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Dubinko M. — XForms Essentials
Dubinko M. — XForms Essentials

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Название: XForms Essentials

Автор: Dubinko M.


XForms Essentials is an introduction and practical guide to the new XForms specification. Written by Micah Dubinko, a member of the W3C XForms working group and an editor of the specification, the book explains the how and why of XForms, showing readers how to take advantage of them without having to write their own code. You'll learn how to integrate XForms with both HTML and XML vocabularies, and how XForms can simplify the connection between client-based user input and server-based processing. If you work with forms, HTML, or XML information, XForms Essentials will provide you with a much simpler route to more sophisticated interactions with users.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 240

Добавлена в каталог: 07.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
xforms-previous event      
xforms-readonly event      
xforms-readwrite events      
xforms-ready event      
xforms-rebuild event      
xforms-recalculate event      
xforms-refresh event      2nd
xforms-required event      
xforms-reset event      
xforms-revalidate event      
xforms-scroll-first event      
xforms-scroll-last event      
xforms-select event      2nd
xforms-submit event      2nd
xforms-submit-done event      2nd
xforms-submit-error event      2nd
xforms-valid event      
xforms-value-changed event      
xforms:daytimeDuration datatype, XForms      
xforms:listItem datatype, XForms      
xforms:listItems datatype, XForms      
xforms:mustUnderstand attribute      
xforms:yearMonthDuration datatype, XForms      
XHTML      [See also HTML forms]
XHTML, combining with XForms      2nd
XHTML, extensibility of      
XHTML, history of      
XHTML, media type for      
XHTML, Modularization of XHTML specification      2nd
XHTML, namespace      
XHTML, navigation list element      
XLink, limitations of      
XML data model      
XML Forms Package, IBM      
XML Information Set      
XML Localization design pattern      
XML schema      
XML Schema, (van der Vlist)      
XML Schema, book about      
XML Schema, datatypes      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
XML Schema, for Instances namespace      
XML Schema, namespace      
XML Schema, XForms development and      
XML Schema, xs:anyURI datatype      
XML Schema, xs:base64Binary datatype      
XML Schema, xs:boolean datatype      2nd
XML Schema, xs:byte datatype      
XML Schema, xs:date datatype      
XML Schema, xs:dateTime datatype      
XML Schema, xs:decimal datatype      
XML Schema, xs:double datatype      2nd
XML Schema, xs:duration datatype      
XML Schema, xs:ENTITY datatype      
XML Schema, xs:float datatype      
XML Schema, xs:gDay datatype      
XML Schema, xs:gMonth datatype      
XML Schema, xs:gMonthDay datatype      
XML Schema, xs:gYear datatype      
XML Schema, xs:gYearMonth datatype      
XML Schema, xs:hexBinary datatype      
XML Schema, xs:ID datatype      2nd
XML Schema, xs:IDREF datatype      
XML Schema, xs:int datatype      
XML Schema, xs:integer datatype      
XML Schema, xs:language datatype      
XML Schema, xs:long datatype      
XML Schema, xs:Name datatype      
XML Schema, xs:NCName datatype      
XML Schema, xs:negativeInteger datatype      
XML Schema, xs:NMTOKEN datatype      
XML Schema, xs:nonNegativeInteger datatype      
XML Schema, xs:nonPositiveInteger datatype      
XML Schema, xs:normalizedString datatype      
XML Schema, xs:NOTATION datatype      
XML Schema, xs:positiveInteger datatype      
XML Schema, xs:QName datatype      
XML Schema, xs:short datatype      
XML Schema, xs:string datatype      2nd
XML Schema, xs:time datatype      
XML Schema, xs:token datatype      
XML Schema, xs:unsignedByte datatype      
XML Schema, xs:unsignedInt datatype      
XML Schema, xs:unsignedLong datatype      
XML Schema, xs:unsignedShort datatype      
XML, addressing parts of      [See XPath]
XML, events      2nd
XML, history of      
XML, nodes      [See nodes]
XML, web site about      
XML, XForms and      2nd
XPath      2nd 3rd
XPath data model      2nd
XPath, absolute paths      2nd
XPath, attributes in      2nd
XPath, axes in      2nd
XPath, binding with      
XPath, built-in functions      
XPath, computed expressions      2nd
XPath, context for      
XPath, datatypes      
XPath, design pattern for      
XPath, extension functions for      2nd
XPath, filtering expressions with predicates      
XPath, Location Paths and      
XPath, namespace in      
XPath, node-set returned by      
XPath, operators      
XPath, relative paths      
XPath, rendering results on a form      
XPath, using in XForms      
xsi:type attribute      
[] (square brackets)      
[] (square brackets), in regular expression      
[] (square brackets), in XPath      2nd
\ (backslash) escape sequences, in regular expression      
^ (caret), in regular expression      
| (union operator), in computed expression      
1 2 3 4
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