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Lewin L. — Polylogarithms and Associated Functions |
Предметный указатель |
Abel, N. H. 8 18 28 31 93 135 174 177 238 240 262 269 356
Adams, J. C. 312
Andrews, C. 145
Appell 236
Ashour, A. 28 313
Bernoulli, J. 189 356
Bernoulli, numbers 193
Bernoulli, polynomials 200 236
Bertrand 18 28
Blissard, J. 23
Boehm. J. 115
Borsellino, A. 32
Bowman. F. 219 227
Clausen 32 33 35 69 73 102 158 191 246 312
Clausen, function 101
Clausen, function, addition equation 110 115
Clausen, function, expansion 105 106
Clausen, function, factorization formula 104
Clausen, function, functional equation 108
Clausen, function, geometric relations 115
Clausen, function, particular values 103 106 107
Clausen, function, periodic properties 102
Clausen, function, relation to 110 121
Clausen, function, relation to 106 107
Corrington, M. S. 28 313
Coxeter, H. S. M. 115 118
de Doelder, P. J. 23 267
definitions 27
Dilogarithm branch cut 2
Dilogarithm factorization formula 6
Dilogarithm functional equations, many variables 16 18
Dilogarithm functional equations, single variable 4 5 10 11
Dilogarithm functional equations, two variables 8 9 10 13
Dilogarithm integral equations 23—27
Dilogarithm inversion relation 4
Dilogarithm numerical relations 6 117 144 145
Dilogarithm series expansions 21
Dilogarithm of complex argument addition formula for the angle 141 147
Dilogarithm of complex argument factorization formula 123
Dilogarithm of complex argument functional equations, derived 134
Dilogarithm of complex argument functional equations, inversion relation 126
Dilogarithm of complex argument functional equations, single variable 126—130
Dilogarithm of complex argument functional equations, two variables 132
Dilogarithm of complex argument special values, angle 131 137—139
Dilogarithm of complex argument special values, argument 124—126
Eastham, M. S. P. 237 238
Edwards. J. 18 19 28 156
Erdelyi 28
Euler, L. 1 5 6 28 189
Euler, numbers 195
Feyer. W. 28
Finlayson, D. 35
Fletcher, A. 312
Fornberg, B. 314
Fuchs. W. H. J. 231
Functional equations 239
Generalized inverse tangent integral addition equation 96
Generalized inverse tangent integral definitions 41 68
Generalized inverse tangent integral derived relations 93 108
Generalized inverse tangent integral duplication formula 73 80 88
Generalized inverse tangent integral factorisation formula 89 90
Generalized inverse tangent integral form beyond singularity 83
Generalized inverse tangent integral form near singularity 72
Generalized inverse tangent integral interchange formula 71 78
Generalized inverse tangent integral inversion relation 75
Generalized inverse tangent integral multiplication formula 92
Generalized inverse tangent integral multivariate equations 76 79 84
Generalized inverse tangent integral relation to 107
Generalized inverse tangent integral special values 71 72 94
Generalized inverse tangent integral symmetry relation 68
Glaisher, J. W. L. 192 200 202 267—269
Golden-ratio integrals 232—235
hadamard 29
Hill, C. J. 1 9 18 28 29 69 102 110 120 121 176 258 259 312 355
Hoelder, O. 28 30 31
Hypergeometric function, relation to dilogarithm 30
Integrals from Coxeter's series 117 118
Inverse tangent integral duplication formula 40 42
Inverse tangent integral functional equation, several variables 59
Inverse tangent integral functional equation, two variables 62
Inverse tangent integral inversion relation 39
Inverse tangent integral multiplication formula 47
Inverse tangent integral numerical values 44 45 47 51
Inverse tangent integral quadruplication formulas 51—59
Inverse tangent integral relation to 106
Inverse tangent integral relation to 38
Inverse tangent integral triplication formula 46
Jonquiere, A. 5 193 236
Kapteyn. W. 274
Koelbig, K. S. 314
Kuester, F. 237
Kummer's function 199
Kummer, E. E. 5 9 10 13 16 28 33 102 114 120 121 122 123 136 137 142 152 154 166 175 177 178 181 182 184 186 187 193 199 206 209 213 216 238 239 312 355 356
Landen, J. 5 6 19 20 153 155 156 233
Laplace integrals 277
Laptev, B. L. 115
Legendre, function, definition 18
Legendre, function, integrals 256 274 275
| Legendre, function, multiplication formula 20
Legendre, function, numerical values 19
Legendre, function, relation to 38 49
Legendre, function, single variable equation 19
Legendre, A. M. 18 19 28 32
Leibniz. G. W. 336
Lerch's function 30
Lobacewskil space 35 115 118
Maier, W. 18 115
Mathematisch Centrum 28 313
Mitchell. K. 28 30 312
Muller, P. F. 115
Newman, F. W. 10 11 14 28 61 94 102 105 121 124 127 128 129 132 134 136 138 139 152 186 191 193 199 240 246 252 255 259 260 312 355
Nielsen, N. 5 10 18 21 22 28 29 45 120 122 153 227 265 266 267 274 349 355
Notation 1 27—29 39 121 145
Occurrence in physical problems 31—35 274 277
Pate. R. C 274
Phillip, J. R. 28 35
Picard, W. F. 236
Polylogarithm, absence of functional equations for n > 5 239
Polylogarithm, absence of recurrence relation 238
Polylogarithm, associated Clausen function 200
Polylogarithm, associated Clausen function, relation to Bn (a) 202
Polylogarithm, associated integrals 199
Polylogarithm, complex zeroes 314
Polylogarithm, definition 189
Polylogarithm, factorization formula 197
Polylogarithm, fifth order function 212
Polylogarithm, fifth order function, functional equation, single variable 213
Polylogarithm, fifth order function, functional equation, two variables 216
Polylogarithm, fifth order function, inversion relation 212
Polylogarithm, fourth order function 202
Polylogarithm, fourth order function, complex forms 205
Polylogarithm, fourth order function, functional equation, single variable 208
Polylogarithm, fourth order function, functional equation, two variables 211
Polylogarithm, fourth order function, generalized Clausen function 191 198
Polylogarithm, fourth order function, log sine integrals 205
Polylogarithm, fourth order function, log sine integrals, special values 206
Polylogarithm, fourth order function, numerical values 212
Polylogarithm, generating function 237
Polylogarithm, golden-ratio and related integrals 232—235
Polylogarithm, imaginary argument 190
Polylogarithm, inverse tangent integral 195
Polylogarithm, inversion relation 192
Polylogarithm, inversion relation for 196
Polylogarithm, Kummer's function 199
Polylogarithm, log sine integrals 191 192 200 216—232
Polylogarithm, log sine integrals, quasi periodicity 220
Polylogarithm, log sine integrals, special values 230
Polylogarithm, nonintegral order 34 236
Polylogarithm, nonintegral order, duplication formula 236
Polylogarithm, nonintegral order, inversion relation 236
Powell. E. O. 28 312
Ramanujan, S. 28 45
Relation of dilogarithm to other functions 30
Richmond 7 45
Rogers, L. J. 16 18 28 59 110 187 269 356
Sabri. A. 28 313
Sandham. H. F. 28 186 187 356
Sang, E. 28
Schaeffer, W. 9 10 28 176 177 260 262 263
Schlaeffli, L. 115 118
Schlomilch, O. 28
Sim, A. C 34
Spence, W. 5 8 9 28 32 39 40 43 69 86 90 94 95 122 137 138 139 140 142 154 172 173 177 181 193 195 259 263 265 271 312 349 355
Stieltjes. T. J. 267
Summation of series 237 260—269
Sylvester, J. J. 275
Szekeres. G. 7 145
Tabular values 34 102 312
Thomas, D. E. 313
Trigonometric integrals 253—260 274 278
Trigonometric integrals, special numerical values 276
Trilogarithm, complex forms 161 164 165 171 180 229
Trilogarithm, functional equations, for Rummer's 184
Trilogarithm, functional equations, for several variables 187
Trilogarithm, functional equations, for single variable 155 161 178
Trilogarithm, functional equations, for two variables 173 177 186
Trilogarithm, functional equations, of Newman's type 185 186
Trilogarithm, generalization of Clausen's function 162
Trilogarithm, generalization of Clausen's function, factorization formula 163
Trilogarithm, generalization of Clausen's function, functional equation 180
Trilogarithm, generalization of Clausen's function, special values 163
Trilogarithm, inverse tangent integral 166
Trilogarithm, inversion relation 154
Trilogarithm, Legendre's function: special values 179
Trilogarithm, log sine integrals 165 169 272
Trilogarithm, numerical values 155 156 179
Trilogarithm, real part 167
Trilogarithm, real part factorization formula 168
Trilogarithm, real part inversion relation 168
Trilogarithm, real part special angles 168
Trilogarithm, Rummer's function , definition 165 182
Truesdell, C. 313
Van Wijngaarden 28 313
Watson, G. N. 145 146
Wechsung, G. 239
Wutzler, G. 18
Wynn, P. 34
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