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Hagen R., Roch S., Silbermann B. — C-Algebras and Numerical Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-invertibility 119
-kernel 123
-kernel of a non-negative op. 122
-pseudospectrum 119
-range 123
-regularization 84
-regularization of a matrix 79
-regularization of a non-negative op. 123
-stable sequence 127
Absolute value of an operator 340
Algebra 15 35
Algebra, antiliminal 223
Algebra, Banach algebra 36
Algebra, C*-algebra 53
Algebra, Calkin algebra 36 152
Algebra, Douglas algebra 170
Algebra, dual 227
Algebra, elementary 214
Algebra, Folner algebra 341
Algebra, Fredholm inverse closed 298
Algebra, irrational rotation algebra 352
Algebra, liminal 223
Algebra, normed 36
Algebra, postliminal 223
Algebra, primitive 216
Algebra, semi-simple 55
Algebra, simple 210
Algebra, singly generated 154
Algebra, standard 258
Algebra, Szego algebra 345
Algebra, Toeplitz algebra 56
Algebra, unital 35
Algebra, Wiener algebra 334
Algebras, product of 226
Algebras, restricted product of 226
Algebras, ultraproduct of 67
Annihilator 227
Approximation method 26
Approximation method, -stable 127
Approximation method, applicable 26
Approximation method, collocation method 31 183
Approximation method, finite section method 31
Approximation method, Galerkin method 187
Approximation method, Moore — Penrose stable 87
Approximation method, projection method 28
Approximation method, spectrally stable 114
Approximation method, stable 26
Approximation method, stably regularizable 87
Arverson dichotomy 333
Bergman space 30
Center 149
Circulant matrix 190
Circulant matrix, paired circulant 190
Collocation method 31 183
Collocation method, Bergman Toeplitz op. 52
Collocation method, singular integral op. 183
Composition series 225
Composition series, length of a 225
Condition number 63 79
Condition number, generalized 100
Convex hull 66
Convolution operator 230
Deficiency of a sequence 305
Deficiency of an operator (cokernel dimension) 36
Douglas algebra 170
Eigenvalue 12
Eigenvector 12
Element of an algebra of central rank one 283
Element of an algebra of finite central rank 283
Element of an algebra, centrally compact 283
Element of an algebra, invertible 35
Element of an algebra, Moore — Penrose invertible 89
Element of an algebra, normal 113
Element of an algebra, unit element 35
Families of homomorphisms 243
Families of homomorphisms, sufficient 243
Families of homomorphisms, weakly sufficient 244
Finite section method 31
Finite section method, band-dominated op. 200
Finite section method, singular int. op. 187 220
Finite section method, Toeplitz operator on 49 159
Finite section method, Toeplitz operator on Bergman space 52
Folner algebra 341
Fourier transform 230
Fractal *-homomorphism 67
Fractal algebra 67
Fractal approximation method 66
Fractal sequence 67
Function, almost periodic 232
Function, characteristic 167
Function, locally sectorial 348
Function, piece wise continuous 151
Function, quasicontinuous 170
Function, quasicontinuous, piecewise 175
Function, set function 106
Galerkin method 187
Gelfand transform 148
Generator of an algebra 154
Homeomorphism 149
Homomorphism 35
Homomorphism, *-homomorphism 54
Homomorphism, unital 35
Ideal 35
Ideal, *-ideal 54
Ideal, dual 227
Ideal, dual, largest 227
Ideal, liminal 223
Ideal, maximal 146
Ideal, maximal, maximal ideal space 147
Ideal, primitive 210
Ideal, projection lifting 94
Ideal, trivial 35
Idempotent 89
Index of a sequence 287
Index of an operator 36
| Involution 53
Isomorphism 35
Laguerre polynomial 30 231
Least square solution 76
Lifting of an ideal 238
Lifting theorem 158
Limes inferior of a set seq. 106
Limes superior of a set seq. 106
Limiting set 106
Limiting set, partial 106
Limiting set, uniform set 106
Mean motion 233
Moore — Penrose-inverse 12 76
Moore — Penrose-invertibility 89
Moore — Penrose-invertible operator 80
Moore — Penrose-projection 90
Moore — Penrose-stable sequence 87
N ideals lemma 238
Nullity of a sequence 305
Nullity of an operator (kernel dimension) 36
Numerical range 134
Numerical range, algebraic 134
Numerical range, spatial 134
Operator of convolution 230
Operator of regular type 42
Operator polynomial 128
Operator, almost Mathieu operator 354
Operator, band 198 342
Operator, band dominated 198
Operator, bounded below 42
Operator, Fredholm operator 36
Operator, Fredholm operator of second kind 29
Operator, Hankel operator 45
Operator, Hilbert — Schmidt operator 30
Operator, Hille — Tamarkin operator 29
Operator, Laurent operator 45
Operator, limpotent 112
Operator, Moore — Penrose invertible 80
Operator, non-negative 84
Operator, normally solvable 42
Operator, nuclear 340
Operator, partial isometry 84 257
Operator, reflection 57
Operator, shift 33 174 231
Operator, singular integral op. 178
Operator, Toeplitz operator 33 45
Operator, Toeplitz operator on Bergman space 52
Operator, Toeplitz operator on the quarter plane 229
Operator, trace class 340
Operator, Wiener — Hopf operator 230
Orthogonal sum of Hilbert spaces 228
Partial isometry 84 257
Partition of the identity 83
Point, essential 324
Point, transient 324
Polar decomposition 84
Projection 89
Projection method 28
Projection, interpolation projection 30
Projection, interpolation projection of Lagrange type 183
Projection, Moore — Penrose projection 90
Projection, projection lifting ideal 94
Quadrature methods 189
Raileigh quotient 134
Regularization, -regularization 84
Regularization, Tychonov regularization 79
Representation 208
Representation, faithful 208
Representation, irreducible 209
Representation, unitary equivalence 210
Separation property 241
Sequence, -stable 127
Sequence, alpha-number 287
Sequence, deficiency 305
Sequence, Fredholm sequence 285
Sequence, Fredholm sequence, index of a 287
Sequence, Fredholm sequence, weakly 305
Sequence, Moore — Penrose stable 87
Sequence, nullity 305
Sequence, spectrally stable 114
Sequence, stable 26
Sequence, stably regularizable 87
Set function 106
Shift operator 33 174 231
Singular integral 178
Singular value 77 119
Singular value decomposition 77
Singular value, splitting property of 88 305
Space of splines 167
Space, invariant subspace 209
Space, maximal ideal space 147
Space, state space 134
Space, totally disconnected 113
Spectral theorem 83
Spectrum 35
Spectrum of an algebra 210
Spectrum, essential 324
Spline space 167
Splitting property 88 305
Splitting property, finite 305
State 134
State space 134
State, tracial 344
Subalgebra 35
Subalgebra, inverse closed 55
Symbol 61 244
Symbol mapping 61
Szego algebra 345
Toeplitz algebra 56
Topology, *-weak 148
Topology, discrete 227
Topology, hull-kernel 211
Topology, Jacobson 211
Topology, strong 13
Trace of an operator 336
Two projections theorem 181
Wiener algebra 334
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