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Название: Access Cookbook
Авторы: Getz G., Litwin P., Baron A.
Not a reference book, and not a tutorial either, the new second edition of the highly regarded Access Cookbook is an uncommonly useful collection of solutions to problems that Access users and developers are likely to face as they attempt to build increasingly complex applications. Although using any single "recipe" in the book will more than pay back the cost of the book in terms of both hours saved and frustration thwarted, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is much more than a handy assortment of cut-and-paste code. Each of the "recipes" examine a particular problem — problems that commonly occur when you push the upper limits of Access, or ones that are likely to trip up a developer attempting to design a more elegant Access application — even some things you never knew Access could do. The authors then, in a clear, accessible, step-by-step style, present the problems' solution. Following each "recipe" are insights on how Access works, potential pitfalls, interesting programming techniques that are used in the solution, and how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to other similar situations. Fully updated for Access 2003, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is also one of the first books to thoroughly explore new support for .NET managed code and XML. All of the practical, real-world examples have been tested for compatibility with Access 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. This updated new edition also covers Access and SharePoint, Access and SmartTags, Access and .NET; and Access and XML. Access power users and programmers at all levels, from the relatively inexperienced to the most sophisticated, will rely on the Access Cookbook for quick solutions to gnarly problems. With a dog-eared copy of Access Cookbook at your side, you can spend your time and energy where it matters most: working on the interesting facets of your Access application, not just the time-consuming ones.
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), VBA constants Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), wrapper functions Visual InterDev Visual Studio .NET2nd Visual Studio .NET 2003 Visual Studio .NET, XSD schema files and vowels, Soundex algorithm and Watermarks2nd WAV files WAV files, as OLE objects WAV files, embedding sound files WAV files, playing weather report, creating smart tags to obtain Weather.XML smart tag Web Web Part connection Web Services Web Services Description Language (WSDL) web services, calling from Access web services, calling from earlier versions of Access web services, created with Microsoft .NET 1.0 web services, returning a DataSet Web sites web sites, building XML data-driven web sites with FrontPage 2003 web sites, collaborative, team-based web sites, download for monitoring users web sites, examples and additional information web sites, Microsoft Access Solutions database web sites, operating system dependencies web, Access-connected web pages web, posting web form data to Access database WHERE (SQL) clause WHERE (SQL) clause, inequality joins WHERE (SQL) clause, obtaining median values WHERE (SQL) clause, passing parameters to queries WHERE (SQL) clause, Rushmore query optimizations and WHERE (SQL) clause, similarity to report filtering syntax WHERE (SQL) clause, string expressions and WHERE (SQL) clause, union query restrictions WhereCondition argument Width property (controls)2nd 3rd Width property (labels) window handles window handles, changing Access caption and window handles, checking if applications are running window handles, flashing titlebars WindowMode parameter2nd 3rd Windows Windows API Windows API, changing Access caption Windows API, disabling screen updates with Windows API, File Open/Save dialogs and Windows API, GetParent function Windows API, GetTickCount function2nd Windows API, IsIconic function Windows API, navigation functions Windows API, retrieving information via calls Windows API, trade-offs of using Windows API, window styles Windows Explorer Windows help file Windows registry Windows shell2nd Windows, class names for applications Windows, closing applications windows, collecting information Windows, communication mechanisms Windows, exiting windows, hiding Access activity windows, hWnd property and Windows, languages supported windows, minimizing flashing windows, moving and sizing windows, repainting2nd windows, retrieving list of top-level windows, splash screens windows, style bits for windows, styles Windows, under program control WinFax Pro WinHelp API function WITH VIEW_METADATA option2nd With...End With construct2nd WM_CLOSE message WM_NCPAINT message Word Word, embedded documents Word, mail merges from Access to Word Word, smart tags Word, Windows class name for WordPad, Windows class name for Workgroup Administrator2nd workgroup files workgroup files, consequences of losing workgroup files, default workgroup files, security and workgroup files, user-level security and Workgroup ID (WID)2nd 3rd workgroups workgroups, database association with workgroups, security based on Workspace objects2nd 3rd Workspaces collection wrapper functions wrapper functions, adding items to Startup group wrapper functions, adding/canceling connections2nd wrapper functions, Calendar control wrapper functions, returning variable value wrapper functions, status meters2nd wrappers, runtime callable Wrkgadm.exe WSDL (Web Services Description Language) XML XML schema[See also XSD] XML Schema standard XML Schema, primer XML, attributes XML, building XML data-driven web sites with FrontPage 2003 XML, elements XML, files XML, files, creating with smart tags XML, files, exporting Access data to XML, importing data into existing tables XML, importing simple data into new table XML, importing with schema (XSD) XML, integrating web services into Microsoft Office solutions XML, namespaces XML, Overview XML, root elements XML, tags xmlns\: element XSD (XML Schema Definition)2nd XSD (XML Schema Definition), schema files and Visual Studio .NET XSD (XML Schema Definition), using to import XML XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) XSLT transform [ ] (square brackets) [ ] (square brackets), Access interpretation [ ] (square brackets), as delimiters [ ] (square brackets), embedded spaces and [ ] (square brackets), parameters and [ ] (square brackets), printing query parameters \ (backslash)2nd | (pipes) ~ (tilde)2nd ~TMPCLP prefix