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Figgins S., Love R., Robbins A. — Linux in a Nutshell
Figgins S., Love R., Robbins A. — Linux in a Nutshell

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Название: Linux in a Nutshell

Авторы: Figgins S., Love R., Robbins A.


Over the last few years, Linux has grown both as an operating system and a tool for personal and business use. Simultaneously becoming more user friendly and more powerful as a back-end system, Linux has achieved new plateaus: the newer filesystems have solidified, new commands and tools have appeared and become standard, and the desktop — including new desktop environments — have proved to be viable, stable, and readily accessible to even those who don't consider themselves computer gurus.

Whether you're using Linux for personal software projects, for a small office or home office (often termed the SOHO environment), to provide services to a small group of colleagues, or to administer a site responsible for millions of email and web connections each day, you need quick access to information on a wide range of tools. This book covers all aspects of administering and making effective use of Linux systems. Among its topics are booting, package management, and revision control. But foremost in Linux in a Nutshell are the utilities and commands that make Linux one of the most powerful and flexible systems available.

Now in its fifth edition, Linux in a Nutshell brings users up-to-date with the current state of Linux. Considered by many to be the most complete and authoritative command reference for Linux available, the book covers all substantial user, programming, administration, and networking commands for the most common Linux distributions.

Comprehensive but concise, the fifth edition has been updated to cover new features of major Linux distributions. Configuration information for the rapidly growing commercial network services and community update services is one of the subjects covered for the first time.

But that's just the beginning. The book covers editors, shells, and LILO and GRUB boot options. There's also coverage of Apache, Samba, Postfix, sendmail, CVS, Subversion, Emacs, vi, sed, gawk, and much more. Everything that system administrators, developers, and power users need to know about Linux is referenced here, and they will turn to this book again and again.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: fifth edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 944

Добавлена в каталог: 31.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
package management, rpm command      
package managers      2nd 3rd
package managers, apt command      
package managers, Debian      
package managers, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)      
package managers, synaptic      
package managers, up2date      
package managers, yum (Yellow Dog updater modified)      
pager command (GRUB)      
paginated text files      
paging commands      
paging commands, less      
paging commands, more      
paging commands, zless      
paging commands, zmore      
paging, turning off/on for files      
PalmOS devices      
PalmOS devices, connecting to      
PalmOS devices, executing DLP commands      
paragraphs, Emacs commands for      
partitions, disk      
partitions, disk, creating MS-DOS partition      
partitions, disk, fdisk command      
partitions, disk, GRUB partnew command      
partitions, disk, GRUB unhide command      
partitions, disk, GRUP parttype command      
partitions, disk, treated as devices      
passwd command      
passwd file      
passwords, chpasswd command      
passwords, converting unshadowed to shadowed      
passwords, expiration information (chage command)      
passwords, group, changing      
passwords, group, shadowed file for      
passwords, GRUB      
passwords, information displayed by finger, changing      
passwords, removing errors from passwd and shadow files      
passwords, yppasswd command      
passwords, yppasswdd command      
Paste command      
patch command      
pathchk command      
pathname, printing with dirname      
pathnames, following to terminal point      
pathnames, listing for files executed if command had been run      
paths, basename command      
paths, to manual pages      
paths, tracepath command      
Pattern matching      
pattern matching, searching with (examples)      
pattern matching, transposing words in sed      
patterns, awk      
patterns, extglob option in bash and ksh      
patterns, shell command execution      
pause command (GRUB)      
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) devices, listing      
PCMCIA sockets      
PCMCIA sockets, card daemon      
PCMCIA sockets, controlling with cardctl command      
PDF (Portable Document Format) language, GhostScript interpreter      
pending jobs, listing      
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) devices, listing      
perl command      
permissions, changing for files      
permuted indexes      
pgawk program      
pidof command      
Ping command      2nd
pinky command      
pmap command      
PNM (Portable aNyMap) format      
point (Emacs cursor)      
popd command (bash)      2nd
portmap command      
portmap daemon (RPC)      2nd
positional specifier (gawk)      
POSIX, distinction between "special" built-in commands and nonspecial
POSIX, pattern-matching metacharacters      
PostScript language, GhostScript interpreter      
poweroff command      
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)      2nd
pppd command      2nd
pr command      
praliases command      
precision format specifier (printf and sprintf)      
preprocessor, C language      
preserve command (ex)      
previous command (ex)      
print character class      
Print command      
print command, awk      
print command, ex      
print command, ksh      
printenv command      
printf command      
printf command, awk      
printf command, awk, format specifiers      
printf command, bash and ksh93      
printing commands      2nd
printing commands, banner      
printing commands, checking print spool queue (lpq)      
printing commands, cupsd      
printing commands, disable      
printing commands, enable      
printing commands, line printer parameters, controlling (tunelp)      
printing commands, lpadmin      
printing commands, lpinfo      
printing commands, lpmove      
printing commands, print queue status, showing (lpstat)      
printing commands, reject      
printing commands, removing jobs from the queue (lprm)      
printing commands, sending files to be printed (lpr)      
printing commands, tac      
printing commands, tail      
printing commands, tailf      
procedures, awk      
process IDs, getting with fuser      
process management commands      
processes, CPU usage      
processes, displaying memory map of      
Processes, killing      
processes, killing by command name      
processes, pending jobs, listing      
processes, reporting on active      
processes, resetting priority with snice      
processes, running, controlling scheduling priority      
processes, scheduling properties, changing      
processes, sending signal to or resetting priority with skill      
profile data for object file      
profile files      2nd
profiling (gawk)      
program addresses, translation with addr2line      
program maintenance commands      
programmable completion (bash)      
programming commands      
Programming languages      
programming languages, gcc compiler      
programming languages, source files, examining with ctags      
programs, listing required libraries for (ldd)      
prompt command (ftp)      
prompt strings, special (bash and ksh)      
propdel command (svn)      
propedit command (svn)      
properties, Subversion files      
propget command (svn)      
propget command (svnlook)      
proplist command (svn)      
proplist command (svnlook)      
propset command (svn)      
provides command (yum)      
proxy command (ftp)      
ps command      
ps command, format and sort specifiers      
PS1-PS4 variables      
pserver command (CVS)      
pseudonyms (links) for files      
ptx command      
punct character class      
pushd command (bash)      2nd
put command (ex)      
put command, ftp      
putting commands (sed)      
pwck command      
pwconv command      
pwd command      
pwd command, bash and ksh      
pwd command, ftp      
python command      
q command (sed)      
qall command (ex)      
quit command      
quit command, ex      
quit command, ftp      
quit command, GRUB      
quota command      
quotacheck command      
quotaoff command      
quotaon command      
quotas for specified filesystem, reporting on      
quotas, setquota command      
quotas, warnquota command      
quotastats command      
quote command (ftp)      
quoting special characters in bash and ksh shells      
quoting, bash and ksh shells      
r command (ksh)      
r command (sed)      
RAID array devices, setting up      
raidstart command      
RAM disks, configuring support for      
ramsize command      
rand function (awk)      
ranlib command      
rannotate command (CVS)      
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)      2nd
rarpd command      
rcp command      
RCS (Revision Control System)      
rdate command      
rdev command      
rdiff command (CVS)      
rdist command      
rdistd command      
read command      
read command (ex)      
read command, bash and ksh      
read command, GRUB      
readcd command      
readelf command      
readlink command      
readonly command      
reboot command      
reboot command, GRUB      
recent logins, displaying      
recording sound using ALSA      
recover command      
recover command, ex      
recover command, svnadmin      
recv command (ftp)      
Red Hat Linux, kudzu command      
Red Hat Network Notification Tool (rhn-applet)      
Red Hat Update Agent (up2date)      
redirect command (ksh93)      
redirection syntax, bash and ksh      
redirection syntax, bash and ksh, multiple redirection      
redirection syntax, bash and ksh, redirection using file descriptors      
redirection syntax, bash and ksh, simple redirection      
redirections, awk and gawk      
redo command (ex)      
reference manuals, displaying information with man      
referencing arrays      
reget command (ftp)      
regions, Emacs commands for      
Regular expressions      
regular expressions, awk escape sequences      
regular expressions, egrep command      
regular expressions, expr command      
regular expressions, extended, use by GNU sed      
regular expressions, find command      
regular expressions, flex command      
regular expressions, for sed command addresses      
regular expressions, grep command      2nd
regular expressions, searching with (examples)      
Reiser FS (Reiser Filesystem)      
reject command      
Relational operators      
relational operators, bc program      
relational operators, expr command      
release command (cvs)      
remote access with svnserve      
remote file distribution      
remote file distribution, client program      
remote file distribution, server, starting      
remotehelp command (ftp)      
remotestatus command (ftp)      
removable media, ejecting      
remove command      
remove command, CVS      
remove command, yum      
Rename command      
rename command, ftp      
renice command      2nd
replacement patterns      
replacement patterns, metacharacters for ed, ex, vi, and sed      
replacing text, metacharacters for      
repositories, associated with channels      
repositories, converting from CVS to Subversion      
repositories, source code management systems      
repositories, Subversion      
repositories, svnadmin administrative tool      
repositories, svnlook tool, examining with      
reset command      
reset command, ftp      
resize command (ex)      
resize2fs command      
resolved command (svn)      
restart command (ftp)      
Restore command      
restricted shells      
return command      
return command, awk      
return command, bash and ksh      
rev command      
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)      
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), GRUB rarp command      
reverse-order printing of files (tac)      
revert command (svn)      
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