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Getz G., Litwin P., Baron A. — Access Cookbook
Getz G., Litwin P., Baron A. — Access Cookbook

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Название: Access Cookbook

Авторы: Getz G., Litwin P., Baron A.


Not a reference book, and not a tutorial either, the new second edition of the highly regarded Access Cookbook is an uncommonly useful collection of solutions to problems that Access users and developers are likely to face as they attempt to build increasingly complex applications. Although using any single "recipe" in the book will more than pay back the cost of the book in terms of both hours saved and frustration thwarted, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is much more than a handy assortment of cut-and-paste code. Each of the "recipes" examine a particular problem — problems that commonly occur when you push the upper limits of Access, or ones that are likely to trip up a developer attempting to design a more elegant Access application — even some things you never knew Access could do. The authors then, in a clear, accessible, step-by-step style, present the problems' solution. Following each "recipe" are insights on how Access works, potential pitfalls, interesting programming techniques that are used in the solution, and how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to other similar situations. Fully updated for Access 2003, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is also one of the first books to thoroughly explore new support for .NET managed code and XML. All of the practical, real-world examples have been tested for compatibility with Access 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. This updated new edition also covers Access and SharePoint, Access and SmartTags, Access and .NET; and Access and XML. Access power users and programmers at all levels, from the relatively inexperienced to the most sophisticated, will rely on the Access Cookbook for quick solutions to gnarly problems. With a dog-eared copy of Access Cookbook at your side, you can spend your time and energy where it matters most: working on the interesting facets of your Access application, not just the time-consuming ones.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 840

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Data Access Objects (DAO)      
Data Access Objects (DAO), as older technology      
Data Access Objects (DAO), client/server applications and      2nd
Data Access Objects (DAO), coding recommendations
Data Access Objects (DAO), consistent settings
Data Access Objects (DAO), creating indexed tables using      
Data Access Objects (DAO), creating TableDef objects      
Data Access Objects (DAO), listing users      2nd
Data Access Objects (DAO), object inventory and
Data Access Objects (DAO), obtaining field properties with      
Data Access Objects (DAO), retrieving information with
Data Access Pages (DAPs)      
Data Access Pages (DAPs), Access version differences      2nd
Data Access Pages (DAPs), background      
Data Access Pages (DAPs), changing connection strings for      
Data Access Pages (DAPs), changing default settings      
Data Access Pages (DAPs), features
Data Access Pages (DAPs), parameters across multiple      
Data Access Pages (DAPs), smart tags and      
Data Access Pages (DAPs), storing connection information      
Data Access Pages (DAPs), updating data on      
data definition language (DDL) queries      
data definition language (DDL) queries, creating tables with
data definition language (DDL) queries, object inventory      
data definition language (DDL) queries, table manipulation with      
Data Link Properties dialog
Data manipulation      
data manipulation, accelerating multiuser applications      
data manipulation, collecting information      
data manipulation, combining data across tables      
data manipulation, converting raw data      
data manipulation, creating page-range indicators      
data manipulation, DoCmd.OutputTo and      
data manipulation, grouping data for mailing labels
data manipulation, importance of synchronization      
data manipulation, OLE-DB and
data manipulation, placing data in controls
data manipulation, programmatically exporting data
data manipulation, queries and      
data manipulation, transaction logging and      
data manipulation, update queries and      
data manipulation, updates on data access pages      
data manipulation, using views for      
Data Source Name (DSN)      2nd
Data sources      
data sources, Excel worksheet as
data sources, seek operations and
data sources, storing connection information      
Data types      
data types, setting to OLE object      
data types, string      
data types, Text      
data types, usage recommendations      
data types, user-defined      
Data View Web Parts
Data View Web Parts, conditionally formatting      
Data View Web Parts, creating master/detail page      
Data View Web Parts, fields Front Page displays      
Data View Web Parts, HTML behind      
Data View Web Parts, placing on web page
data, binary
data, collecting from user and posting to Access database      
data, PowerPoint presentations and
data, sending to Excel      
Database Explorer      
database objects
Database Splitter Wizard (Access)      2nd
Databases container      
databases, adding properties to
databases, attaching remote tables      
databases, backups of selected objects      
databases, changing global options      
databases, changing options
databases, cleaning out test data
databases, creating in FrontPage
Databases, external      2nd
databases, multiple users and sharing      
databases, opening      
databases, passing parameters
databases, reference data from multiple
databases, securing      2nd
databases, Seek method and      
databases, splitting multiuser      2nd
databases, synchronized copies of
databases, transaction logs
DataGrid, binding
DataOnly property (Printer object)
DataPageSize property (pages)      
dataroot element (XSD)      
DataSet, returning
Datasheet icon      
DataSource control
DataSource control, as MSOSDC
DataSource control, DAPs and
DataSource control, updating DAPs and
DataSourceControl (Office Web Component)
DataTransform parameters
Date function
Date smart tag
Date smart tag, allowable actions
Date smart tag, using with Person smart tag
date/time values
date/time values, as variables
date/time values, converting
date/time values, median value and
date/time values, quotes and
date/time values, search delimiters
date/time values, sorting columns correctly      
DAvg function
DBEngine object      2nd
DblClick event
DCount function
DDEExecute procedure      2nd
DDEInitiate function
DDERequest function      2nd
DDETerminate function
DDL queries queries)
Deactivate event      2nd 3rd 4th
debugging, subforms and reports
debugging, unexpected parameter dialog
debugging, viewing debug window
declarations (module)
declarations (module), animated buttons
declarations (module), creating status meters
declarations (module), Option Explicit statement and
default printers
default printers, controlling
default printers, finding reports not set to
default printers, selecting runtime printers and
default printers, UseDefaultPrinter property and
DefaultEditing property (forms)
DefaultSize property (Printer object)      2nd
DefaultValue property (controls)
DefaultValue property (controls), carrying data forward      
DefaultValue property (controls), Tag property and      2nd
DefaultValue property (fields)      2nd
DefaultView property (forms)
DefaultView property (forms), communicating without email
DefaultView property (forms), continuous forms and      2nd 3rd
DefaultView property (forms), creating expanding dialogs
DefaultView property (forms), creating pop-up calendars
DefaultView property (forms), creating status meters      
DELETE (SQL) statement
Delete method (Property object)
Delete queries
DeleteGroup function (Windows shell)      
DeleteItem function (Windows shell)      
DeleteObject method (DoCmd object)      
DeleteSetting function
delimiters, apostrophes as
delimiters, CR/LF
delimiters, in string expressions      
delimiters, null characters      
delimiters, square brackets as      
Description property (objects)      2nd
design master      
design master replica
design-view queries
device names
DeviceName property (Printer object)      2nd
dialogs, adding/canceling connections via
dialogs, creating expanding
dialogs, File Open/Save      
Dir function      2nd
directories, collecting information      
dirty forms      2nd
Dirty property (forms)      2nd
division operators
DLLs (dynamic link libraries)      
DLLs, compiling and registering DLL project
DLLs, creating smart tag DLL with Visual Basic 6.0      
DLookup function      2nd
DMax function
DMin function
Do Until statement      
DoCmd objects      
DoCmd objects, DeleteObject method
DoCmd objects, DoMenuItem method      2nd
DoCmd objects, OpenReport method      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
DoCmd objects, OutputTo method      2nd
DoCmd objects, PrintOut method
DoCmd objects, RepaintObject method      
DoCmd objects, RunCommand statement      
DoCmd objects, ShowToolbar macro action
DoCmd objects, TransferSpreadsheet method
Document objects
documentation for containers      2nd
documentation for items
documentation for operating system dependencies      
documentation of properties
Documents collection
DoEvents statement
DoEvents statement, features of      
DoEvents statement, looping and
DoEvents statement, multitasking and
DoEvents statement, profiler and      
domain functions
DoMenuItem method (DoCmd object)      2nd
DOS, cautions copying replicas
DOS, starting and stopping applications
DrawStyle property (lines)
DriverName property (Printer object)      2nd
drives, adding/canceling connections
drives, retrieving information
driving forms      
DROP INDEX (SQL) statement      
DROP TABLE (SQL) statement      
DROP TABLE (SQL) statement, for DDL queries
DROP TABLE (SQL) statement, object inventory      
DROP TABLE (SQL) statement, overwriting tables and
DSN (Data Source Name)
Duplex property (Printer object)      2nd
duplicate records      
duplicate records, eliminating with totals query      
duplicate records, UNION ALL clause and      
dynamic arrays      2nd
Dynamic data exchange (DDE)      
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), adding items to Startup group
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), communication mechanism
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), filenames and      
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), using with Windows shell      
dynamic link libraries (DLLs)
dynasets      2nd
Echo method (Application object)      
ELSE clause      
empty strings      
empty strings, ad hoc queries and
empty strings, clearing list boxes with
empty strings, listing users with blank passwords
empty strings, testing for
Enabled property (controls)      2nd
Encryption      2nd
Engine user      2nd
Enter event
EnterKeyBehavior property (text boxes)
EOF function
equijoins      2nd
Erase function      
Err objects
Error handling
error handling, accessing properties that don't exist
error handling, adding items to Startup group
error handling, adding/canceling connections
error handling, assigning invalid property values
error handling, avoiding errors
error handling, cleaning out test data      
error handling, common network errors
error handling, determining object existence and
error handling, disabling      
error handling, documenting properties      
error handling, FindExecutable function and
error handling, listing users with blank passwords
error handling, LockWindowUpdate and
error handling, multiuser procedures and
error handling, Raise method and
error handling, referring to Screen.ActiveControl
error handling, retrieving Name property and
error handling, tracking users/groups
Eval function (Access)      2nd
event macros
event procedures
event procedures, conditional printing
event procedures, creating
event procedures, extending animated technique      
event procedures, option groups
event procedures, parameter query limitations and
event procedures, sample for passing variable to queries
event procedures, templates and
Excel Object Library
Excel, creating charts
Excel, Median function and
Excel, printing Access report from
Excel, smart tags
Excel, system requirements
Excel, using within Access
Excel, Windows class name for
Execute method (databases)
execution time profiler, creating
Exit event (controls)      
ExitWindowsEx function (Windows API)      2nd
explicit reference
explicit reference, Description property and
explicit reference, example
explicit reference, PowerPoint presentations
Explorer (Windows application)
exporting, Access data to XML file
exporting, Access data to XML file, all data in related tables
exporting, Access data to XML file, data from a query      
exporting, data using where clause
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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