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Dubinko M. — XForms Essentials |
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!= (inequality operator), in computed expression
"lazy author" processing 2nd 3rd
#xA, as line ending in node value
* (asterisk) test, in Location Path
* (multiply operator), in computed expression
+ (plus operator), in computed expression
- (minus operator), in computed expression
. (dot)
. (dot), escape sequence, in regular expression
. (dot), in XPath 2nd
.. (dot dot), in XPath 2nd
.htaccess file
.xhtml file extension
.xsl extension, InfoPath
/ (slash), in XPath 2nd
// (double slash), in XPath
::repeat-index property 2nd
::repeat-item property 2nd
::value property 2nd
:disabled property [See also relevant property]2nd
:enabled property
:in-range property
:invalid property 2nd
:optional property
:out-of-range property
:read-only property
:read-write property
:required property 2nd
:valid property
< (less than operator)
< (less than operator), in computed expression
< (less than operator), in predicate
<= (less than or equal to operator), in computed expression
<alert> element, in form controls 2nd
<bind> element 2nd 3rd
<bind> element, computed expressions with
<bind> element, context nodes and
<bind> element, examples of 2nd
<button> element, HTML forms 2nd
<case> element 2nd
<copy> element, select and select1 form controls
<extension> element
<fieldset> element, HTML forms
<filename> element, upload form control
<form> element
<group> element 2nd
<help> element, in form controls 2nd
<hint> element, in form controls 2nd
<input> element, HTML forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
<instance> element 2nd 3rd
<instance> element, multiple, in one model 2nd 3rd
<itemset> element, select and select1 form controls 2nd
<label> element
<label> element, HTML forms
<label> element, output form control
<legend> element, HTML forms
<listener> element
<mediatype> element, upload form control
<model> element 2nd
<model> element, multiple, in one document
<model> element, multiple, to separate data to be submitted
<nl> element 2nd
<option> element, HTML forms
<output> element
<repeat> element 2nd
<select> element, HTML forms 2nd 3rd
<submission> element 2nd 3rd
<switch> element 2nd 3rd
<textarea> element, HTML forms
<value> element, select and select1 form controls
= (equality operator), in computed expression
> (greater than operator)
> (greater than operator), in computed expression
> (greater than operator), in predicate
>= (greater than or equal to operator), in computed expression
@ (at-sign), in XPath 2nd
abbreviated axes
absolute paths, in XPath 2nd
accessibility of forms
accesskey attribute
accesskey attribute, HTML form controls
accesskey attribute, XForms form controls
action action
action attribute, <submission> element 2nd
Actions [See XForms Actions]
addition operator (+), in computed expression
alert() function [See message action]
ancestor axis 2nd
ancestor-or-self axis 2nd
and operator, in computed expression
appearance attribute
appearance attribute, select form control
appearance attribute, select1 form control
application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization format
application/xml serialization format
arithmetic operators, XPath
asterisk (*)
asterisk (*), in Location Path
asterisk (*), multiply operator in computed expression
at attribute
at attribute, delete action
at attribute, insert action
at-sign (@), in XPath 2nd
attribute axis 2nd
attribute nodes 2nd
Attributes [See also specific attributes]
attributes, binding 2nd
attributes, in XPath 2nd
attributes, mapping to form data
attributes, of nodes 2nd
attributes, repeating with
audio input, upload form control
autofill of form controls
AVG() function
axes, in XPath 2nd
backslash (\) escape sequences, in regular expression
binary data, serialization formats for
bind attribute
bind attribute, <submission> element 2nd
Binding 2nd 3rd
binding attributes 2nd
binding expressions 2nd 3rd
binding, exception during
binding, problems with
binding, types of
books, about CSS
books, about form design patterns
books, about XML Schema
boolean datatype, XPath
boolean operators, XPath
boolean() function 2nd
boolean-from-string() function
brackets ([])
brackets ([]), in regular expression
brackets ([]), in XPath 2nd
bubbles attribute, dispatch action
bubbling of an event 2nd
button form control [See trigger form control]
buttons, HTML forms
calculate property
calculations in XPath [See computed expressions]
cancelable attribute, dispatch action
capturing of an event, XML
caret (^), in regular expression
Cascading Style Sheets [See CSS]
Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide (Meyer)
case attribute, toggle action
cdata-section-elements attribute, <submission> element
ceiling() function
| character data input, form controls for
checkboxes, HTML forms 2nd
Chiba project
child axis 2nd
child nodes 2nd
combined document type
comment nodes
comment nodes, mapping form data to
comment nodes, name of
comment nodes, string value of
comment() test, in Location Path
Complex types
compound documents [See combined document type]
computed expressions 2nd
computed expressions, built-in functions for
computed expressions, exception during
computed expressions, in model item properties
computed expressions, operators for
computer-centric number datatypes
concat() function
conformance level of XForms
constraint property
contains() function
context for XPath expressions
context nodes 2nd
context nodes, . (dot) selecting 2nd
context nodes, position of
context nodes, problems with
context nodes, size of
control attribute, setfocus action
Controls [See form controls]
count() function
count-non-empty() function
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), alignment with table layout
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), book about
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), selectors introduced by XForms
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), styling form controls with
currency symbols, concatenating to value
data designer, role of
Data model [See also XForms Model]2nd
database lookups
database validations
datatypes, conversion functions 2nd 3rd
datatypes, equality comparisons and
datatypes, XForms
datatypes, XML Schema 2nd 3rd 4th
datatypes, XPath compared to XML Schema
Date/time functions
days-from-date() function
defaultAction attribute, <listener> element
deferred updates
deinitialization stage of XForms processing
delete action 2nd 3rd 4th
dependencies, rebuilding
descendant-or-self axis 2nd
descendent axis
Design by Buddy System design pattern
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides)
designing forms
designing forms, design patterns for
designing forms, guidelines for
disabled form controls 2nd 3rd 4th
dispatch action 2nd
display:, inline rule
display:, none rule
display:, table rule
display:, table-cell rule
display:, table-row rule
div operator, in computed expression
Document Object Model [See DOM]
document order of nodes
DOM (Document Object Model)
DOM (Document Object Model), keyboard events
DOM (Document Object Model), Level 2 Events specification 2nd
DOM (Document Object Model), mouse events
DOM (Document Object Model), mutation events
DOM (Document Object Model), returned by getInstanceDocument() method
DOM (Document Object Model), XPath support for
DOMActivate event 2nd
DOMFocusIn event
DOMFocusOut event
double slash (//), in XPath
drop-down lists [See single-select menus]
dynamic forms
element nodes 2nd
Elements [See specific elements]
email datatype
enabled form controls
encoding attribute, <submission> element
encoding formats, HTML forms 2nd
encryption of submission data [See https scheme]
end attribute, range form control
Enter key, submitting form with
equality operator (=), in computed expression
error handling events 2nd
Errors 2nd 3rd [See also troubleshooting]
escape sequences in regular expressions
event attribute, <listener> element
Events 2nd
events, custom 2nd
events, dispatching to an element
events, error handling 2nd
events, processing of
events, types of
events, wrapper for
events, XML 2nd
examples, software used for
examples, UBL purchase order 2nd
Exceptions [See also errors]2nd
extending XForms
extension functions 2nd
facets of datatypes
false() function 2nd
fictional tag sequence
Fielding, Roy T. (REST)
file scheme 2nd
file select control, HTML forms
file uploads, form control for
first node rule
floor() function
focus, changing 2nd 3rd
following axis
following-sibling axis
form controls
form controls, <alert> element in 2nd
form controls, <help> element in
form controls, <hint> element in
form controls, <label> element in
form controls, aligning
form controls, appearance attribute in
form controls, autofill for
form controls, disabling 2nd 3rd
form controls, dynamic presentation of
form controls, enabling
form controls, grouping
form controls, in HTML forms 2nd 3rd
form controls, in range and out of range events for
form controls, in-range
form controls, input form control 2nd
form controls, input mode for
form controls, invalid 2nd 3rd
form controls, mapping to instance data
form controls, missing from form, in error
form controls, navigation order for
form controls, new, defining
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