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Hille E., Phillips R.S. — Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups |
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Covering 4
Cramer, H. 316 653 654 657
Dahlgren, L. 534
Day, M.M. 28 89 502
De La Vallee-Poussin, C.J. 237
de Laplace, P.S., equation 673
de Laplace, P.S., L. — Stieltjes transform 213
de Laplace, P.S., L. — Stieltjes transform, convergence 213
de Laplace, P.S., L. — Stieltjes transform, convergence, abscissa of 215
de Laplace, P.S., L. — Stieltjes transform, inversion 218
de Laplace, P.S., L. — Stieltjes transform, uniqueness 216
de Laplace, P.S., transform 213
de Laplace, P.S., transform, inversion 218 339 349 352 361 362 364
de Laplace, P.S., transform, representation by 230
de Laplace, P.S., transform, uniqueness 216
de Siguier, J.A. 256
Decomposition theorems 320 514 516 518 520 525
Dense 4
Dense, nowhere d. 4
Determining, manifold 34
Determining, set 34
Devinatz, A. 592
Diameter 8
Dickson, L.E. 256
Dieudonne, J. 29 89
Differentiability 59
Differentiability of semi-group elements 284
Differentiability of semi-group elements, counter example 281
Differentiability of sets 719
Differentiability of subadditive functions 250
Differentiability, (F)-d. 110
Differentiability, (G)-d. 109 766
Differentiability, (L)-d. 115
Differentiability, strong d. of semi-group of operators 310
Differentiability, strong d. of semi-group of operators, for elements in domain of infinitesimal operator 308
Differentiability, strong d. of semi-group of operators, infinitesimal generator 345
Differential equations, Cauchy's problem 617 674
Differential equations, elliptic 673
Differential equations, existence theorem 67
Differential equations, Hermite — Weber 582
Differential equations, hyperbolic 674
Differential equations, Kolmogoroff 638
Differential equations, parabolic 677
Differential equations, Riccati 687
Differential operators, Beltrami 677
Differential operators, derivative 531 535 602
Differential operators, derivative, conjugate of d. 556 579 605
Differential operators, derivative, second d. 578 603
Differential operators, elliptic 673
Differential operators, Hermite 610
Differential operators, Hermite — Weber 610 672
Differential operators, hyperbolic 674
Differential operators, Laguerre 610
Differential operators, Legendre 611
Differential operators, parabolic 677
Direct sum, of linear systems 12
Directed set 5
Dirichlet, P.G. Lejeune, integral 218
Dirichlet, P.G. Lejeune, Mehler — D. integral 612
Dirichlet, P.G. Lejeune, representation of semi-group 547 557 561
Dirichlet, P.G. Lejeune, series 547 560 607 609
Dirichlet, P.G. Lejeune, transform 603
Dissolvent 684
Dissolvent, d. set 684
Dissolvent, first (second) d. equation 686
Distribution, Cauchy 658
Distribution, function 636 648
Distribution, function, arithmetic of 657
Distribution, Gaussian 657
Distribution, Poisson 314 636 650 657
Doetsch, G. 612
Domain (= open connected set), maximal d. of analytic existence 476
Domain (= open connected set), maximal d. of analytic existence, for semi-group 477 485 538 557 560
Domain of existence (holomorphism, meromorphism) 98
Domain of infinitesimal operator 307
Domain of infinitesimal operator, powers 308
Domain of integrity 10 616
Domain of transformation 5
Doob, J.L. 635 637 638 639 648
Dunford, N. 34 47 60 61 62 74 76 77 92 93 164 168 169 171 177 279 291 304 307 312 336 502 503 509 521 534 621 625 649 751
Dunford, N., minimal equation theorem 169
Dye, H.A. 417
Eberlein, W.F. 37 502
Eidelheit, M. 28
Einstein numbers 271
Elements of algebras, adjoint (self-a.) 22
Elements of algebras, idempotent 121
Elements of algebras, inverse 20
Elements of algebras, inverse, quasi-i. 680
Elements of algebras, nilpotent 121
Elements of algebras, nilpotent, properly q.-n. 699
Elements of algebras, nilpotent, quasi-n. 121 128 699
Elements of algebras, regular 20
Elements of algebras, regular, quasi-r. 680
Elements of algebras, regular, semi-r. 702
Elements of algebras, reversible 681
Elements of algebras, singular 20 120
Elements of algebras, unit 20
Elements of algebras, zero-divisor 121
Elements of algebras, zero-divisor, generalized z.-d. 121 129
Embedding theorem 285 288 495
Endomorphisms, algebra of 51
Endomorphisms, irreducible 702 712
Endomorphisms, irreducible, isomorphic to primitive algebra 711
Endomorphisms, semi-simplicity 702
Endomorphisms, topologies 51 52
Equivalence classes, m. a linear subspace 18
Equivalence classes, m. perturbing classes of operators 410
Equivalence classes, m. the linear bounded transformations 45
Equivalence classes, modulo an ideal 133 696
Equivalence classes, normed topology for e.c.m. linear subspace 18
Equivalence classes, normed topology for e.c.m. linear subspace, m. ideal 134 697
Ergodic, Abel (Cesaro, weakly, strongly, uniformly) 508 511
Ergodic, hypothesis 502
Ergodic, projections 514
Ergodic, theorems 303 502 508 592
Ergodic, theorems, strong 518
Ergodic, theorems, uniform 521
Ergodic, theorems, weak 512
Euler, L., constant 666
Euler, L., E. Knopp summability 615
Euler, L., integral 664
Exponential, formulas 302 311 354 487 494
Exponential, function 68 122 172 338
Exponential, function, addition theorem 172 277 278
Exponential, function, periods 173 177
Exponential, solutions 282 285
Extension of, algebra (change of spectrum) 129
Extension of, holomorphic functions 164 689
Extension of, holomorphic functions, principal e. 165 690
Extension of, holomorphic semi-group 473 537
Extension of, linear functional 28
Extension of, linear transformation 40
Extension of, linear transformation, change of spectrum 55
Factor, f. semi-groups on Fourier series 546
Factor, f. semi-groups on Fourier series, F. transforms 574
Factor, f. semi-groups on Fourier series, Hermitian series 580
Factor, f. sequences 544
Factor, problems for Fourier series 544
Factor, problems for Fourier series, F. transforms 566
Factor, problems for Fourier series, Hermitian series 571
Factor, weight f. 141
Fantappie, L. 92 109 168
Favard, J. 534
Fejer, L., kernel 155 221
Feller, W. 305 356 360 364 373 374 421 422 606 639 654 658 673 674
Fenchel, W. 253
Field, normed 127
Field, scalar 11
| Field, skew 127 694
Fine structure spectral mapping theorems 204 464
Finite, intersection property 4
Finite, subadditive function 238
Finite, topology (closure, interior) 14
Finitely, f.-valued function 72
Finitely, open set 14
Flat space 11
Form, multilinear 760
Form, polar 762
Form, symmetric 760
Fourier, J.B.J., series 468 543
Fourier, J.B.J., series, absolutely convergent 136
Fourier, J.B.J., transform 566 599 604
Fourier, J.B.J., transform, characteristic function 653 660
Fractional integration 217 231 663
Frechet, M. 109 637
Frechet, M., (F)-analytic 112 778
Frechet, M., (F)-differential 110
Frechet, M., (F)-power 768
Frechet, M., (F)-power series 775
Fremberg, N.E. 675
Frequency function 651
Frobenius, G. 127 168 256
Frobenius, G., F. — Wedderburn norm 718
Fubini's theorem 84
Fuglede, B. 594
Fukamiya, M. 303
Functionals 7
Functionals, analytic 109 168
Functionals, bilinear 33
Functionals, linear f. 26
Functionals, linear f., bounded l.f. 30
Functionals, linear f., extension of 28
Functionals, multiplicative linear f. 135
Functionals, subadditive 25
Functionals, subadditive, positive-homogeneous 29
Functionals, subadditive, positive-homogeneous, p.-h. and circular 29
Functions of bounded variation 59
Functions of bounded variation, algebras 141 615 649
Functions of bounded variation, normalized 213
Functions of composition 617
Functions of several complex variables 106
Functions of support 234 253
Functions on algebra to algebra 66 115 164
Functions on maximal ideals 136 717
Functions on scalars to algebra 121
Functions on scalars to algebra, on s. to vectors 58 92
Functions on vectors to scalars 26
Functions on vectors to scalars, on v. to v. 23 109 760
Functions, analytic 109
Functions, analytic, Frechet 112
Functions, analytic, Lorch 115
Functions, canonical 728
Functions, characteristic 653 660
Functions, composite 171 203
Functions, Conjugate 556 579 605
Functions, continuous (strongly, weakly) 58
Functions, continuous in operator topologies 59
Functions, convex 239 252
Functions, countably-valued 72
Functions, determining (generating) 221
Functions, differentiate 59
Functions, distribution 313 636 648
Functions, entire 100
Functions, expectation of f. 313
Functions, finitely-valued 72
Functions, frequency 651
Functions, harmonic 556 579
Functions, harmonic, sub-harmonic 100
Functions, holomorphic 92
Functions, holomorphic, in half-plane 227
Functions, indicator 480
Functions, integrable (B) 79
Functions, integrable (P) 77
Functions, mass 614
Functions, measurable vector-valued f. 72
Functions, measurable vector-valued f., m. operator-valued f. 74
Functions, moment 614
Functions, numerically-valued (= functional) 7
Functions, operative f. 275
Functions, operator f. 59
Functions, separably-valued 72
Functions, set f., absolutely continuous 76
Functions, set f., countably additive 75
Functions, simple 72
Functions, subadditive 25 237 280 306
Functions, subadditive, admissible 268
Functions, subadditive, infinitary 239
Functions, subadditive, limit 246
Functions, subadditive, negative 243
Functions, subadditive, positive-homogeneous 252
Functions, submultiplicative 141 242
Functions, suboperative 274 742
Fundamental, set 13
Gantmacher, V. 50
Garding, L. 606 677 751
Gateaux, R. 109
Gateaux, R., (G)-differentiability 110 766
Gateaux, R., (G)-differential 109
Gateaux, R., (G)-power 768
Gateaux, R., (G)-power series 770
Gauss, C.F., G. — Weierstrass transform 578 602 652 678
Gauss, C.F., normal distribution 657
Gelfand, I. 52 60 62 72 77 92 103 117 121 125 128 131 132 136 139 141 147 152 153 157 164 168 171 303 308 310 332 697 699 714 715 716 751
Gelfand, I., representation theory 136
Generation, groups of operators 364
Generation, groups of operators, with analytical group extension 341
Generation, groups of operators, with holomorphic semi-group extension 500
Generation, semi-groups of operators 356
Generation, semi-groups of operators, of c. 377
Generation, semi-groups of operators, of c. 372
Generation, semi-groups of operators, of c. 380
Generation, semi-groups of operators, of c. 360
Generation, semi-groups of operators, of c. 383 485
Generation, semi-groups of operators, of c. (1, A) 364
Generation, semi-groups of operators, of class (A) 373
Giorgi, G. 168
Graph 6 40
Graph, closed g. theorem 47
Graves, L.M. 62 109 760
Green, G., function 617
Group of reversible elements 681
Group, additive 9
Group, additive, topological 10
Group, analytical 278 341 461 494
Group, continuous power 174 285
Group, maximal 119
Group, normed 715
Group, normed, n. Lie 718
Group, one-parameter strongly continuous g. of operators 303 459 470 471 665
Group, one-parameter strongly continuous g. of operators, generation of 364
Group, one-parameter strongly continuous g. of operators, unitary g. 593 598 599
Group, one-parameter strongly continuous g. of operators, with holomorphic semi-g. extension 500 665
Group, quotient ( = factor) 119
Group, transformation g. 617
Groupoid 257
Growth of norm of semi-group of operators 306 478 536 552 554 563
Growth of subadditive functions 243
Growth, functions measuring g. 104 229 233 235 480 490
Gustin, W. 166
Hadamard, J. 489 617 618 674
Hadamard, J., Cauchy — H. theorem 96
Hadamard, J., H. — Huygen's principle 618
Hadamard, J., operator 672
Hahn, H. 28 30 31 33
Hahn, H., H. — Banach theorem 29
Hall, M. 680
Halmos, P.R. 17 68 71 141 286
Hardy, G.H. 239
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