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Название: Combinatorial Geometry in the Plane
Авторы: Hugo Hadwiger, Hans Debrunner
On boch high school and collegiate levels, chc concenc and approach of our machemacics curriculum have changed materially ia. recenc years.
Though many pedagogic improvemencs have resulted, chree imporcanc problems are unseeded. One of chese, widely recognized by chc professional commiccees chac have sparked che curriculum change, is " Whac should be done about geomecry?" Powerfully influenced by Euclid's example of over two chousand years ago, some machemacicians feel chac geomecry is scill che ideal subjecc for introducing che studene со rigorous choughc. Ochers argue chat che logical structure of geomecry is much coo complicaced for this purpose, chat Euclid had no choice because geomecry was the machemacics of his day, and chat in any case chtr cradicional axiomacic approach со
geomecry is inefficienc. T