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Figgins S., Love R., Robbins A. — Linux in a Nutshell
Figgins S., Love R., Robbins A. — Linux in a Nutshell

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Название: Linux in a Nutshell

Авторы: Figgins S., Love R., Robbins A.


Over the last few years, Linux has grown both as an operating system and a tool for personal and business use. Simultaneously becoming more user friendly and more powerful as a back-end system, Linux has achieved new plateaus: the newer filesystems have solidified, new commands and tools have appeared and become standard, and the desktop — including new desktop environments — have proved to be viable, stable, and readily accessible to even those who don't consider themselves computer gurus.

Whether you're using Linux for personal software projects, for a small office or home office (often termed the SOHO environment), to provide services to a small group of colleagues, or to administer a site responsible for millions of email and web connections each day, you need quick access to information on a wide range of tools. This book covers all aspects of administering and making effective use of Linux systems. Among its topics are booting, package management, and revision control. But foremost in Linux in a Nutshell are the utilities and commands that make Linux one of the most powerful and flexible systems available.

Now in its fifth edition, Linux in a Nutshell brings users up-to-date with the current state of Linux. Considered by many to be the most complete and authoritative command reference for Linux available, the book covers all substantial user, programming, administration, and networking commands for the most common Linux distributions.

Comprehensive but concise, the fifth edition has been updated to cover new features of major Linux distributions. Configuration information for the rapidly growing commercial network services and community update services is one of the subjects covered for the first time.

But that's just the beginning. The book covers editors, shells, and LILO and GRUB boot options. There's also coverage of Apache, Samba, Postfix, sendmail, CVS, Subversion, Emacs, vi, sed, gawk, and much more. Everything that system administrators, developers, and power users need to know about Linux is referenced here, and they will turn to this book again and again.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: fifth edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 944

Добавлена в каталог: 31.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
map command (GRUB)      
maps (NIS)      
mark (Emacs)      
mark command (ex)      
marking positions in vi editor      
marks command (ex)      
master boot record (MBR)      
master boot record (MBR), defined      
master boot record (MBR), pre-Linux Windows version, restoring      
match function (awk)      
math, bc program, library functions      
mathematical functions (ksh93)      
mattrib command      
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)      
mcat command      
mcd command      
mcopy command      
MD5 checksums, computing or checking      
md5crypt command (GRUB)      
mdel command      
mdelete command (ftp)      
mdeltree command      
mdir command      
mdir command, ftp      
mdu command      
Media Access Control (MAC) addresses      
media commands      
memory information, displaying (vmstat)      
memory maps, displaying for a process      
memory usage information      
merge command      
merge command, svn      
merged changes in files      
merging data stored in text-based file formats      
merging documents in source code management      
mesg command      
messages, system control, displaying      
Meta-key commands (Emacs)      2nd
Meta-key handling for virtual terminal      
metacharacters, bash and ksh filenames      
metacharacters, pattern matching      
metacharacters, pattern matching, filename expansion vs.      
metacharacters, pattern matching, listed by program      
metacharacters, pattern matching, replacement patterns      
metacharacters, pattern matching, search patterns      
metacharacters, pattern matching, search-and-replace in ex and sed      
metadata, versioned      
metamail command      
metamail command, richtext, displaying      
metasend command      
mformat command      
mget command (ftp)      
MIDI files      
MIDI files, playing with aplaymidi      
MIDI files, raw, reading and writing      
MIDI files, recording using ALSA      
MIME types      
MIME types, mailto command      
MIME types, metamail command      
MIME types, metasend command      
MIME types, richtext, displaying      
mimencode command      
minfo command      
mirror command (lftp)      
miscellaneous commands      
miscellaneous commands, system administration      
miscellaneous commands, vi editor      
mixers, audio mixer tool      
mixers, command-line ALSA mixer      
mkdir command      
mkdir command, ftp      
mkdir command, svn      
mkdosfs command      
mke2fs command      
mkexrc command (ex)      
mkfifo command      
mkfs command      
mkfs.ext3 command      
mkisofs command      
mklost+found command      
mkmanifest command      
mknod command      
mkraid command      
mkswap command      
mktemp command      
mktime function (gawk)      
mlabel command      
mls command (ftp)      
mmd command      
mmount command      
mmove command      
mode command (ftp)      
modes, Emacs editor      
modes, vi editor      
modes, vim editor      
modinfo command      
modprobe command      
modprobe command, depmod and      
modtime command (ftp)      
module command (GRUB)      
modulenounzip command (GRUB)      
modules, creating dependency file for      
modules, listing all loaded      
modules, loading (insmod)      
modules, loading into kernel      
modules, loading with initrd      
modules, unloading from the kernel      
monotone (source code management system)      
Moolenaar, Bram      
more program      
more program, bzmore command      
mount command      2nd
mountd command      
mountd daemon      2nd
mouse, gpm command      
move command (ex)      
movement commands, vi editor      
movement commands, vi editor, characters      
movement commands, vi editor, line numbering      
movement commands, vi editor, lines      
movement commands, vi editor, marks      
movement commands, vi editor, screens      
movement commands, vi editor, searches      
movement commands, vi editor, text      
mpartition command      
mpg123 command      
mpg321 command      
mput command (ftp)      
mrd command      
mren command      
MS-DOS, bad blocks, checking for      
MS-DOS, changing directories on      
MS-DOS, changing file attributes (mattrib)      
MS-DOS, checking filesystem with dosfsck      
MS-DOS, copying files to or from Unix partitions      
MS-DOS, creating directories      
MS-DOS, creating filesystems with mkfs      
MS-DOS, deleting a directory      
MS-DOS, deleting file or file tree      
MS-DOS, directory contents, listing (mdir)      
MS-DOS, disk usage, displaying      
MS-DOS, displaying file content (mtype)      
MS-DOS, displaying filesystem information (minfo)      
MS-DOS, files and filesystems, tools for      
MS-DOS, filesystem label      
MS-DOS, formatting blank disk      
MS-DOS, formatting device as MS-DOS filesystem      
MS-DOS, mounting a filesystem      
MS-DOS, moving or renaming file or directory      
MS-DOS, partition, creating      
MS-DOS, renaming file or directory      
mshowfat command      
mt command      
MTA (mail transfer agent)      
mtools commands      
mtoolstest command      
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)      
mtype command      
Multiboot specification      
multiline input processing commands (sed)      
multiple redirection      
mv command      
mzip command      
n command (sed)      
name service      
name( ) function, bash and ksh      
named command      
named daemon      2nd
named pipes (FIFOs), creating      2nd
namei command      
nameif command      
nameref command (ksh93)      
nawk programming language      
ncurses, mixer tool (alsamixer)      
ncurses, mixer tool (aumix)      
Netfilter      2nd
netstat command      2nd 3rd
network administration      
network administration tools      
network administration, NFS and NIS administration      
network administration, TCP/IP troubleshooting      
network interfaces      
network interfaces, assigning address or configuring parameters      
network interfaces, attaching serial lines as      
network interfaces, providing to finger program      
network layers, choice with Subversion      
networking, commands      
networking, overview      
networking, Subversion and      
networks, file transfers between      
networks, status messaging (rwhod)      
new command (ex)      
newaliases command      
newer command (ftp)      
newgrp command      
newsgroups, Linux-related      
newusers command      
next command (awk)      
next command (ex)      
nextfile command (awk)      
NFS (Network File System)      
NFS, administration      
NFS/NIS commands      
NFS/NIS commands, domainname      
NFS/NIS commands, makedbm      
NFS/NIS commands, mountd      
NFS/NIS commands, portmap      
NFS/NIS commands, rpcinfo      
NFS/NIS commands, showmount      
NFS/NIS commands, ypbind      
NFS/NIS commands, ypcat      
NFS/NIS commands, ypinit      
NFS/NIS commands, ypmatch      
NFS/NIS commands, yppasswd      
NFS/NIS commands, yppasswdd command      
NFS/NIS commands, yppoll      
NFS/NIS commands, yppush      
NFS/NIS commands, ypserv      
NFS/NIS commands, ypset      
NFS/NIS commands, yptest      
NFS/NIS commands, ypwhich      
NFS/NIS commands, ypxfr      
nfsd command      
nfsd daemons      
nfsstat command      
nice command      
NIS (Network Information System)      
NIS, administration      2nd
NIS, clients, setting up      
NIS, domains      
NIS, map manipulation utilities      
NIS, maps      
NIS, servers      
NIS, servers, setting up      
NIS, user accounts      
nlist command (ftp)      
nm command      
nmap command (ftp)      
nohlsearch command (ex)      
nohup command      
nohup command, ksh      
nroff program      
nroff program, output, handling      
nslookup command      
nslookup command (deprecated)      
nsupdate command      
ntrans command (ftp)      
null command (:)      
number command (ex)      
numbers, base conversions using bc      
numbers, factoring      
nvi text editor      
objcopy command      
objdump command      
object files      
object files, displaying profile data      
object files, generating from assembly language      
object files, removing symbols      
object files, size      
objects, including in mail messages      
octal constants (gawk)      
od command      
Online documentation      
online reference manuals, displaying information from      
only command (ex)      
open command (ex)      
open command, ftp      
open source software      
OpenPGP, checking signature of files      
OpenPGP, splitting messages into packets      
openvt command      
operators, arithmetic, bash and ksh shells      
operators, awk programming language      
operators, bc program      
operators, expr command      
option argument syntax      
options to Linux commands      
or function (gawk)      
output redirections, awk and gawk      
output-formatting commands      
output-formatting commands, fmt      
output-formatting commands, fold      
overlapping changes in files      
p command (sed)      
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