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Название: Heat (A text book of physics): Eighth Edition
Авторы: Poynting J.H., Sir Thomson J.J.
This volume on Heat is the third of a series forming a Text-Book on Physics. The first two volumes dealt with tho Properties of Matter and Sound, and the succeeding volumes will deal with Magnetism and Electricity, and Light.
The Text-Book is intended chiefly for the use of students who lay most stress on the study of the experimental part of Physics, and who have not yet reached the stage at which the reading of advanced treatisos on special subjects is desirable. Tо bring the subject within the compass thus prescribed, an account is given only of phenomena which are of special importance, or which appear to throw light on other branches of Physics, and the mathematical methods adopted are very elementary. The student
who possesses a knowledge of advanced mathematical methods, and who knows how to use them, will, no doubt, be able to work out and remember most easily a theory which uses such methods. But at present a large number of earnest students of Physics are not so equipped, and tho authors aim at giving an account of the
subject which will be useful to students of this class. Even for the reader who is mathematically trained, there is some advantage in the study of elementary methods, compensating for their cumbrous form. They bring before us more evidently the points at which various assumptions are made, and they render more
prominent the conditions under which the theory holds good.
Hydrochloric acid, molecular weight85 Hydrochloric acid, radiations absorbed by235 Hydrochloric acid, specific heat85 Hydrogen thermometer49—50 Hydrogen, as standard scale124 Hydrogen, atomic heat8386 Hydrogen, atomic weight84 Hydrogen, boiling and melting-points119 Hydrogen, co-efficient of pressure increase when volume is kept constant under rising temperature46 Hydrogen, collision frequency147 Hydrogen, critical constants of191 Hydrogen, critical point of188199 Hydrogen, critical pressure199 Hydrogen, diameter of molecules149 Hydrogen, effusion of141 Hydrogen, expansion of, with rise of temperature42 Hydrogen, heat conductivity of106107 Hydrogen, intrinsic energy of299 Hydrogen, liquefaction of197199 Hydrogen, mean free path of147149 Hydrogen, melting and boiling points12 Hydrogen, number of molecules in 1 cc.149 Hydrogen, radiation of243 Hydrogen, specific heat of848586293294 Hydrogen, thermometric use of1011300 Hydrogen, transparency of, to radiations235 Hydrogen, value of for139 Hydrogen, viscosity of146147 Hydrometer, -tube, for measuring expansion of liquids by heat29—36 Hygrometer, chemical212—213 Hygrometer, Dines's210—211 Hygrometer, Regnault's209—210 Hygrometer, wet and dry bulb211—212 Hygrometry209—215 Ice, action of heat on157158 Ice, crystalline forms of207 Ice, Davy's experiment with111—112 Ice, effect of pressure on melting-point of203—207317—319 Ice, evaporation of208309—312 Ice, formation of233234 Ice, freezing200 Ice, haloes and parhelia due to crystals of216—217 Ice, isothermals of207 Ice, melting of200206 Ice, melting-point of, as zero of thermometric scales4512 Ice, molecular heat of87 Ice, preservation of233 Ice, regelation of201—203 Ice, relative volumes of water and201 Ice, specific gravity of72 Ice, specific heat of83 Ice, use of, in calorimetry72—73 Ice, vapour pressure of173206309 Ice-water change of state307—312 Iceland spar, heat conductivity of101 Indian ink, absorptive power of229231 Indian ink, emissive power of226227231 Indiarubber, indicator diagram for stress and strain in304 Indiarubber, strain energy of112 Indicator-diagram for stresses and strains302—305 Indicator-diagram for water-steam185—188 Indicator-diagram of work done by a body in expansion259—260 Ingenhousz, on diffusibility of heat94 Iodine, atomic heat86 Iodine, atomic weight86 Iodine, specific heat86 Iron, atomic heat87 Iron, atomic weight87 Iron, electric conductivity of100 Iron, emissive power of226 Iron, expansion and contraction of, by heat and cold used for drawing walls together and fixing hoops25 Iron, heat conductivity of8992979899100 Iron, indicator diagram for stresses and strains in302—304 Iron, linear expansion of, as rails, bridges, pipes, &c.17222526 Iron, method of Bureau International des Poids et Mesures1920 Iron, radiating power of239 Iron, Ramsden's method of measuring expansion of cast-iron bars1819 Iron, specific heat of658187 Iron, value of for270 Iron, velocity of light in100 Isentropics261 Isometrics261 Isopiestics261 Isothermals186 260 Isotonic solutions328 Jamin and Amaury, on specific heat of water77 Jamin and Richard, on specific heats294 Jamin, on light and its heat effect224 Jamin, on vapour densities176 Jolly, air thermometer devised by48—49 Joly, differential steam calorimeter of75—76 Joly, of air and other gases86294 Joly, on specific heat of water78 Joly, on the mechanical equivalent of heat119 Joly, steam calorimeter of73—75 Joule and Playfair, method of ascertaining temperature of maximum density of water38—40 Joule, on adiabatic changes287 Joule, on energy taken up by an expanding gas296 see Joule, on hydrogen199 Joule, on specific heat of water76 Joule, on the mechanical equivalent of heat120—124127 Joule, on the velocity of molecules140—142 Kammerlingh-Onnes, liquefaction of gases198 Kelvin (Lord), on effect of pressure on melting-point of ice203204309 Kelvin (Lord), on heat conductivities of substances103 Kelvin (Lord), on vapour pressure of curved liquid surfaces314—317 Kelvin (Lord), on work done in expanding gases297 Kelvin (Lord), work scale of temperature9259 Kiddsee "M'Connel" Kinetic energy, conception of1109129 Kinetic energy, relation of, to heat energy118—128130199 Kinetic theory of matter129—156 Kinetic theory of matter, atomic hypotheses129—133 Kinetic theory of matter, Avogadro's law137 Kinetic theory of matter, conduction of heat in gases147—148 Kinetic theory of matter, effusion or transpiration through a small orifice into a vacuum140 Kinetic theory of matter, energy of translation and internal energy138—140 Kinetic theory of matter, forces acting on unequally heated surfaces in high vacua140—152 Kinetic theory of matter, gases133 Kinetic theory of matter, Joule's approximate method of calculating the velocity of mean square140 Kinetic theory of matter, length of same143—144 Kinetic theory of matter, mean value of the square of the velocity of translation134—137 Kinetic theory of matter, mixture of gases137 Kinetic theory of matter, relation between V and temperature137 Kinetic theory of matter, the diameter of molecules and number of molecules per cubic centimetre148—149 Kinetic theory of matter, the gas equation of Van der Waals152—156 Kinetic theory of matter, the mean free path142—143 Kinetic theory of matter, the mean free path calculated from the coefficient of viscosity of a gas144—147 Kinetic theory of matter, thermal transpiration141—142 Kirchhoff, on vapour-pressure of ice173 Knoblauch, on diffusion231 Kopp, on molecular and atomic heats87 Kundt and Warburg, heat conductivity of gases107 Kundt, experiments on relation of light, heat, and electric conductivities of metals100 Kurlbaum, on energy of radiation250256 Lampblack, absorption of heat by225231232 Lampblack, radiation absorptive power of230237 Lampblack, radiation diffusion by231 Lampblack, radiation, emissive power of226227231232239 Lampblack, transparency to radiations of great wave length234 Langley, on radiation222226227—228234242252253—254256 Laplace, on velocity of sound290 Larmor, on radiation333 Latent heat157178—182204—205 Latent heat, first equation306—312 Latent heat, second equation312—314 Lavoisier and Laplace's method of measuring expansion of bars by heat20—23 Le Chatelier, thermo-electric thermometer of12 Lead, atomic heat87 Lead, atomic weight87