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Название: Braid and Knot Theory in Dimension Four
Автор: Seiichi Kamada
Knot theory is currently one of the most active research fields in topology. the classical sense it is the study of circles (closed 1-manifold) in Euclidean 3-space or a 3-sphere S 3. This is generalized to higher dimensional knot theory furthermore to the study of manifold pairs or topological space pairs up to homeomorphism (in the topological, PL, or smooth category). Since topology is study of topological spaces up to homeomorphism, knot theory in this global sense is a quite wide area of topology. Two-dimensional knot theory or knot theory dimension four deals with surfaces in 4-space. We will refer to them as "surface links" in this book. This is one branch of knot theory in the global sense. However it mysterious. Classical knots have been studied for long time.