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J. K. Truss — Foundations of mathematical analysis MCet
J. K. Truss — Foundations of mathematical analysis MCet

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Название: Foundations of mathematical analysis MCet

Автор: J. K. Truss

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель без номеров страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 365

Добавлена в каталог: 16.05.2020

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Rational metric space      122 132
Rational number      64 95 318
Rational projective line      71
Rational sequence      155
Real axis      175
Real line      95 115
Real number      95 100 121
Real Number Generator      314
Real part      175
Real polynomial      106
Real power      155
Real vector space      123
Real World      310
Real-closed field      101 113 172 181 200
Real-closure      173 181
Real-valued function      155
Reciprocal      209
rectangle      144 148 269
Recur      74
Recurrence relation      91
Recurring continued fraction      243
Recurring decimal      72 74 221
Recursion theory      292 301
Recursive definition      6
Recursive function      49 292
Recursive ordinal      293
Recursively enumerable set      292
Reflection principle      304
Reflexive      3 15
Reflexive ordering      24
Refutable      17
Regular polygon      148
Relation      3
Relation symbol      329
Relative consistency      298
Relatively definable      291
Remainder      57 80 222
Remainder theorem      89
Repeated root      89
Replacement axiom      28
Representable      18
Residual      258
Restriction      3 184
RESULT      285
Reversed order mg      116
Riemann dissection      271
Riemann integrable      152
Riemann integral      148 152 269
Riemann lower integral      151
Riemann lower sum      151
Riemann upper integral      151
Riemann upper sum      151
Right coset      42 182
Right derivative      155 261
Right long rational line      116
Right long real line      116
Right multiplication      187
Right-angled triangle      148
Ring      38 50 138
Ring homomorphism      62
Ring isomorphism      62
Ring of polynomials      66 64 86
Ring with identity      50
Ring-with-Brl      50
Rolle's theorem      156 319
Roman numeral      71
Root      49 89 105 118 188 193
Root of unity      176
Root system      234
rosser      19
Rouche's theorem      202
Row-into-column multiplication      52
Ruffini      193
Russell      1 5 34
Same ratio      111
scalar      81 178
Scattered      289
Schroeder — Bernstein theorem      34
Scott      304 320
Secant      169
Second countable      246
Second order      8 31 112
Section      269 274
Semi-closed interval      108
Sentence      17 329
Separable      246
Separable extension      188 190
SEQUENCE      27 72
Sequence of functions      162
Sequence of members of a set      72
Sequentially complete      136
Series      73 137
Series expansion      169
Series of functions      162
Set      2
Set inclusion      33
Set theory      1 22 47 117 298
Sets without the property of Baire      282
sh      117
Shelah      287
Sierpinski      247 254
Sierpinski 2-point space      122
Sierpinski — Erdoes duality theorem      280
Simple closed contour      202
Simple group      186
Simple induction      28
Simplicial complex      262
Sine      162 164 175 228
Skolem language      331
Skolem's paradox      31 114
Small      235 279
Smallness      258
Solovay      286 304 334
Soluble group      181 185
Soluble in radicals      193
Solving equations by radicals      193
Soundness      298
Space of irrational numbers      236
span      82 83
Sperner      262
Splits      118
Splitting field      172 188
Square      148
Square root      93 112 193 208 222
Square-free      208
Stability theory      220
Stabilizer      187
Standard      17
Standard model      30
Steinitz exchange property      83
Stone      134
Strategy      285
Strictly decreasing      169
Strictly decreasing sequence      128
Strictly increasing      319
Strictly increasing continuous function      135
Strictly increasing sequence      128 151
Strong irrational      318
Sub-base      107 143
Subalgebra      254
Subcover      109
Subfield      80
Subgroup      42
Sublinear      332
Subring      65 139
Subsequence      128 139 151
Subset      2
subspace      83
Subspace topology      108 146
Subsystems of PA      30
Subtraction      16 88
Successor      6
Successor ordinal      27
SUM      292
Sum of three squares      140
Sum rule      155
Sup      97
Support      184
Supremum      97
Supremum norm      124
Surd      111 112 209 222
Susim line      117
Suslin      117
Suslin tree      117 119
Suslin — Kleene theorem      298
Suslin's hypothesis      117
Suslin's operation      293
Suslin's Problem      117
Suslin's Theorem      298
Sylow p-subgroup      187
Sylow's theorem      181 187
symmetric      3
Symmetric difference      281
Symmetric function      196
Symmetric group      183
Symmetric integer polynomial      216
Symmetry      38
Symmetry group      173
Syntactic object      331
Tail set      278
Tally system      71
Tangent      169 228
Tarski      327
Tarski's truth definition      300
Taxicab distance      124
Taylor's theorem      157 165 319
Term-by-term differentiation      164
Terminating continued fraction      243
Terminating decimal      72 221
ternary      79
Ternary expansion      235
Ternary relation      3
Theorem      13
Theory      17
Topological dimension      247 248
Topological interpretation      320
Topological invariant      247
Topological space      106 143
topology      101 106 121 143
Torsion-free divisible abelian group      49
Total ordering      16
Totally disconnected      248
Totally finite measure      262 269
Transcendence base      220
Transcendence dimension      220
Transcendence of $\pi$      217
Transcendence of e      214
Transcendental      178
Transcendental number      211
Transfinite      136
Transfinite induction      23 180
Transfinite sequence      136
Transitive      3 24 299
Transitive set      24
Translation      268 279
Translation-invariant      268 279
Transposition      185
TREE      118
Tree representation      234
triangle      121 148 252
Triangle inequality      70 102 121 234
Triangulation      252
Trichotomy      315 317 325
Trigonometric function      154 176 222
TRUE      309
Truth      20
Truth table      329
Truth value      234 329
Twin primes conjecture      30 311
Two-directional long rational line      116
Tychonoff product theorem      145
Tychonoff product topology      143 234 247 329
UFD      53
Ultrafilter      134 146 329
Ultrametric inequality      125 137 234
Ultraproduct      331
Unary operation      41
Unary relation      3
Unbounded function      270
Uncountable      114
Undecidable      11 17 30 117 288 298
Uniform convergence      147 162 229
Uniform limit      147
Uniformly continuous      147 261
union      2 292
Unique factorization      16
Unique factorization domain      53
Uniqueness      39
UNIT      53
Unit circle      275 276
Unit interval      235
Universal quantifier      292
Universe      5 113 299
Unordered pair      2
Upper bound      33 97
Valid      331
Valuation      137
Variable      12 162
Vector      81
Vector space      34 81 123 174 178.
Vertical section      278
Vitali      275 262
Volume      148
von Neumann      22 24
Weak counter-example      311
Weak forms of the axiom of choice      327
Well approximated      261
Well-formed formula      12
Well-founded      54
Well-founded Tree      333
Well-ordered      24
Well-ordered cardinal      34
Well-ordered family      277
Well-ordering      24
Well-ordering theorem      32 277 326
Wielandt      187
Wiles      311
Winding number      202
Winning position      285
Winning strategy      265
Zermelo      5 22 326
Zermelo — Fraenkel      6
Zero      6
Zero-divisor      51 64
Zero-one law      278
ZF      5
ZFC      6
Zorn's lemma      32 84 119 145
1 2 3 4
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