Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 5) |
Предметный указатель |
Rogers — Ramanujan identities 31
Rogers, L.J. 14 17 20 31 45 70 545
Roman, S. 525
Root, W. 510
Rotman, J. 259
Russell, R. 3 254 275 313 321 353 354 385
S-fraction 68
Sansone, G. 421
Schlaefli, L. 3 353 354 378 379
Schloemilch, O. 566
Schoeneberg, B. 131 438
Schur, I. 35
Selberg — Chowla formula 324
Selberg, A. 10 46 49 50
Shafarevich, I.R. 224 263
Shen, L.-C. 145
Siegel, C.L. 217 218 220
Signature 92
Singular modulus 183 186 277
Sitaramachandrarao, R. 467 474
Sloan Foundation 6
Smart, J.R. 5
Soldner 542
Somashekara, D.D. 37
Stark, H.M. 317
Stieltjes, T.J. 55 68 83
Stirling numbers of the first kind 508 513
Stirling's formula 539
Stolz, O. 81
Strzebonski, A. 253 256
Suslov, S.K. 551 558
Swinnerton — Dyer, P. 136
Szasz, O. 84 85
Szegoe, G. 551
Taucher, T. 549
Tchebychef, P.L. 551
Tennyson, Alfred 1
Theta functions 12 92
Theta functions, transformation formulas 20 330 409
| Theta functions, values of 323—351
Thiele oscillation 81 84—86
Thiele, T.N. 81
Thiruvenkatachar, V.R. 275
Thron, W.J. 12 34 52 68 70 72 81 85—88 410 490 491
Titchmarsh, E.G. 410 423 426 447 449 466 470 471 576 581
Transfer principle 108 114
Transformation formula 245 365
Trimidiation 101—103 116
Trinity College, Cambridge 5 184
Triplication 101—104 107
Trott, M. 256
United Kingdom 505
University of Glasgow 5
University of Illinois 5 6
Uvarov, V.B. 551 558
Valence formula 128 131 132
Van Vleck, E.B. 82
Vandertnonde's theorem 506 514
Vaughn Foundation 6
Vaughn, J. 6
Venkatachaliengar, K. 90 180 275
Viskovatoff's algorithm 68
von Pidoll, M. 85
Wall, H.S. 11 55 68—70 78
Wang, E.T.H. 532 566
Watson's lemma 69 425 516 522 534
Watson, G.N. 1 5 10 20 29 31 46 67 68 71 72 92 133 184—187 189 257 275 277 280 324 333 335 379 445 458 577 595 596
Weber, H. 3 132 183 184 188 189 209 211 213 215 216 264 270 273 275 276 282 321 353 354 391 392
Whittaker, E.T. 68 92 133 187 324 445 458
Williams, K.S. 6 324
Wilson, B.M. 1 5 184
Wright, E.M. 428 434
Young, J. 566
Yui, N. 322
Zagier, D.B. 6 10 37 39 40 43 322
Zassenhaus, H. 225
Zhang, L.-C. 1—3 6 10 30 46 49 125 185 208 219 222 337 338 341 343 346 351
Zucker, I.J. 324 327
Zuckerman, H.S. 428 436
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