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Gorbachuk M., Gorbachuk V. — M. G. Krein's Lectures on Entire Operators |
Предметный указатель |
Arc, spiral 141
Arc, unitary 141
Caley transform 8
Canonical solution of the continuation problem for positive definite functions 139
Canonical solution of the power moment problem 125
Chain of entire projectors 206
Class, 157
Class, 162
Class, 162
Closure of an operator 2
Complete continuation of a spiral arc 141
Complete continuation of a spiral arc, canonical 153
Continuation problem for positive, definite functions, definite 131
Continuation problem for positive, definite functions, indefinite 131
Convex domain 39
Defect number 4
Deficiency index 4
Dimension modulo 4
Directing functional 99
Directing functional, universal 109
Eigenvalue 2
Eigenvector 2
Entire projector 206
Extended spectral function 174
Extension of an operator 1
Extension with exit 4
Extension within 4
Function of completely regular growth 44
Function of the first kind 165
Function of the second kind 165
Function of weak bounded variation 161
Function, -function 73
Function, 60
Function, Blaschke 28
Function, canonical distribution 51
Function, correlation of a unitary arc 142
Function, distribution 48
Function, distribution associated with a gauge 49
Function, e(z) 59
Function, metric of a spiral arc 141
Function, N-function 24
Function, positive definite 126
Function, R-function 70
Function, regular 14
Function, subharmonic 21
Function, support 39
Gauge 11
Gauge, entire 61
Gauge, generalized quasilinear 117
Gauge, quasiregular 49
Generalization of a directing functional 193
Generalization of the Stieltjes inversion formula (rule) 12
Generalized element 110
Generalized maximum principle 23
Graph of an operator 2
Hilbert scale 178
Indicator 42
Indicator diagram 43
Indicator, trigonometric 42
Involution 90
Jensen formula 22
Line, spiral 141
Line, unitary 141
Linearly independent sets 3
Module of a representation 11
| Multiplicity of an eigenvalue 2
Nevanlinna criterion 27
Nevanlinna matrix 93
Operator, adjoint 3
Operator, closable 2
Operator, closed 1
Operator, entire 62
Operator, entire of minimal type 66
Operator, entire of normal type 66
Operator, hermitian 3
Operator, J-real 92
Operator, M-entire 169
Operator, maximal 178
Operator, maximal Hermitian 8
Operator, minimal 177 178
Operator, real with respect to an involution 90 91
Operator, regular 20
Operator, self-ajoint 3
Operator, simple 10
Point of regular type 17
Point of support 40
Point, M-regular 164
Point, regular of a function 14
Point, regular of an operator 2
Point, u-regular 56
Power moment problem 120
Power moment problem, definite 122
Power moment problem, indefinite 122
Resolution of the identity 4
Resolution of the identity, orthogonal 5
Resolvent 2
Resolvent identity ( Hilbert) 2
Resolvent, extended generalized 173
Resolvent, generalized 74
Resolvent, orthogonal (canonical) 74
Set, 100
Set, 49
Set, 117
Set, 49
Set, C(M) 171
Set, S(A, M) 111
Solution of the equation 178
Solution of the equation, weak 178
Space with negative norm 111
Space with positive norm 111
Space, 111
Space, 111
Space, 102
Space, L2(R\d<7) 48
Spectral function of a Hermitian operator 7
Spectral function of a self-adjoint operator 6
Spectral lacuna 17
Spectrum 2
Spectrum, continuous 2
Spectrum, discrete 20
Spectrum, point 2
Spectrum, residual 3
Spectrum, simple 200
Stieltjes inversion formula (rule) 12
Supporting straight line 39
Theorem, Naimark 7
Theorem, Phragmen — Lindelof for subharmonic functions 23
Theorem, principal spectral 6
Vector, compactly supported 207
Vector, generating 200 201
Vector, real with respect to an involution 91
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