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Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 4)
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Название: Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 4)
Автор: Bruce C.Berndt
Аннотация: During the years 1903-1914, Ramanujan worked in almost complete isolation in India. During this time, he recorded most of his mathematical discoveries without proofs in notebooks. Although many of his results were already found in the literature, most were not. Almost a decade after Ramanujan's death in 1920, G.N. Watson and B.M. Wilson began to edit Ramanujan's notebooks, but they never completed the task. A photostat edition, with no editing, was published by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Bombay in 1957. This book is the fourth of five volumes devoted to the editing of Ramanujan's notebooks. Parts I, II, and III, published in 1985, 1989, and 1991, contain accounts of Chapters 1-21 in Ramanujan's second notebook as well as a description of his quarterly reports. This is the first of two volumes devoted to proving the results found in the unorganized portions of the second notebook and in the third notebook. The author also proves those results in the first notebook that are not found in the second or third notebooks. For those results that are known, references in the literature are provided. Otherwise, complete proofs are given. Over 1/2 of the results in the notebooks are new. Many of them are so startling and different that there are no results akin to them in the literature.
Рубрика: Математика /Анализ /Продвинутый анализ /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 451
Добавлена в каталог: 30.10.2004
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Adiga, C. 93
Ahlfors, L.V. 390
Aiyar, S.N. 112
American Mathematical Monthly 312
Andree, R.V. 54
Andrews, G.E. 3 6 74 139 155 158 170 261—262 265 286
Anthoniszoon, A. 49
Askey, R.A. 6 345—346 349
Avenhaus, R. 285
Ayoub, R. 245—246
Bailey pairs 139 155 158—163
Bailey's lemma 158
Bailey's q-analogue of Whipple's theorem 156
Bailey, W.N. 247—248 345—346
Balachandran, K. 35
Balasubramanian, G. 35
Barbette, E. 95—96
Basic hypergeometric series 155—157
Bateman, P.T. 6 75
Bays, C. 136
Beckmann, P. 49
Bell numbers and polynomials 402
Bernoulli numbers 53 75—76 81—85 124 127 262 273 296 403
Bernoulli numbers (extended) 129 355
Bernoulli polynomials 273
Bernoulli, James 245
Bertrand's postulate 135
Bessel functions 342—344
Beyer, W. 285
Bhargava, S. 3 5 6 30 91—92 97 99—100 102 246 354
Biagioli, A.J.F. 239 244
Binary form 30
Binet's formula for log (a) 335—336
Binet, J.P.M. 107
Borwein, J.M. 48—49 90 354
Borwein, P.B. 49 90 354
Bradley, D. 3 6 334 346
Brams, S.J. 285
Brauer, A. 135
Brent, R.P. 134
Buckholtz, T.J. 76
Bundy, M. 285
Carr, G.S. 135
Castellanos, D. 49
Cauchy, A. 262
Cayley, A. 39
Chan, H.H. 176
Chandrasekharan, K. 249—250 259—260
Chebyshev, P.L. 136
Chellali, M 85
Chen, M.P. 272
Chudnovsky, D.V. 354
Chudnovsky, G.V. 354
Cipra, B. 48
Cohn, H. 244
Composition of functions 384—389
Continued fractions 412—417
Copson, E.T. 293 322
Cox, D.A. 71
Davenport, H. 310
de Barra, G. 48
de Bruijn, N.G. 276
Dedekind eta-function 139 175—184 237—244 252
Dedekind eta-function multiplier system 179
Delange, H. 61 396
Dharmarajan, T. 8
Diamond, H.G. 6 64
Dickson, L.E. 12 70 95—96 107—108
Dieter, U. 93
Dilogarithm 262 265 283 285 287—288 322—329
Diophantus 108
Divisor function 57—58 70 74 78—79 87
Dougall's theorem 350—351
Eisenstcin series 200—202 249 259—260 351—352
Elkies, N.D. 108
Elliptic integral 245—260 420—421
Elliptic integral of the first kind 200 246—247 256 259
Elliptic integral of the second kind 247
Equations cubic 22—23 32 37—38 40—41
Equations quartic 31—32
Equations quintic 38—39
Equations systems 10—22 27—32 42—48
Erdos, P. 53
Eta-function identities 186—187 192 203—244
Euler numbers 403
Euler — Maclaurin summation formula 273
Euler's diophantine equation 52 54—56 107—108
Euler's second identity 265 286
Euler's transformation 247 253
Eulerian polynomials and numbers 403
Evans, R.J. 3 6 124 139 174—175 177—179 182 286 288 291 312 318 327
Fagnano, G. 245
Fermat, P. 70
Ferrari, F. 96—97
Fichtenholz, G.M. 306
Fichtner, J. 285
Fine, N.J. 313
Ford, D. 244
Ford, K. 6 100
Fourier series of 247
Frullani's theorem 316 319
Galway, W. 6 113
Gamma function 305—306 322 330 334—342 374—377
Garvan, F.G. 354
Gauss's theorem 345
Gelfond, A.O. 91
Geometry 8 9
George, A. 69
Gerardin, A. 96
Girard, A. 70
Gleason, A.M. 78
Gloden, A. 107
Gordon, B. 244
Gosper, R.W. 6 19 354
Gram, J.P. 124—125 127 129 135
Gray son, D. 6 19
Greatest integer function 91—94
Gronwall, T.H. 94
Grosjean, C.C. 313
Grosswald, E. 75
Guy, R.K. 73
Hafner.J.L. 75
Halberstam, H. 6
Haldeman, C.B. 95—96 101 107
Halter-Koch, F. 71
Hansen, E.R. 74
Hardy, G.H. 2 3 51—52 56—58 60—61 108 111 118—124 129 132 136—137 288 291 378 383
Hardy-Ramanujan asymptotic formula for p(n) 3
Hart, D.S. 95—96
Hausman, M. 67
Haussner, R. 85
Hecke, E. 244
Heine's theorem 262 12
Heine's transformation 263
Henrici, P. 351
Hermite, C. 90
Heupel, W. 62
Highly composite numbers 52—54 79 86—87
Hildebrand, A. 6
Honsberger, R. 54
Hooley, C. 56
Hudson, R.H. 135—136
Hurwitz zeta-function 412
Hypergeometric functions 193—194 247 259—260 344—354 404—405 407—412 417—422
Hypergeometric functions, balanced 345—348
Ikehara, S. 396
Illegitimate convergent series 395
Illegitimate divergent series 395
Integrals asymptotic expansions of 291—294
Invariant theory 31
Inversion formulas for elliptic integrals 245—260
Ismail, M.E.H. 346
Ivic, A. 58
Iwaniec, H. 62
Jackson's theorem 156
Jacobi, C.G.J. 155
Jacobian elliptic functions 246—248 250 253—254 256—257
Jacobsen, L. 261
James, R.D. 62
Journal of the Indian mathematical society 2 39 42 56 78 112 288 298 327 341
Keiper, J. 6
Kilgour, M. 285
Klein's absolute invariant 90—91
Knopp, M.I. 244
Knuth, D.E. 76
Kohler, G, 244
Kratzel, E. 58 75 94
Kronecker, L. 90
Kung, J.P.S. 31
L-function 309—310
Lagarias, J.C. 135
Lagrange inversion 402
Lagrange, J.L. 70
Lambert series 152—171 197—202
Lamphere, R.L. 261
Landau, E. 52—53 61—62 73—75 94 127—128
Landau, S. 48
Lander, L.J. 108 134
Laplace transform 303 322 330 332 344
Laplace's method 311—312
Lattice points 52—53 58 66—69 73—75 93—94
Lawden, D.F. 251
Legendre, A.M. 71—72
Legitimate convergent series 395
Legitimate divergent series 395
Lehmer, D.H. 83—85
Lehmer, D.N. 135
Lemniscate integral 245—255
Lemniscate integral, doubling the arc length of 246
Letters of Ramanujan to Hardy 2 4 51—52 66 111—112 118—119 121—124 131—132 136—137 291
Lewin, L. 285 329
Littlewood, J.E. 67 118 136 396
Lost notebook 53 118—119 121—122 261 269 272—273 284
Lou, S. 135
MacMahon, P.A. 159 161
Macsyma 18 124
Magic squares 401—402
Maple 284
Martin, A. 95—96 101 107
Master theorem 313
Mathematica 7 15 17—18 43 47 74 89 102 113 131—132 140 227 229—230 240 244 413—417
McKay, J. 244
Mclntosh, R. 3 6 262 268—269 272 284—285
Meinardus, G. 269—270 272
Meissel — Lehmer method 61
Meissel, E.D.F. 134—135
Mellin transforms 330—332
Mermin, N.D. 48
Mick, D.K. 6 45
Miller, V.S. 135
Mittag — Leffler theorem 355 367—368 390
Modular equations 139—140 186—187 193—198 201—244
Modular equations, P-Q 203—244
Modular forms 174—184 237—244
Myerson, G. 6
Nagell, T. 71—72
Nanjundiah, T.S. 102
Narkiewicz, W. 396
Nested radicals 14—20 44—48
Newman, M. 6 239 244
Nicolas, J.-L. 53 94
Nielsen, N. 124 127
Norfolk, T.S. 312
Nuclear war 285—286
Numerical calculations 41 48—49
Odlyzko, A.M. 6 135
Olver, F.W.J. 125—126 273 293 11—312
Order of a function 385
Parkin, T.R. 108
Partial fraction expansions 111 300—301 355—381 390
Partition function 108 176
Patrick, M.L. 74
Pi, approximations to 48—49 87—91
Pi, series for 352—354
Pillai, S.S. 69
Poisson summation formula 294 298—299 427
Poisson summation formula for Fourier sine transforms 295
Pole 63
Potler, A. 134
Preece, C.T. 291
prime number theory 58—59 111—137
Putnam Exam 78
q-series 261—286
q-series, asymptotic formulas 265—286
q-series, identities 262—265
Quadratic forms 70—73 86
Quarterly Reports 313 316 389
Quintuple product identity 188 426
Ramanathan, K.G. 6
Ramanujaha 27
Ramanujam, S. 27
Ramanujan's summation 152—153
Ramanujan's formula for (2n + 1) 432
Rankin, R.A. 3 6 60 90 118—119 122 132 239 249 259
Rearrangement of series 393—394
Reznick, B. 6 34 92 107
Ribenboim, P. 137
Richert, H.-E. 75
Riemann hypothesis 94
Riemann zeta-function 111 115—116 127 129 355—358 377—380 403 432
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 288 302 316
Riemann — Stieltjes integrals 51 112
Riemann's series for (x) 117 123—124 127 129 131 136
Robin, G. 53 94
Rogers — Ramanujan identity 261 284—285
Rola, G.-C. 31
Ruderman, H. 73
Rummer's theorem 419
Schierwagen, A. 75
Schmid, L.P. 61
Schoeneberg, B. 239 242—243
Schwarz, W. 61 396
Schwering, K. 107
Sears, D.B. 156
Selfridge, J.L. 6 73 108
Seven interval formula 81
Shanks, D. 6 61 90 136
Shapiro, H.N. 67
Shiu, P. 61
Siegel, C.L. 245—246
Silverman, J.H. 90
Sinor, D. 244
Six interval formula 82—85
Slater, L.J. 156
Smith, H.J.S. 90
Soldner 124
Somashekara, D.D. 93
Somasundaram, D. 9 49 79 81 334 399
Squares in algebraic number fields 35
Srinivasan, P.K. 8
Stanley, G.K. 61
Stark, H.M. 244
Steelman, J.H. 312
Steinig, J. 6
Stirling's formula 268 276 339 422
Sum of divisors function 94 108
Sums of powers 94—108
Sums of squares 52 60—66 70—73
Sylvester, J.J. 30—31
Systems of equations See «equations systems»