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Название: Methods and Models for Stability, Controllability and Reliability Analysis of Systems Motion
Автор: Kujundzic S. M.
This is one of the first books on development of mathematical principles and methods for system analysis of stability and controllability of dynamic systems, including flying vehicles. Common principle of motion, stability and continuity theory serves as basis for the analysis. The main part of this research is devoted stability problems in terms of A.M. Lyapunov and to the questions connected with them, viz. local controllability questions (controllability in the small) and overall controllability questions (controllability in the large). Besides, this book gives systematical analysis of safety and reliability for flying vehicles and other sophisticated engineering systems regardless of their type and life-cycle period. This book will arouse interest of the specialists dealing with reliability, safety, stability and controllability issues of technical objects motion. This book will be also useful for M.A. and Ph.D. students.