Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kalinins E.G. — Separation of Variables for Riemannian Spaces of Constant Curvature |
Предметный указатель |
Abelian algebra 24
Adjoint action 137
Algebraic complement 158
Anticommutator bracket 67
Benenti, S. 23 108 133 153
Birational transformation 125
Block diagonal form 31
Bocher, M. 125 128
Cartesian coordinates 65
Christoffel symbols 16
Complete integral 1 12
Conformal curvature tensor 112
Conformal Lie symmetry 109
Conformal Lie symmetry, operator 108
Conformally Euclidean space 112
Conical coordinates 65
Coordinates, first class/second class 15
Curvature tensor 161
Cyclidic coordinates 125
Cylindrical coordinates 65
Dall'Acqua, F.A. 16
Eisenhart, L.P. 20 76
Ellipsoidal coordinates on 63 64
Ellipsoidal coordinates on 34 42
Elliptic coordinates 97
Elliptic cylindrical coordinates 65
Elliptic parabolic coordinates 97
Euclidean n-space 56
Euclidean operators 149
Galilean algebra 134
Graph 47
Hamiltotiian 14
Harmonic oscillator, classical 1
Harmonic oscillator, quantum mechanical 4
Haux, A. 22
Heat equation 131
Helmholtz equation 3 28 127
Horicyclic coordinates 97
Hyperbolic coordinates 97
| Hyperbolic parabolic coordinates 97
Hyperboloid, n-dimensionai 3 70
Ignorable variable 8
Integrability conditions 157
Keid, G.J. 130 135 141
Killing tensor 26
Levi Civita, T. 12
Lie algebra, of 56
Lie algebra, of 70
Lie algebra, of 25
Lie symmetry operator 27
Linear first integral 24
Liouvilie, J. 6
Liouville form 6 7
Miller, W.Jr. 34
Oblate spheroidal coordinates 65
Operator commutator bracker 27
Parabolic coordinates in 63
Parabolic cylindrical coordinates 65
Pentaspherical coordinates 110
Poisson bracket 11
Potential lt 3
Prange, G. 22
Prolate spheroidal coordinates 65
Riemannian manifold 2 3
Robertson condition 3 19 28
Robertson, H.P. 19
Semicircular parabolic coordinates 97
Semihyperbolic coordinates 97
Separation of variables, additive 1
Separation of variables, important problems 2
Separation of variables, product separation 4
Separation of variables, R-separation 108 127
Sphere 3
Spherical coordinates 65 97
Staecker's theorem 9 10
Staekel, P. 7 9 11 12
Staekel, P. form 9 10 21
Staekel, P. matrix 10
Staekel, P. multiplier 117
Vilenkin, N.Ya. 47 90
Реклама |