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Joyce J., Moon M. — Windows Vista Plain & Simple |
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security, passwords for user accounts 2nd 3rd
security, pop-up windows
security, protecting user accounts 2nd
security, resetting passwords 2nd
security, restricting access to programs
security, restricting access to Web content
security, restricting time on computers
security, restricting video or audio playback
security, Secure Password Authentication
security, security certificates
security, security keys 2nd 3rd
security, trusted contacts
security, viruses 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
security, waking from Sleep mode
security, Windows Security Center features 2nd 3rd 4th
security, Windows Vista features 2nd
security, worms 2nd
selecting items
selecting items, in dialog boxes
selecting items, in Journal
selecting items, in Web pages
selecting items, in windows
selecting items, mouse and keyboard techniques
selecting items, with speech recognition
sending, draft e-mail
sending, e-mail
sending, files in e-mail
sending, photos 2nd
sending, vCards 2nd
serial ports
service providers (ISPs) 2nd
Services And Applications feature
setting up [See installing; settings]
settings, accessibility settings
settings, AutoPlay 2nd
settings, Calculator
settings, cookies
settings, copying to new computers
settings, currency display
settings, date display
settings, dial-up connections
settings, DVDs playback
settings, Ease Of Access
settings, firewalls 2nd
settings, games
settings, home pages
settings, idle state
settings, importing or exporting from Internet Explorer
settings, Internet Explorer security
settings, keyboard 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
settings, Language
settings, monitoring security 2nd
settings, mouse or pointing devices 2nd
settings, movies and Movie Maker
settings, multiple monitors 2nd
settings, network access
settings, On-Screen Keyboard 2nd 3rd
settings, parental access settings
settings, presentations
settings, privacy
settings, program compatibility
settings, program startup
settings, ReadyBoost
settings, regional settings
settings, removable media devices, transferring files and settings with
settings, slide shows
settings, sound 2nd 3rd
settings, time display
settings, User Account Control 2nd 3rd 4th
settings, video color
settings, video display 2nd
settings, Web-site privacy
settings, Web-site secure zones
settings, Web-site security 2nd
settings, window views
settings, Windows Mail
settings, world location display
shadow copies
shadows on menus
shapes, changing in Journal
shared files and folders
shared files and folders, assigning drive letters
shared files and folders, displaying list of folders
shared files and folders, on networks 2nd 3rd
shared files and folders, Public folders
shared files and folders, Shared Folders feature
shared files and folders, sharing files
shared files and folders, transferring files to new computers 2nd
shared files and folders, transferring files with
shared files and folders, wireless networks and 2nd
SharePoint sites
sharing, calendars
sharing, computers [See also networks and networking]
sharing, control of computers 2nd
sharing, meeting handouts
sharing, music 2nd
sharing, photos
sharing, printers 2nd
sharing, programs in Meeting Space
sharing, projectors
shortcut links to files
Shortcut menus 2nd 3rd
shrinking Web pages for printing
shuffle order in playlists 2nd
shutting down
sidebar 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Sidebar gadgets 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SideShow feature 2nd
size, of files [See file size]
size, of icons 2nd
size, of paper 2nd
Skins mode in Media Player
sleep states 2nd 3rd 4th
slide shows 2nd 3rd 4th
slides in movies
smoothing screen fonts
Snipping Tool
Software Explorer
software programs [See programs (software)]
Solitaire game
sorting, e-mail messages 2nd
sorting, files in windows
sorting, photos 2nd 3rd
Sound [See also audio files; speech recognition]
Sound Recorder 2nd
sound schemes
sound, alternative settings for
sound, dictating text
sound, event sounds 2nd
sound, event-sound alternatives
sound, in video and movies
sound, moving mouse with
sound, muting
sound, Narrator settings
sound, playback volume 2nd
sound, recording 2nd
sound, sound schemes
sound, speech recognition 2nd
sound, voice commands
soundtracks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
space on hard disks
special characters
| special characters, dictating
special characters, entering in text
special characters, in file names
special characters, Symbols pad
special effects 2nd
Speech recognition
speech recognition, alternative tools
speech recognition, customizing
speech recognition, dictating text
speech recognition, mouse techniques
speech recognition, tutorials
speech recognition, voice commands 2nd
speech, reading aloud with Narrator 2nd
speed, hard-disk performance
speed, mouse settings
speed, pointer settings
speed, recording speed
speed, video images
spelling, correcting in speech recognition 2nd
Spider Solitaire game
splitting videos into clips
spyware and malware 2nd 3rd
stacking file icons in windows
stand-alone projectors
standard deviations
Standard Group
Standard Group, adding or deleting accounts
Standard Group, security issues and
Standard Group, user rights and 2nd
star ratings
Start button 2nd 3rd
Start menu
Start menu, customizing
Start menu, illustrated
Start menu, moving with taskbar
Start menu, new features
Start menu, startup programs
Start menu, voice commands for
starting, CDs
starting, computers
starting, programs
starting, programs with voice commands
starting, Windows Vista
Stationery Setup Wizard
statistical calculations
sticky notes
Sticky Notes tool
still photos [See also photos]
stopped programs
stopping, printers
stopping, programs in Meeting Space
stopping, speech recognition
Storage feature
storyboards 2nd 3rd
Streaming video
stretching pictures
strong passwords
stylus, entering text with
Subfolders 2nd
subscribing, to calendars
subscribing, to newsgroups
subscribing, to RSS feeds
Support [See help and information; troubleshooting]
swapping Contacts files
switches for commands
switching, keyboards
switching, languages
switching, power-management schemes
switching, users 2nd
switching, Web pages
switching, window views
switching, windows
symbols 2nd 3rd 4th
Symbols pad
Sync Center
synchronizing, files on portable devices
synchronizing, Media Center content with portable devices
System Configuration tool
System Information tool
system logs
System Restore tool
System Restore wizard
TAB key
tables on Web pages
Tablet PC Sticky Notes tool
Tablet PC tools 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
tabs, home-page tab sets
tabs, Internet Explorer 2nd 3rd 4th
Tagged Image File Format (.tif) 2nd
tags for photos 2nd
taking back control of programs
target printers
Task Manager 2nd
Task Scheduler
taskbar, additional clocks for
taskbar, buttons
Taskbar, customizing
taskbar, hidden items on
taskbar, illustrated
taskbar, locking
taskbar, minimized windows on
Taskbar, moving
taskbar, notification areas
taskbar, toolbars
tasks, in Windows Calendar
tasks, on shortcut menus
TCP/IP addresses
technical support [See help and information; troubleshooting]
Television [See also videos]
television, blocking display
television, displaying listings
television, Media Center functions
television, playing
templates, folder views
templates, Windows Journal
temporary connections for file transfer
temporary networks 2nd 3rd
testing, event sounds
testing, mouse settings
testing, printers
text boxes
text documents
text documents, creating 2nd
text documents, creating from Journal
text documents, symbols in
text documents, Tablet PC Input Panel
text documents, typing on screen
text e-mail
text, Desktop items
text, dictating
text, formatting 2nd
text, movie titles and credits
text, reading aloud with Narrator
text, saving from Web pages 2nd
themes 2nd
threads in newsgroups
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