Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Poeschel J. — Inverse Spectral Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Absolutely continuous 2
Adjoint 128
Algebraic multiplicity 30
Analytic isomorphism 141
Analytic isomorphism, local 141
Analytic map 132
Analytic map, real 139
Analytic map, weakly 133
Analyticity properties 10
Basic Estimates 13
Basis 46
Boundary condition 25
Boundary value problem 25
Cauchy’s formula 134
Chain rule 130
Compact 18 126
Compact, map 126
Compact, operator 159
continuous 125
Continuous absolutely 2
Continuously differentiable 126
Coordinate system 149
Counting Lemma 28
Deformation Lemma 41
Derivative 20 126
Derivative at a point 126
Derivative, partial 144
Determinant 102
Determinant, Fredholm 106
Diffeomorphism 149
Differentiable 126
Differentiable at a point 126
Differentiable, continuously 126
Dirichlet, boundary condition 25
Dirichlet, eigenfunction 25
Dirichlet, eigenvalue 25
Dirichlet, spectrum 25
Elementary row transformation 170
Even function 41 53
Existence and uniqueness theorem 146 156
Exponential map 77
Fiber 50 153
Fibration 79
Finite rank operator 159
Flow 147
Fredholm, alternative 161
Fredholm, determinant 106
Fredholm, operator 161
Fundamental solution 1
Gaussian elimination scheme 169
Geometric multiplicity 30
Gradient 20 127
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 160
Homogeneous polynomial 132
Implicit function theorem 144
Independent 46
Initial value 73 145 156
integral 131
Inverse Dirichlet problem 50
| Inverse function theorem 142
Isomorphism, analytic 141
Isomorphism, linear 46
Isomorphism, local analytic 141
Isospectral set 49
Korteweg — de Vries equation 87
Linear independence 46
Linear isomorphism 46
Lipschitz 146
Local analytic isomorphism 141
Local existence and uniqueness theorem 146 156
Locally bounded 133
Map, analytic 132
Map, compact 18 126
Map, continuous 125
Map, differentiable 126
Map, exponential 77
Mean value theorem 131
Method of shooting 26
Minor 102
Multiplicity 30
Norm on 1
Norm, operator 131
Normal space 152
Odd function 39 41 53
Operator, compact 159
Operator, Fredholm 161
Operator, norm 131
Operator, self adjoint 25
Partial derivative 144
Picard iteration 10
Polarization identity 133
Polynomial 132
Power series 2 5 132
Principal minor 102
QR-algorithm 97
Radius of weak analyticity 133
Real analytic map 139
Real analytic submanifold 150
Regular value 153
Regular value theorem 154
Riemann integral 131
Row transformation 170
Semi-group-property 147
Shooting, method of 26
Smooth 130
Solution 2
Solution, curve 73 145 156
Solution, fundamental 1
Splitting 149
Submanifold 149
Tangent space 151
Taylor series expansion 131
Taylor’s Formula 131
Trace class 106
Vectorfield 145 156
Weakly analytic map 133
Weierstrass P-function 35
wronskian 11
Wronskian, identity 11
Реклама |