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Joyce J., Moon M. — Windows Vista Plain & Simple |
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.avi format 2nd
.bmp files
.contact format 2nd
.jpeg files
.net passports
.rtf (Rich Text format)
.tif files 2nd
.vcf format 2nd
.wav format
.wma files
.wmv format 2nd 3rd 4th
.xps files
.zip file format
3-D effects
3-D effects, Aero glass effects 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
3-D effects, windows
Access control [See parental controls; passwords; user accounts and rights]
Accessibility [See Ease Of Access Center; Mobility Center]
accounts [See user accounts and rights]
ActiveX controls
ad hoc networks 2nd 3rd
Add Hardware Wizard
Add Printer Wizard 2nd
Address Bar 2nd 3rd
Address toolbar
addresses, adding to e-mail
addresses, e-mail
addresses, e-mail groups
addresses, TCP/IP addresses
addresses, Web pages 2nd 3rd
administrative computer tasks
Administrator Group
Administrator Group, adding or deleting user accounts 2nd
Administrator Group, overview
Administrator Group, parental controls and
Administrator Group, security issues and
Administrator Group, User Account Control (UAC) settings and 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Administrator Group, user rights and
advanced searching 2nd
Aero color scheme 2nd
Aero glass effect 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
album information
alerts, from firewalls
alerts, on taskbar
alerts, security issues and
alerts, sounds for
alerts, visual cues for
aligning, Desktop icons
aligning, text
allowing, pop-up windows
allowing, Web site visits
Alt key
alternative input methods 2nd
animation in movies
annotating documents
anti-virus software 2nd 3rd
appearance, 3-D windows
appearance, Aero color scheme 2nd
appearance, Aero glass 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
appearance, reverting to earlier Windows look
appearance, setting visual effects
applications [See programs (software)]
applying choices in dialog boxes
appointments, for meetings
appointments, in calendars 2nd
archiving files 2nd 3rd
arrow keys
aspect ratios for movies
associations, program 2nd
attachments to e-mail
attachments to e-mail, dangers of
attachments to e-mail, in message replies
attachments to e-mail, inspecting for viruses
attachments to e-mail, Journal notes
attachments to e-mail, sending files
attachments to e-mail, sending pictures
attachments to e-mail, vCards
attendees at meetings
Audio files [See also CDs; music; sound; soundtracks]
audio files, blocking playback
audio files, creating
audio files, in video and movies
audio files, playback volume
audio files, volume adjustment
Audio Video Interleaved format (.avi) 2nd
authentication in e-mail
authorizations [See permissions]
Auto Playlists
AutoComplete feature
automatic updates for Windows Vista 2nd
Automatic Updating feature 2nd
automatically sorting e-mail
AutoMovie feature 2nd
AutoPlay settings 2nd
auxiliary displays [See multiple monitors]
Averaging numbers
Back button 2nd
Back Up Files wizard
background colors
background pictures
background pictures, e-mail messages
background pictures, illustrated
background pictures, setting
background pictures, Windows Journal
backing up data 2nd 3rd
Basic editions of Windows Vista 2nd 3rd [See also Windows Vista Home Premium; Windows Vista Ultimate]
Binary numbers
bit rates 2nd
Black-and-white images
black-and-white printing
blocking, DVD playback
blocking, e-mail
blocking, exported lists of blocked sites
blocking, incoming connections
blocking, pop-up windows 2nd
blocking, programs for children's accounts
blocking, television display
blocking, video or audio playback
blocking, Web sites 2nd
bold text
bookmarked Web sites (favorites)
boot logging
booting from discs
brightness, photos
brightness, videos
bulleted lists
Burn To Disc Wizard
burning, CDs 2nd
burning, DVDs 2nd 3rd 4th
business cards, virtual 2nd
Business edition of Windows Vista 2nd
buttons, activating with voice commands
buttons, on pointing devices
buttons, power-management options
cable cards
Cables 2nd
Calculator program 2nd
| Calendars [See also Windows Calendar]
cameras, downloading photos from
cameras, downloading videos from 2nd 3rd
cameras, recording videos from
cameras, uploading movies to
cameras, viewing information about
canceling, dialog boxes
canceling, print jobs
captions, for events
captions, for photos
capturing screen images
card games
card games, FreeCell
card games, game information and compatibility
card games, Hearts
card games, Solitaire
card games, Spider Solitaire
case-sensitivity of passwords
categories, of files
categories, of photos 2nd
cautions [See also troubleshooting]
cautions, account precautions
cautions, Administrator accounts and parental controls
cautions, compressed folders
cautions, default printers
cautions, deleting files on removable disks
cautions, deleting photos from Photo Gallery
cautions, driver software
cautions, file and folder names
cautions, file extensions
cautions, gadgets
cautions, Information bar security alerts
cautions, locking Media Player
cautions, Meeting Space meetings 2nd
cautions, newsgroup message formats
cautions, Password Reset disks
cautions, password-protecting shared folders
cautions, passwords as case-sensitive
cautions, pasting multiple pictures
cautions, plain Text documents and formatting
cautions, preventing spam with fake e-mail addresses
cautions, Public folders
cautions, running older programs in Windows Vista
cautions, saving Web-page text
cautions, shared folders 2nd 3rd
cautions, sharing Desktop
cautions, sharing files 2nd
cautions, speech-recognition tutorial
cautions, viewing .xps files
cautions, viruses in e-mail attachments
cautions, Web-site copyright violations
cautions, wireless networks
cd command
CdS [See also music]
CDs, copying
CDs, copying files to 2nd
CDs, creating 2nd 3rd
CDs, formats for
CDs, importing photos from
CDs, Media Center features
CDs, opening CD drives
CDs, playing 2nd
CDs, saving movies on
CDs, saving photos on
CDs, starting actions for
centering pictures
Character Map 2nd
Character Pad
chatting during Remote Desktop Assistance
checking e-mail
Chess Titans game
children, controlling Web content for
children, Purble Place games
children, restricting DVD playback
children, restricting game access
children, setting computer time limits
city time-zone clocks
classifying, files
classifying, photos 2nd
clearing Web-site browsing history
clicking, mouse settings
clicking, voice commands for
ClickLock feature
clipboard 2nd
clips, audio for movies
clips, creating movies from
clips, customized movies
clips, downloading from cameras
clips, editing
clips, Movie Maker features
clips, rearranging
clips, selecting the best
clips, transitions between
clocks 2nd
closing, dialog boxes
closing, documents
closing, Sidebar
closing, tabbed Web pages
cls command
Co-Owner permission 2nd
collapsing folder list
collating print jobs
collections of media items
Color schemes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
color, color schemes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
color, Desktop 2nd
color, movie titles and credits
color, multiple calendars
color, overdue tasks
color, Paint tools
color, photo adjustments
color, printing
color, text
color, video settings
color, video special effects
color, Windows Journal
columns in folders
combining clips for movies
Comfy Cakes game
Command Prompt window 2nd
commands, Command Prompt window
commands, help and information
commands, switches for
commands, voice 2nd
communicating [See e-mail]
Communities feature
comparing calendars
compatibility settings for programs
completing tasks
compressed files 2nd 3rd
compressed folders 2nd
compression, video
Computer folder
Computer Management console
computers, checking for compatibility with advanced features
computers, Computer Management Console
computers, connecting to Internet
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