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Chan T., Shen J. — Image Processing and Analysis: Variational, PDE, Wavelet, and Stochastic Methods
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Название: Image Processing and Analysis: Variational, PDE, Wavelet, and Stochastic Methods
Авторы: Chan T., Shen J.
Аннотация: This book develops the mathematical foundation of modern image processing and low-level computer vision, bridging contemporary mathematics with state-of-the-art methodologies in modern image processing, whilst organizing contemporary literature into a coherent and logical structure. The authors have integrated the diversity of modern image processing approaches by revealing the few common threads that connect them to Fourier and spectral analysis, the machinery that image processing has been traditionally built on. The text is systematic and well organized: the geometric, functional, and atomic structures of images are investigated, before moving to a rigorous development and analysis of several image processors. The book is comprehensive and integrative, covering the four most powerful classes of mathematical tools in contemporary image analysis and processing while exploring their intrinsic connections and integration. The material is balanced in theory and computation, following a solid theoretical analysis of model building and performance with computational implementation and numerical examples.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 422
Добавлена в каталог: 01.03.2007
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Lipschitz domain partition 136
Logical Euler — Lagrange equation 371
Logical multichannel segmentation 369
Logical truth table 370
Logical tumor detection 372
Logical union and intersection 371
Logical variables z's 370
lossless 92
Lowpass condition 66 82
Markov property 120 307
Markov random fields (MRF), cliques 120
Markov random fields (MRF), cliquish potentials 121 308
Markov random fields (MRF), Geman and Geman 338
Markov random fields (MRF), graph theory 339
Markov random fields (MRF), inpainting 307
Markov random fields (MRF), intensity regulated by edges 342
Markov random fields (MRF), neighborhood system 119 307
Markov random fields (MRF), topological domains 338
Markov transition 66
Maximal cliques 341
Maximum likelihood 62
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 118
Mean constraint 224
Mean curvature, global meaning 42
Mean curvature, graph surfaces 42
Mean curvature, implicit surfaces 40
Mean curvature, mean curvature motion 198 327
Mean curvature, parametric surfaces 39
Medial ultrasound 3
Median Filter 70
Medical engineering 27
Medical imaging and diagnosis 3
Medical noninvasive probing 3
Medical radiologist 27
Medical tumor detection 5 372
Methods, Fourier and spectral analysis 14
Methods, morphological transforms 12
Methods, partial differential equations 19
Methods, stochastic methods 16
Methods, variational modeling 17
Methods, wavelet analysis 15
Meyer's G-norm 186
Minimal surface problem 180 271
Minimum description length 338
Minimum surface diffusion 215
Monoids 310
Morphological 12 303 305
Mother wavelet 85
Moving Average 158
Multichannel 203
Multigrid methods 81
Multiscale characterization 108
Mumford — Shah model, -convergence approximation 364
Mumford — Shah model, 1-D existence proof 358
Mumford — Shah model, 1-D model 345
Mumford — Shah model, admissible domain 345
Mumford — Shah model, as region-based Active Contour 332
Mumford — Shah model, asymptotic limit I 345
Mumford — Shah model, asymptotic limit II 347
Mumford — Shah model, asymptotic limit III 351
Mumford — Shah model, Bayesian rationale 140
Mumford — Shah model, boundary layer method 352
Mumford — Shah model, crack-tips 367
Mumford — Shah model, domain additivity 363
Mumford — Shah model, Euclidean invariance 362
Mumford — Shah model, exact segmentation 362
Mumford — Shah model, existence 143 355
Mumford — Shah model, flashing invariance 363
Mumford — Shah model, free boundary 132 309
Mumford — Shah model, hidden symmetries 362
Mumford — Shah model, jump set regularity 357
Mumford — Shah model, level-set approach 364
Mumford — Shah model, level-set method 366
Mumford — Shah model, nonuniqueness 355
Mumford — Shah model, Sierpinski Islands 359
Mumford — Shah model, weak formulation 143 356
Natural boundary condition 254
Neumann boundary condition 69 179 225 330 366
Newton's method 185
Noise, additive 139 147
Noise, analog model 151
Noise, application in system theory 147
Noise, Gaussian white 139 150
Noise, salt-and-pepper 8 199
noise, signal-to-noise ratio 147
Noise, white noise 150
Nonflat 203
Occlusion 309
Optical Transfer Function (OTF) 213
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process (SDE) 154
Oscillatory behavior 289
Paley — Wiener theorem 251
Parallel implementation 205
Partition function 59 72 118
Pattern complexity 257
Pattern theory 6
Perimeter 53
Perturbation 273
Piecewise homogeneous 334
Positive distribution 95
Posterior energy 220 290
Precompact 95
Primal variable 184
Primal-dual method 185
Prime prei mages 317
PSF, Gaussian 213
PSF, motion blur 211
PSF, out-of-focus 212
PSF, point spreading function 65 211 214
Quadratic convergence 185
Quantum computers 91
quantum mechanics 294
Radon — Nikodym derivative 141
Random fields, Geman and Geman 117
Random fields, Gibbs — Markov equivalence 119
Random fields, Gibbs' ensemble 119
Random fields, homogeneous 155
Random fields, Markov random fields 119
Random fields, wide sense homogeneous (WSH) 155
Random fields, Zhu, Wu, and Mumford 117
Region competition 338
Riemannian manifolds 203
Riesz representation theorem 95 96
Scale-space theory, affine invariance 198
Scale-space theory, axiomatic approach 194
Scale-space theory, scale-space equation 198
Scale-space theory, Witkin's linear theory 194
Scaling function 81
Segmentation as an inverse problem 317
Segmentation, active contour for textures 338
Segmentation, bar code scanning 345
Segmentation, multichannel logical 369
Segmentation, Mumford and Shah 18
Segmentation, partition 11
Segmentation, piecewise smooth 140
Segmentation, statistical estimation 138
Segmentation, variational optimization 138
Semigroup 310
Shannon 54
Shannon's sampling theorem 251
Sierpinski gasket 359
Signal detection theory 117
Simulated annealing 343
Singular perturbations 352
Singular values 206
Sobolev blind deblurring 237
Sobolev inequality 232
Sobolev regularity 234
Sobolev space 48
Spectral graph theory 342
Stability 146 158 197 198 207 240 305
Statistical inference, significance test 62
Statistical mechanics, ensembles 58
Statistical mechanics, Gibbs' distribution 59
Statistical mechanics, heat capacity 60
Statistical mechanics, Helmholtz energy 59
Statistical mechanics, variational derivation 61
Statistics of level sets 131
Steepest descent 286
Stirling's asymptotic formula 200
Stochastic differential equations 153
Stochastic signals, 1-D signals 147
Stochastic signals, autocorrelation 148
Stochastic signals, cross-correlation 149
Stochastic signals, ergodicity 151
Stochastic signals, joint distribution function 147
Stochastic signals, power spectral density 148
Stochastic signals, stationary 148
Stochastic signals, wide sense stationary (WSS) 148
Stream function 300
Subgradients 184
Surfaces, first fundamental form 37
Surfaces, Guassian curvature K 38
Surfaces, implicit 36
Surfaces, mean curvature 38
Surfaces, normal map 43
Surfaces, parametric 36
Surfaces, principal curvatures 38
Surfaces, second fundamental form 37
Telescoping formula 345
Texture Meyer's class 289
Thermodynamics, extensive variables 56
Thermodynamics, first law 55
Thermodynamics, intensive variables 56
Thermodynamics, second law 55
Thin-plate splines 246
Threshold 218
Total variation (TV), as a Radon measure 46
Total variation (TV), curve length 34
Total variation (TV), denoising model 177
Total variation (TV), digital TV 275
Total variation (TV), for signed measures 47
Total variation (TV), geometric meaning 54
Total variation (TV), inpainting model 270
Total variation (TV), median filtering 176
Total variation (TV), piecewise constant 99
Total variation (TV), Rudin, Osher, and Fatemi 175
Total variation (TV), self-contained digital theory 275
Total variation (TV), total absolute curvature 35
Total variation (TV), vrobust statistics 174
Transform, analysis and synthesis 92
Transform, biological 92
Transform, fast wavelets 88
Transform, Fourier 66
Transform, Haar's 92
Transform, Legendre 59
Transform, morphological 196
Transform, wavelets 165
Transform, windowed Fourier 76
Transform, x-transform 249
Transform, z-transform 248
Tunable parameter 336
Upsampling 88
Vanishing moments, radial basis functions 254
Vanishing moments, wavelets 105
Vision, depth perception 6
Vision, motion estimation 6
Visual potentials 126
Vorticity equation 300
wavelet equation 86
Wavelet shrinkage, Besov images 171
Wavelet shrinkage, denoising 160
Wavelet shrinkage, Donoho and Johnstone 160
Wavelet shrinkage, hard truncation 164
Wavelet shrinkage, minimum shrinkage 162
Wavelet shrinkage, near optimality 170
Wavelet shrinkage, solid and orthosymmetric 167
Wavelet shrinkage, statistical theory of singletons 160
Wavelet shrinkage, uniform shrinkage 173
Wavelet shrinkage, uniform shrinkage condition 162
Wavelet shrinkage, variational formulation 163
Wavelets, 2-D Haar wavelets 102
Wavelets, 2-D tensor products 99
Wavelets, analysis filter bank 88
Wavelets, biorthogonal 88
Wavelets, Coifman — Meyer 80
Wavelets, detail space 83
Wavelets, dilation equation 81
Wavelets, dyadic similarity 81
Wavelets, fast algorithm 86
Wavelets, filter banks 86
Wavelets, Gabor wavelets 76
Wavelets, localized small wave 73
Wavelets, Maivar — Wilson 77
Wavelets, Marr's wavelets 75
Wavelets, multiresolution analysis 73
Wavelets, orthonormal condition 83
Wavelets, redundancy 77
Wavelets, response to edges 107
Wavelets, synthesis filter bank 88
Wavelets, vanishing moments 105
Wiener filter, deblurring 217 219
Wiener filter, denoising 159
Wiener filter, explicit formula 160 219
Wiener filter, orthogonal condition 159
Wiener process 152
Windowed Fourier transform 76
Zero-crossing 75