, logarithms of 1-6 1-22 2-7 2-15
Principal values 6-22 to 6-27 6-36
Pythagorean identities 6-3 to 6-5 6-34
Pythagorean Theorem 3-20 to 3-21 3-34
Quadrant system 4-7 to 4-10 4-30
Quadrant, functions of angles in any 4-12 to 4-15 4-31
Quadrant, functions of angles in any, Quadrant I 4-13 4-31
Quadrant, functions of angles in any, Quadrant II 4-13 to 4-14 4-31
Quadrant, functions of angles in any, Quadrant III 4-14 to 4-15 4-32
Quadrant, functions of angles in any, Quadrant IV 4-15 4-32
Quadrantal angles 4-3 4-23 4-33
Quadrants 3-2 3-31
Quotient identities 6-3 6-34
RADIANS 3-4 to 3-13 3-31
Radians, Angular velocity 3-8 to 3-11 3-32
Radians, Area of a sector 3-12 to 3-13 3-33
Radius vector 3-2 3-31
Reciprocal identities 6-2 6-34
Rectangular coordinate system 4-1 to 4-2
Reduction formulas 4-12 4-31
Reference angle 4-11 to 4-12 4-31
Reference triangle 4-12 4-31
Resolution of a force 7-11 7-25
Resultant vector 7-2 to 7-3 7-11 7-23 7-25
Right triangles, properties of 3-20 to 3-23 3-34
Right triangles, properties of, Pythagorean theorem 3-20 to 3-21 3-34
Right triangles, properties of, Similar right triangles 3-21 to 3-23 3-34
Roots, logarithms of 1-6 to 1-7 1-22 2-7 2-15
Rotational equilibrium 7-19 to 7-21 7-25
Scalar quantity 7-1 7-23
Scientific notation 1-9 to 1-10 1-23
Significant digits 2-2 2-15
Similar right triangles 3-21 to 3-23 3-34
Similar triangles 3-21 3-34
Special angles 4-21 to 4-24 4-33
Special angles, Frequently used angles 4-21 to 4-23 4-33
Special angles, Frequently used angles, angles 4-21 to 4-22 4-33
Special angles, Frequently used angles, angles 4-22 to 4-23 4-33
Special angles, Quadrantal angles 4-23 to 4-24 4-33
Subtraction, vector 7-3 to 7-4 7-23
Sum and difference formulas 6-8 to 6-15 6-35
Terminal position 3-2 3-31
torque 7-19 to 7-21 7-25
Translational equilibrium 7-15 to 7-19 7-25
Trigonometric analysis 4-1 to 4-35
Trigonometric analysis, Angles in standard position 4-2 to 4-4 4-30
Trigonometric analysis, Cofunctions and complementary angles 4-18 to 4-20 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Definition of the trigonometric functions 4-4 to 4-6 4-30
Trigonometric analysis, Functions of angles in any quadrant 4-12 to 4-15 4-31
Trigonometric analysis, Functions of angles in any quadrant, Quadrant I 4-13 4-31
Trigonometric analysis, Functions of angles in any quadrant, Quadrant II 4-13 to 4-14 4-31
Trigonometric analysis, Functions of angles in any quadrant, Quadrant III 4-14 to 4-15 4-32
Trigonometric analysis, Functions of angles in any quadrant, Quadrant IV 4-15 4-32
Trigonometric analysis, Functions of coterminal angles 4-16 to 4-17 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Functions of negative angles 4-16 4-32
Trigonometric analysis, Introduction 4-1
Trigonometric analysis, Periods of the trigonometric functions 4-27 to 4-28 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Periods of the trigonometric functions, Graph of the cosine function 4-27 to 4-28
Trigonometric analysis, Periods of the trigonometric functions, Graph of the sine function 4-27
Trigonometric analysis, Periods of the trigonometric functions, Graph of the tangent function 4-28
Trigonometric analysis, Quadrant system 4-7 to 4-10 4-30
Trigonometric analysis, Rectangular coordinate system 4-1 to 4-2
Trigonometric analysis, Reference angle 4-11 to 4-12 4-31
Trigonometric analysis, Special angles 4-21 to 4-24 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Special angles, Frequently used angles 4-21 to 4-23 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Special angles, Frequently used angles, angles 4-21 to 4-22 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Special angles, Frequently used angles, angles 4-22 to 4-23 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Special angles, Quadrantal angles 4-23 to 4-24 4-33
Trigonometric analysis, Summary 4-30 to 4-33
Trigonometric equations 6-28 to 6-33 6-36
Trigonometric functions, definition of 4-4 to 4-6 4-30
Trigonometric identities and equations 6-1 to 6-39
Trigonometric identities and equations, Formulas for identities 6-8 to 6-20 6-35
Trigonometric identities and equations, Formulas for identities, Double-angle formulas 6-16 to 6-18 6-36
Trigonometric identities and equations, Formulas for identities, Half-angle formulas 6-18 to 6-20 6-36
Trigonometric identities and equations, Formulas for identities, Sum and difference formulas 6-8 to 15 6-35
Trigonometric identities and equations, Fundamental identities 6-1 to 6-7 6-34
Trigonometric identities and equations, Fundamental identities, Identities for negative angles 6-5 6-34
Trigonometric identities and equations, Fundamental identities, Pythagorean identities 6-3 to 6-5 6-34
Trigonometric identities and equations, Fundamental identities, Quotient identities 6-3 6-34
Trigonometric identities and equations, Fundamental identities, Reciprocal identities 6-2 6-34
Trigonometric identities and equations, Fundamental identities, verifying trigonometric identities 6-6 to 6-7
Trigonometric identities and equations, Introduction 6-1
Trigonometric identities and equations, Inverse trigonometric functions 6-21 to 27 6-36
Trigonometric identities and equations, Inverse trigonometric functions, Notation 6-22 6-36
Trigonometric identities and equations, Inverse trigonometric functions, Principal values 6-22 to 6-27 6-36
Trigonometric identities and equations, Summary 6-34 to 6-37
Trigonometric identities and equations, Trigonometric equations 6-28 to 6-33 36
Trigonometric measurements 3-1 to 3-36
Trigonometric measurements, Introduction 3-1
Trigonometric measurements, Measuring angles 3-1 to 3-19 3-31
Trigonometric measurements, Measuring angles, Degrees 3-2 to 3-3 3-31
Trigonometric measurements, Measuring angles, Mils 3-14 to 3-19 3-33
Trigonometric measurements, Measuring angles, Radians 3-4 to 3-13 3-31
Trigonometric measurements, Measuring angles, Radians, Angular velocity 3-8 to 3-11 3-32
Trigonometric measurements, Measuring angles, Radians, Area of a sector 3-12 to 3-13 3-33
Trigonometric measurements, Properties of right triangles 3-20 to 3-23 3-34
Trigonometric measurements, Properties of right triangles, Pythagorean theorem 3-20 to 3-21 3-34
Trigonometric measurements, Properties of right triangles, Similar right triangles 3-21 to 3-23 3-34
Trigonometric measurements, Summary 3-31 to 3-34
Trigonometric measurements, Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables 3-24 to 3-29 3-34
Trigonometric measurements, Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables, Tables of trigonometric functions 3-27 to 3-28 3-34
Trigonometric measurements, Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables, Trigonometric ratios and functions 3-25 to 3-27 3-34
Trigonometric measurements, Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables, Use of trigonometric ratios and functions 3-29
Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables 3-24 to 3-29 3-34
Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables, Tables of trigonometric functions 3-27 to 28 3-34
Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables, Trigonometric ratios and functions 3-25 to 3-27 3-34
Trigonometric ratios, functions, and tables, Use of trigonometric ratios and functions 3-29
Vector quantity 7-1 7-23
Vectors 7-1 to 7-9 7-23
Vectors, Components of vectors 7-4 to 7-6 7-23
Vectors, Vector addition 7-2 to 7-3 7-23
Vectors, Vector addition by components 7-6 to 7-9 7-24
Vectors, Vector subtraction 7-3 to 7-4 7-23
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