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Goldber M.A. (ed.) — Numerical Solution of Integral Equations |
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Patched conics, method of 151—152
Perturbation theory 72
Perturbed Galerkin method, in numerical method in astrodynamics 158—161 164—165
Perturbed Keplerian motion, in numerical method in astrodynamics 155—156
Perturbed projection methods 91—95 287—293
Perturbed projection methods, perturbed Dellwo — Friedman method 95
Perturbed projection methods, perturbed Kantorovich iterate 94
Perturbed projection methods, perturbed Kantorovich method 93—94
Perturbed projection methods, perturbed Sloan iterate 92—93
Picard iteration, in numerical method in astrodynamics 154—155
Piecewise polynomials, Cauchy singular integral equations 272
Piecewise polynomials, iterated collocation for 58—59
Piecewise smooth boundaries, Laplace equation reformulation 8—9
Planing surface problem 363—371
Planing surface problem, generalizations 368—371
Planing surface problem, generalizations, surface tension 369
Planing surface problem, generalizations, two-dimensional flow assumptions 368—369
Planing surface problem, planing equation 364—368
Planing surface problem, planing equation, airfoil equation analogy 365—366
Planing surface problem, planing equation, Cauchy singular integral equation 364—365
Planing surface problem, planing equation, Kutta condition 366
Planing surface problem, planing equation, premature detachment in 368
Poincare — Bertrand formula 312 313 317 322 343
Polynomial approximation methods, Cauchy singular integral equations 258—272
Polynomial approximation methods, Chawla and Kumar’s method 270—272
Polynomial approximation methods, Cohen method 269—270
Polynomial approximation methods, collocation method 263—264
Polynomial approximation methods, Galerkin method 262—263
Polynomial approximation methods, Gaussian quadrature method 264—266
Polynomial approximation methods, Hashmi and Delves method 272
Polynomial approximation methods, Lobatto quadrature 266—268
Polynomial approximation methods, piecewise polynomial methods 272
Polynomial approximation methods, quadrature method 264
Polynomial basis functions, superconvergence 36
Positive definiteness property, Galerkins method and 120—126
Premature detachment, planing surface problem in 368
Probability density function 395
Product quadrature, Cauchy singular integral equations 246—247
Projection methods, collocation methods 110—120
Projection methods, collocation methods, direct analysis of discrete method 113—117
Projection methods, collocation methods, superconvergence for Volterra equations 117—120
Projection methods, convergence analysis of 81—84
Projection methods, definition of projection method 75
Projection methods, Galerkin method 77—80 95—106
Projection methods, Galerkin method, direct analysis with quadrature errors 106—110
Projection methods, Galerkin method, for positive-definite dominant part equations 120—126
Projection methods, perturbed projection methods 91—95
Projection methods, perturbed projection methods, perturbed Dellwo — Friedman method 95
Projection methods, perturbed projection methods, perturbed Kantorovich iterate 94
Projection methods, perturbed projection methods, perturbed Kantorovich method 93—94
Projection methods, perturbed projection methods, perturbed Sloan iterate 92—93
Projection methods, variants of, accelerated projection methods 89—90
Projection methods, variants of, iterated Kantorovich regularization 88—89
Projection methods, variants of, Kantorovich regularization 87—88
Projection methods, variants of, Sloan iterate 84—86
Prolongation operator 27 324
Pseudoanalytic methods, Abel integral equations 386 387—394
Pseudodifferential operators 124
Pseudoinverse 318
Quadrature errors, collocation method with 110—120
Quadrature errors, Galerkin method with 106—110
Quadrature methods, Cauchy singular integral equations, Gaussian quadrature method 233—236
Quadrature methods, Cauchy singular integral equations, Lobatto quadrature 236—241
| Quadrature methods, Cauchy singular integral equations, quadrature rules for principle value integrals 230—233
Quasi-linearization see “Newton — Kantorovich method”
Radon transform 380—381
Restriction operator 27 325
Seismology, Abel integral equations 379—380
Ship hydrodynamics see “Planing surface problem”
Ship hydrodynamics, hovercraft 364
Singular integral equations, direct methods 328—359
Singular integral equations, direct methods, collocation method 349—356
Singular integral equations, direct methods, discrete Galerkin method 356—359
Singular integral equations, direct methods, Galerkin — Petrov method 342—348
Singular integral equations, indirect methods 323—328
Singular integral equations, indirect methods, collocation method 328
Singular integral equations, indirect methods, Galerkin method 323—328
Singular integral equations, theory for 310—322
Singular value decomposition 330
Sloan iterate 105 115
Sloan iterate, as variant of projection method 84—86
Sloan iterate, convergence 283—284
Sloan iterate, perturbed Sloan iterate 92—93
Smooth boundary case, Laplace equation reformulation 7—8
Smoothing step 27
Sohngen inversion formula 191 192 197
Sokhotski — Plemelj formulas 314
Spectral density function 397
Spectral distribution function 397
Sphere of influence, of planet 151
Stability 334—335
Stabilized evaluation of inversion formulas, Abel integral equations 386—397 400—402
Stereology, Abel integral equations 378 379
Stochastic process, stationary/strictly stationary process 395
Strongly elliptic operators, boundary integral equation reformulations 7 14—15
Superapproximation 37
Superconvergence, Cauchy singular integral equations and 37
Superconvergence, discrete collocation method 64
Superconvergence, discrete Galerkin methods 55
Superconvergence, Galerkin method 36 38—40
Superconvergence, global superconvergence 36
Superconvergence, HMP method 53—55
Superconvergence, iterated collocation method 56—58
Superconvergence, iterated collocation method, for piecewise-polynomial spaces 58—63
Superconvergence, iterated collocation method, versus iterated Galerkin method 63—64
Superconvergence, iterated Galerkin method 51—53 55
Superconvergence, iterated Kantorovich method 45—48
Superconvergence, iterated projection method 40—45
Superconvergence, linear functions of Galerkin approximation 48—51
Superconvergence, nonlinear integral equations 64—66
Superconvergence, of collocation for Volterra equations 117—120
Superconvergence, use of term 35—36
Superconvergence, Volterra integral equations and 37
Taylor expansion 143
Tomography, Abel integral equations 380—381
Tuck method 252—254
Two-body problem 147
Two-grid method, boundary integral equations 26—29
Two-point boundary value problem see “Numerical method in astrodynamics”
Two-point boundary value problem, computational aspects 133—134
Two-point boundary value problem, equivalence to Hammerstein integral equation 132
Uniform convergence, Galerkin method 281—283
Volterra equations 116
Volterra equations, superconvergence and 37
Voyager 2 152—153
Weiner filtering, Abel integral equations 386 394—400
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