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Ts J., Eckstein R., Collier-Brown D. — Using Samba |
Предметный указатель |
%$ variable
%a variable 2nd
%a variable, variable substitution
%d variable
%g variable
%H variable
%I variable
%L variable 2nd 3rd
%m variable 2nd 3rd
%N variable
%P variable
%R variable
%S variable
%T variable
%u variable 2nd 3rd
%v variable
--bindir (configure script option)
--datadir (configure script option)
--eprefix (configure script option)
--include dir (configure script option)
--infodir (configure script option)
--libdir (configure script option)
--libexec dir (configure script option)
--mandir (configure script option)
--prefix (configure script option)
--sbindir (configure script option)
--with-acl-support (configure script option)
--with-afs (configure script option)
--with-automount (configure script option)
--with-codepagedir (configure script option)
--with-configdir (configure script option)
--with-dce-dfs (configure script option)
--with-fhs (configure script option)
--with-included-popt (configure script option)
--with-krb4 (configure script option)
--with-krb5 (configure script option)
--with-ldapsam (configure script option)
--with-libiconv (configure script option)
--with-libsmbclient (configure script option)
--with-lockdir (configure script option)
--with-logfilebase (configure script option)
--with-manpages-langs (configure script option)
--with-msdfs (configure script option) 2nd
--with-nisplus-home (configure script option)
--with-nisplussam (configure script option)
--with-pam (configure script option)
--with-pam_smbpass (configure script option)
--with-piddir (configure script option)
--with-privatedir (configure script option)
--with-profiling-data (configure script option)
--with-quotas (configure script option)
--with-readline (configure script option)
--with-sendfile-support (configure script option)
--with-smbmount (configure script option) 2nd
--with-smbwrapper (configure script option) 2nd
--with-spinlocks (configure script option)
--with-ssl (configure script option)
--with-sslinc (configure script option)
--with-ssllib (configure script option)
--with-swatdir (configure script option)
--with-syslog (configure script option)
--with-tdbsam (configure script option)
--with-utmp (configure script option)
--with-winbind (configure script option)
. (period) [See also dot files]
. (period), NetBIOS names and
.bak files
.bat files
.cmd files
.dat files
.dat files, changing to .man files
.dat files, NTUSER.DAT
.dat files, USER.DAT
.ini files
.man files, changing from .dat files
.nsmbrc files
.old files
.pwl files
.win_profile directory
.win_profile directory, example
/etc/fstab file, warning about editing
/etc/hosts file
/etc/nsswitch.conf file
/etc/passwd file, creating entries manually
/etc/printcap.local file
/etc/resolv.conf file 2nd
/usr/local/etc/nsmb.conf file (localhost) (localhost), bind interfaces only option
abort shutdown script option (smb.conf file)
Access Control Entries (ACEs) 2nd
Access Control lists [See ACLs]
access control options
access, controlling [See ACLs controlling access to shares]
accounts [See computer accounts adding
ACLs, configuration options
ACLs, inheriting
ACLs, installing Samba with support for
ACLs, mapping to Unix permissions
ACLs, support in Samba 2.2
ACLs, Unix
ACLs, versus Unix file permissions
ACLs, Windows NT/2000/XP 2nd
Active Directory
Active Directory, Samba 2.2 2nd
Active Directory, Samba 3.0
Active Directory, server, specifying
Active Directory, time synchronization and
add machine script option (smb.conf file)
add printer command option (smb.conf file)
add share command option (smb.conf file)
add user script option (smb.conf file) 2nd
Admin users [See root accounts]
admin users option (smb.conf file) 2nd 3rd
Administrator [See domain administrator]
ads server option (smb.conf file)
AFS (Andrew Filesystem), installing Samba with support for
Albitz, Paul
algorithmic rid base option (smb.conf file)
allow hosts option (smb.conf file)
allow trusted domains option (smb.conf file)
analogX Atomic TimeSync
announce as option (smb.conf file) 2nd
announce version option (smb.conf file) 2nd
anonymous [See also guest access]
anonymous, restricting access
ANSI C compiler required by Samba source
auth methods option (smb.conf file)
Authentication [See also passwords]
authentication, client
authentication, client, setting method of
authentication, defined
authentication, enabling Samba as WINS server, configuration file example
authentication, files, specifying where Samba keeps
authentication, methods, specifying
authentication, overview
authentication, pass-through
authentication, Samba security levels
authentication, SambaOs default user-level versus Windows
authentication, Windows 95/98/Me
authentication, with winbind
auto services option (smb.conf file) 2nd 3rd
automounting shares
available option (smb.conf file)
b-node (NetBios node type)
backends (CUPS modules)
| backup browsers 2nd
backup domain controllers (BDCs) 2nd [See also primary domain controllers]
backup domain controllers (BDCs), Samba 2.2Os inability to work with
backups, creating and restoring using smbclient
bind interfaces only option (smb.conf file) 2nd
bindings, Windows 2000
bindings, Windows 95/98/Me
bindings, Windows NT
bindings, Windows XP
bitmasks, CIDR format
block size option (smb.conf file)
blocking locks option (smb.conf file)
Broadcast address
broadcast, name resolution
broadcast, versus NBNS name registration
browsable option (smb.conf file) 2nd 3rd 4th
browse list option (smb.conf file) 2nd
browse lists 2nd
browse lists, invisible shares
browse lists, printer names
browse lists, specifying list of shares
browse lists, specifying shares in 2nd
browse lists, specifying the directory where Samba keeps
browse lists, synchronizing with all domain master browsers
browse master [See local master browser]
browse server [See local master browser]
browseable option (smb.conf file) ) [See browsable option (smb.conf file]
browser elections 2nd 3rd
browsers, backup [See backup browsers]
browsers, domain master browser [See domain master browser]
browsers, local master [See local master browser]
Browsing 2nd
Browsing and Windows 95 Networking and CIFS/E Browser Protocol
browsing, a list of computers and shared resources, defined
browsing, configuring Samba for
browsing, cross-subnet
browsing, in a Windows network
browsing, invisible shares
browsing, options
browsing, overview
browsing, server from the client
browsing, shared resource of a specific computer
browsing, troubleshooting problems
BROWSING.txt and BROWSING-Config.txt
BSD Unix
BSD Unix, automatically starting Samba daemons
BSD Unix, printers
caching policy, client-side
case sensitive option (smb.conf file) 2nd
case sensitivity
case sensitivity, how Samba handles
case sensitivity, preserving case of filename
casesignames option (smb.conf file)
change notification
change notify timeout option (smb.conf file) 2nd
change share command option (smb.conf file)
character set option (smb.conf file) 2nd
character sets, translating
checking (message from configure script)
CIDR format bitmask
CIFS [See also SMB]2nd
CIFS Technical Reference
CIFS, Unix extensions 2nd
client code page option (smb.conf file) 2nd
clustered environment, Samba in [See also multihomed system; multiple subnets]2nd
code page directory option (smb.conf file)
Code pages
coding system option (smb.conf file) 2nd
command-line options, parsing
comment option (smb.conf file) 2nd
Common Internet File System [See CIFS]
comp.protocols.smb newsgroup
compiling Samba
components, Windows
computer accounts, adding
computer names
computer names, name resolution [See name resolution]
computer names, Windows 2000
computer names, Windows 95/98/Me
computer names, Windows NT
computer names, Windows XP
computers, adding to domains
Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
config file option (smb.conf file) 2nd
config.log file
config.pol file
config.status file
Configuration file [See also configuring Samba]
configuration file, SambaOs main [See smb.conf file]
configuration file, selecting new
configuration file, variables [See smb.conf file variables]
configuration management tool [See CVS]
configuration value types
configure script
configure script, options
configure script, options, --bindir
configure script, options, --datadir
configure script, options, --eprefix
configure script, options, --include dir
configure script, options, --infodir
configure script, options, --libdir
configure script, options, --libexec dir
configure script, options, --mandir
configure script, options, --prefix
configure script, options, --sbindir
configure script, options, --with-acl-support
configure script, options, --with-afs
configure script, options, --with-automount
configure script, options, --with-codepagedir
configure script, options, --with-configdir
configure script, options, --with-dce-dfs
configure script, options, --with-fhs
configure script, options, --with-included-popt
configure script, options, --with-krb4
configure script, options, --with-krb5
configure script, options, --with-ldapsam
configure script, options, --with-libiconv
configure script, options, --with-libsmbclient
configure script, options, --with-lockdir
configure script, options, --with-logfilebase
configure script, options, --with-manpages-langs
configure script, options, --with-msdfs 2nd
configure script, options, --with-nisplus-home
configure script, options, --with-nisplussam
configure script, options, --with-pam
configure script, options, --with-pam_smbpass
configure script, options, --with-piddir
configure script, options, --with-privatedir
configure script, options, --with-profiling-data
configure script, options, --with-quotas
configure script, options, --with-readline
configure script, options, --with-sendfile-support
configure script, options, --with-smbmount 2nd
configure script, options, --with-smbwrapper 2nd
configure script, options, --with-spinlocks
configure script, options, --with-ssl
configure script, options, --with-sslinc
configure script, options, --with-ssllib
configure script, options, --with-swatdir
configure script, options, --with-syslog
configure script, options, --with-tdbsam
configure script, options, --with-utmp
configure script, options, --with-winbind
configure script, options, with feature
configure script, options, without feature
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