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Ts J., Eckstein R., Collier-Brown D. — Using Samba
Ts J., Eckstein R., Collier-Brown D. — Using Samba

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Название: Using Samba

Авторы: Ts J., Eckstein R., Collier-Brown D.


A guide to the cross-platform file server covers common configurations, security settings, connectivity, and performance.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 450

Добавлена в каталог: 07.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
locking option (smb.conf file)      2nd
locks and oplocks      
locks and oplocks, advanced tuning parameter      
locks and oplocks, advanced tuning parameter, release an oplock      
locks and oplocks, configuration options      
locks and oplocks, oplock failure      
locks and oplocks, opportunistic locking process      
locks and oplocks, setting file locking      
locks and oplocks, specifying directory where Samba keeps lock files      
locks and oplocks, spin locks      
locks and oplocks, Unix and oplocks      
log file option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
log files      [See also logging]2nd
log files, changing timestamps      
log files, example      
log files, levels of logging      
log files, nmbd      
log files, sample output of levels 2 and 3
log files, setting location of      
log files, setting maximum size      
log files, specifying the directory where Samba keeps      
log files, troubleshooting with      
log level option (smb.conf file)      2nd
log.smb file      
logging      [See also log files]
logging, activating and deactivating      
logging, adding process ID      
logging, configuration options      
logging, debugging particular user      
login parameters, setting      
logon drive option (smb.conf file)      2nd
logon home line (smb.conf file)      
logon home option (smb.conf file)      2nd
logon path line (smb.conf file)      
logon path option (smb.conf file)      2nd
logon path, supporting roaming profiles for Windows NT/2000/XP clients      
logon script option (smb.conf file)      2nd
logon scripts      2nd
logon scripts, checking the format      
logon scripts, creating      
logon scripts, more information regarding      
logon scripts, options      
logon scripts, using variables inside      
lpadmin command (Unix)      
lppause command (Unix)      
lppause command option (smb.conf file)      2nd
lpq cache time option (smb.conf file)      2nd
lpq command (Unix)      
lpq command option (smb.conf file)      2nd
lpr command (Unix)      
lpresume command (Unix)      
lpresume command option (smb.conf file)      2nd
lprm command (Unix)      
lprm command option (smb.conf file)      2nd
m-node (NetBios node type)      
Mac OS X      
Mac OS X Server      
Mac OS X Server AdministratorOs Guide      
Mac OS X Server, configuration settings      
Mac OS X Server, configuring and activating services      
Mac OS X Server, running Samba on      
Mac OS X Server, sharing files      
Mac OS X Server, sharing printers      
Mac OS X, automatically starting Samba daemons      
Mac OS X, configuration details      
Mac OS X, enabling SMB printer sharing      
Mac OS X, monitoring services      
Mac OS X, Password Server      
Mac OS X, Password Server, activating      
Mac OS X, Password Server, enabling      
Mac OS X, smbutil and mount_smbfs      
machine password timeout option (smb.conf file)      2nd
magic output option (smb.conf file)      2nd
magic script option (smb.conf file)      2nd
magic scripts      
mailing lists, Samba      
mailing lists, Samba, archives      
make install command (Unix)      
make install command (Unix), upgrading installations      
make revert command (Unix)      
make utility (UNIX)      
makefile, generating for Samba configuration      
make_smbcodepage program      2nd
make_unicodemap program      2nd
man pages      [See manual pages]
managing connections to shares      [See connection scripts]
mandatory profiles      
mandatory profiles, changing from roaming profiles      
mangle case option (smb.conf file)      2nd
mangled map option (smb.conf file)      2nd
mangled names option (smb.conf file)      2nd
mangled stack option (smb.conf file)      2nd
mangling char option (smb.conf file)      2nd
mangling method option (smb.conf file)      
MANPATH environment variable      
manual pages      
manual pages, in different languages      
map archive option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
map hidden option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
map system option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
map to guest option (smb.conf file)      
mapping a free-form client username to a Unix username      
mapping a network drive      [See drive letter connecting
master browser      [See local master browser]
max connections option (smb.conf file)      2nd
max disk size option (smb.conf file)      2nd
max log size option (smb.conf file)      2nd
max mux option (smb.conf file)      2nd
max open files (smb.conf file)      
max open files option (smb.conf file)      
max print jobs option (smb.conf file)      
max protocol option (smb.conf file)      
max smbd processes option (smb.conf file)      
max ttl option (smb.conf file)      2nd
max wins ttl option (smb.conf file)      2nd
max xmit option (smb.conf file)      2nd
message command option (smb.conf file)      2nd
Messenger service      
mget command      
Microsoft Distributed filesystem      [See Dfs]
min passwd length option (smb.conf file)      
min password length option (smb.conf file)      
min print space option (smb.conf file)      2nd
min protocol option (smb.conf file)      
min wins ttl option (smb.conf file)      2nd
mount_smbfs program      2nd
mount_smbfs program, options      
mput command      
MS-DOS file permissions      
msdfs root option (smb.conf file)      2nd
MSN Messenger      
multihomed system      [See also clustered environment Samba
multihomed system, running Samba on      
multiple subnets      [See also clustered environment Samba
multiple subnets, cross-subnet browsing      
multiple subnets, with Samba servers      
My Network Places      [See also Network Neighborhood]2nd
Name mangling      
name mangling, how Samba mangles a long filename into a 8.3 filename      
name mangling, options      2nd
name registration      
name resolution      2nd 3rd
name resolution, broadcast method      
name resolution, configuring in Samba      
name resolution, methods      
name resolution, using broadcast packets      
name resolve order option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
name services      
name services, defined      
name services, identifying whatOs in use      
name services, switching      
name services, troubleshooting      
name-resolution configuration options      
NBNS name registration      
NBNS name registration, versus broadcast      
NBT      2nd
NBT Standard      
NBT, services      
nbtstat utility      
nbtstat utility, examples      2nd
net program      2nd
net time command      2nd
net use command      2nd
net use command, testing connections with      
net view program      
net view program, testing client browsing      
NetBEUI protocol      
NetBEUI protocol, running at same time as NetBIOS over TCP/IP      
netbios aliases option (smb.conf file)      2nd
netbios name option (smb.conf file)      2nd
NetBIOS over TCP/IP      [See NBT]
netbios scope option (smb.conf file)      
NetBIOS, group resource types      
NetBIOS, names      
NetBIOS, names, translating between IP address or DNS names and      
NetBIOS, names, troubleshooting      
NetBIOS, names, versus DNS hostnames      
NetBIOS, node types      
NetBIOS, overview      
NetBIOS, resource names and types      
NetBIOS, session, establishing      
NetBIOS, unique resource types      
NetBIOS, Windows 95/98/Me      
netmask, using to troubleshoot      
network adapters      
network addresses      
network addresses, finding your specific address      
network addresses, troubleshooting      
Network Information Service      [See NIS]
Network Neighborhood      [See also My Network Places]2nd
Network time protocol (NTP)      
network traffic, monitoring      [See tcpdump program]
networking, components      
networking, components, Windows 2000      
networking, components, Windows XP      
networking, concepts, Windows      [See Windows networking
networking, options      
new features      
new features, in Samba 2.2      
new features, in Samba 3.0      
news, Samba      
newsgroups, Samba      
NFS, installing Samba with support for      
NIS (Network Information Service)      2nd
NIS (Network Information Service), configuration options      
NIS (Network Information Service), server      
nis homedir option (smb.conf file)      2nd
NIS+, installing Samba with support for      
NIS+, server, installing Samba with support for locating      
nmake command      
nmap command (Unix)      
nmbd daemon      2nd 3rd 4th
nmbd daemon, starting automatically      
nmbd daemon, starting automatically, BSD Unix      
nmbd daemon, starting automatically, Darwin and Mac OS X      
nmbd daemon, starting automatically, System V Unix      
nmbd daemon, starting from inetd      
nmbd daemon, starting manually      
nmbd daemon, testing      
nmbd daemon, testing, automatic startup      
nmbd daemon, time service      
nmbd log file      
nmblookup program      2nd 3rd 4th
nmblookup program, testing clients      
nmblookup program, testing network      
nmblookup program, testing servers      
nobody account      
node types      
non unix account range option (smb.conf file)      
nslookup command (Unix)      
nsmb.conf file      
nsswitch, configuring      
nsswitch.conf file      
nt acl support option (smb.conf file)      2nd
NT LAN Manager 1.0      
nt pipe support option (smb.conf file)      2nd
nt smb support option (smb.conf file)      2nd
nt status support option (smb.conf file)      
NT-specific SMB IPC$ pipes      
ntconfig.pol file      
Ntuser.dat file      
null passwords option (smb.conf file)      2nd
number of address ranges      
obey pam restrictions option (smb.conf file)      
od command      
ole locking compatibility (smb.conf file)      
only guest option (smb.conf file)      
only user option (smb.conf file)      2nd
Open Directory Password Server      
oplock break wait time option (smb.conf file)      
oplock contention limit option (smb.conf file)      
oplocks option (smb.conf file)      2nd
opportunistic locking      [See locks and oplocks]
os level option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
os2 driver map option (smb.conf file)      
overwriting files      [See locks and oplocks]
p-node (NetBios node type)      
padc command      
PAM (pluggable authentication modules)      
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), configuring      
pam password change option (smb.conf file)      
pam_stack.so module      
pam_winbind.so module      
panic action option (smb.conf file)      2nd
par command      
pass-through authentication      
passdb backend option (smb.conf file)      
passwd chat debug option (smb.conf file)      2nd
passwd chat option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
PASSWD environment variable      
passwd file, creating entries manually      
passwd program option (smb.conf file)      2nd
password chat response characters      
password chat send characters      
password level option (smb.conf file)      2nd
Password Server (Mac OS X)      
Password Server (Mac OS X), activating      
Password Server (Mac OS X), enabling      
password server option (smb.conf file)      2nd 3rd
Passwords      2nd [See also authentication]3rd
passwords, adding to smb.conf file      
passwords, configuration options      
passwords, disabling encrypted      
passwords, encrypted      [See encrypted passwords]
passwords, IPC$      
passwords, limiting length of      
passwords, plain-text versus encrypted      
passwords, setting on Windows 95/98/Me      
passwords, setting servers that validate      
passwords, synchronization      
passwords, Windows versus Unix      
PATH environment variable      
path option (smb.conf file)      2nd
pdbedit program      2nd
PDC Emulator      
PDCs      [See primary domain controllers]
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