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Helgaker T., Jorgensen P., Olsen J. — Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory. Part 2 |
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Density functions and matrices, one-electron density matrix in spin-orbital basis 20
Density functions and matrices, permutational symmetries in orbital basis 62
Density functions and matrices, permutational symmetries in spin-orbital basis 22
Density functions and matrices, reduced density matrices 24 65 66
Density functions and matrices, relaxed coupled-cluster density matrix 677
Density functions and matrices, spin-density function 65
Density functions and matrices, spin-density matrix 64
Density functions and matrices, two-electron density matrix in orbital basis 62
Density functions and matrices, two-electron density matrix in spin-orbital basis 20 21
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory 465
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, asymmetric BCH expansion of AO density matrix 469
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, electronic gradient 474
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, electronic Hessian 474 480
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, idempotency of density matrix 467 468
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, linear scaling in density-based Hartree — Fock theory 477
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, Newton’s method 480
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, optimization of orbital-energy function 477
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, parametrization of AO density matrix 468
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, properties of AO density matrix 468
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, properties of MO density matrix 467
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, purification of AO density matrix 470
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, redundancy of density-matrix parametrization 469
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, self-consistent field (SCF) method II 475
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, trace of density matrix 467 468
Density-based Hartree — Fock theory, variational conditions 474
Density-functional theory 880
DIIS convergence acceleration in coupled-cluster theory 672
DIIS convergence acceleration in Hartree — Fock theory 460
DIIS convergence acceleration, DIIS equations 462
DIIS, direct inversion in the iterative subspace [method] 461
Dipole moments 836 (see also “Calibration of methods”)
Dipole moments, calculated dipole moments 837
Dipole moments, experimental and calculated dipole moments (table) 837
Dipole moments, experimental dipole moments 836
Dipole moments, predicted dipole moments 838
Dipole moments, statistical analysis of errors in calculated dipole moments 839
Dirac delta function 16
Direct CI methods 554
Direct CI methods, density-matrix construction 568
Direct CI methods, minimal operation-count (MOC) method for FCI 560
Direct CI methods, minimal operation-count (MOC) method for RAS 564
Direct CI methods, N-resolution method for FCI 558
Direct CI methods, naive approach 555
Direct CI methods, operation counts 560 563 564
Direct CI methods, separate treatments of occupied and virtual spaces 566
Direct CI methods, spin strings 550
Direct Hartree — Fock theory 463
Direct Hartree — Fock theory, Coulomb contribution 381 464
Direct Hartree — Fock theory, exchange contribution 464
Direct-product space 129 132 684
Disconnected cluster amplitudes 651
Dispersion energy 328
Dissociation energy see also “Atomization energies”
Dissociation energy of 175
Dissociation energy of 163 172 173
Dissociation energy of BH 303 333
Dissociation energy, basis-set convergence 324 333
Dissociation energy, fragment approach 173
Dissociation energy, supermolecule approach 172
Distributions, binomial probability distributions 539
Distributions, Gaussian (normal) probability distributions 539 821
Distributions, Gaussian charge distributions 361
Distributions, Gaussian overlap distributions 341
Double commutators 27
Double factorial function 220
Doublet operators 42 (see also “Spin tensor operators”)
Down rank 660 663
Dynamical correlation 162 165 278 526
DZ basis sets 228 300
DZ, double-zeta [basis] 295
DZP basis sets 300
DZP, DZ polarized [basis] 300
EA, electron affinity 455
Electron affinities 455(see also “Koopmans’ theorem”)
Electron correlation 158
Electron correlation in 154
Electron correlation, angular correlation 165
Electron correlation, dynamical correlation 162 165 278 526
Electron correlation, Fermi correlation 158 278
Electron correlation, left-right correlation 164
Electron correlation, long-range correlation 278
Electron correlation, near-degeneracy correlation 162
Electron correlation, nondynamical correlation 162
Electron correlation, radial correlation 165
Electron correlation, relation to Pauli antisymmetry principle 158
Electron correlation, short-range correlation 278
Electron correlation, static correlation 162 165 278 526
Electron-transfer recurrence relation 386
Electronic energies of sample molecules 841
Electronic energies of sample molecules, basis-set convergence 844
Electronic energies of sample molecules, basis-set extrapolation 842
Electronic energies of sample molecules, calculated electronic energies (table) 841
Electronic energies of sample molecules, CCSDT corrections 846
Electronic energies of sample molecules, contributions to the electronic energy 842
Electronic energies of sample molecules, relativistic corrections 849
Electronic gradient in CI theory (linear variation method) 113 542
Electronic gradient in density-based Hartree — Fock theory 474
Electronic gradient in MCSCF theory 603 608 639
Electronic gradient in MO-based Hartree — Fock theory 437 481 506
Electronic gradient in OCC theory 700
Electronic gradient, relation to singlet and triplet instabilities 498 499
Electronic Hessian in CI theory 113 542
Electronic Hessian in closed-shell canonical Hartree — Fock theory 488 512
Electronic Hessian in density-based Hartree — Fock theory 474 480
Electronic Hessian in MCSCF theory 603 604 609 616 639
Electronic Hessian in MO-based Hartree — Fock theory 437 485 488 512
Electronic Hessian, augmented MCSCF Hessian 616
Electronic Hessian, conditions on Hessian for ground and excited states 115
Electronic Hessian, linear transformations in AO-based Hartree — Fock theory 489
Electronic Hessian, linear transformations in density-based Hartree — Fock theory 480
Electronic Hessian, linear transformations in MO-based Hartree — Fock theory 488
Electronic Hessian, triplet Hartree — Fock Hessian 512
Elementary operators, annihilation operators 4 8
Elementary operators, creation operators 3 8
EOM-CC, equation-of-motion coupled-cluster [model] 678
Epstein — Nesbet zero-order Hamiltonian 739
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory 677
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, biorthogonal basis 679
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, eigenvalue problem 679
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, energy expectation value 679
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, EOM-CC model 678
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, expansion of excited states 678
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, Hamiltonian matrix 680
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, Jacobian matrix 681
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, relation to CI theory 678
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, relation to response theory 684
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, right and left eigenvectors 681
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, similarity-transformed Hamiltonian 680
Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) theory, size-extensivity 683
Error function 369
Errors in calculations 819 (see also “Calibration of methods”)
Errors in calculations, apparent error 819
Errors in calculations, balanced level of description 820
Errors in calculations, basis-set error 819
Errors in calculations, intrinsic (TV-electron) error 820
Errors in calculations, N-electron error 820
Even-tempered basis sets 292
Exchange potential in Hartree — Fock theory 169 451
Excitation operators in coupled-cluster theory 186 649
Excitation operators in orbital basis 36 44
Excitation operators in spin-orbital basis 7 8
Excitation operators, commutators 26 46
Excitation operators, excitation rank 660 663
Excitation operators, singlet one-electron operator 36 44 686
Excitation operators, singlet two-electron operator 37 69 686
Excitation operators, triplet one-electron operator in Cartesian form 40 45
Excitation operators, vtriplet one-electron operator in spin-tensor form 41 44
Excitation-manifold basis in open-shell spin-restricted coupled-cluster theory 706 708
Excitation-manifold basis, double excitations in orbital basis 691 760
Excitation-manifold basis, double excitations in spin-orbital basis 188 649 655 740
| Excitation-manifold basis, generic excitation operator 654
Excitation-manifold basis, linear dependence of triple excitations in orbital basis 761
Excitation-manifold basis, single excitations in orbital basis 691 760
Excitation-manifold basis, single excitations in spin-orbital basis 188 654 740
Excitation-manifold basis, triple excitations in orbital basis 760
Excitation-manifold basis, triple excitations in spin-orbital basis 740
Expectation values of kinetic and potential energies (virial theorem) 122
Expectation values of r for GTOs 234
Expectation values of r for hydrogenic functions 222
Expectation values of r for Laguerre functions 222
Expectation values of r for STOs 226
Expectation values of relativistic operators 853
Expectation values, coupled-cluster energy expectation values 652 653 679
Expectation values, coupled-cluster expectation values 675 714
Expectation values, density-matrix elements as expectation values 20 22 62
Expectation values, error in the energy expectation value 113
Expectation values, expectation value of triplet operators 63
Expectation values, Hellmann — Feynman theorem 119 675
Expectation values, second-quantization expectation values 19 62
Expectation values, total-spin expectation values in coupled-cluster theory 708
Expectation values, total-spin expectation values in UHF theory 172 174
Expectation values, vacuum expectation values 19
Experimental reference data, atomization energies 855 865
Experimental reference data, bond angles 833
Experimental reference data, bond distances 823
Experimental reference data, conformational energies 875 876 877
Experimental reference data, dipole moments 837
Experimental reference data, reaction enthalpies 866 874
Explicitly correlated methods 264 (see also “Helium atom”)
Explicitly correlated methods, correlating functions 265 280
Explicitly correlated methods, Hylleraas function 266
Explicitly correlated methods, R12 methods 265 267
Exponential ansatz in CCPT 749
Exponential ansatz in coupled-cluster theory 187 654
Exponential ansatz, relation to size-extensivity 132
Exponential matrix function for a general unitary matrix 96
Exponential matrix function for metric-conserving transformations 84 468
Exponential matrix function for orthogonal matrix 83
Exponential matrix function for special unitary matrix 82
Exponential matrix function for unitary matrix 81
Exponential matrix function, definition of 81
Exponential matrix function, evaluation of 83
Exponential matrix function, identities involving 81
Exponential unitary operator 86
Exponential unitary operator, applied to creation and annihilation operators 86 88
Exponential unitary operator, applied to electronic states 86 89
Exponential unitary operator, derivatives of 98
Exponential unitary operator, real singlet transformations in orbital basis 93 435 601
Exponential unitary operator, real transformations in spin-orbital basis 91
Exponential unitary operator, real triplet transformations in orbital basis 92
Exponential unitary operator, symmetry restrictions 89 497
Exponential unitary operator, transformation of a single state in configuration space 631
Exponential unitary operator, transformation of several states in configuration space 634
Extent of Gaussian 402 424
Extrapolation see “Basis-set extrapolation”
Factorial function 220 525
Fast multipole method (FMM) 417 421 423 478
FCI, full CI [model 163 524
Fermi contact operator 63 66 499
Fermi correlation see also “Electron correlation”
Fermi correlation in Hartree — Fock theory 169 443 451 464
Fermi correlation, relation to electron correlation 158 171 278
FF, far-field [box] 419
First quantization compared with second quantization 18
Fixed-point iteration 448
Floating orbitals 299
Floating-point operations 484
Fluctuation potential 192 453
Fluctuation potential in CCPT 750
Fluctuation potential in coupled-cluster theory 662 672
Fluctuation potential in Hartree — Fock theory 453
Fluctuation potential in MPPT 192 740 760 781
FMM, fast multipole method 422
Fock matrix 169 447 460 494
Fock matrix, matrix 483 622
Fock matrix, active Fock matrix 482 622 797
Fock matrix, CASSCF Fock matrix 797
Fock matrix, cost of evaluation 484
Fock matrix, Fock matrix in AO basis 460 464
Fock matrix, generalized Fock matrix 481 622
Fock matrix, high-spin Fock matrix 484
Fock matrix, inactive Fock matrix 482 494 622 688 797
Fock operator, CASSCF Fock operator 797
Fock operator, closed-shell Fock operator in orbital basis 444 450 491 494 760
Fock operator, Fock operator in spin-orbital basis 169 192 662 740 750
Fock potential 169 450
Fock space 1
Fock space, direct sum of subspaces 2
Fock space, inner product for nonorthogonal spin orbitals 27
Fock space, inner product for orthogonal spin orbitals 1 8
Force constants of harmonic potentials 203 230
Force constants of molecular force fields 847
Force constants, cubic force constants 849
Force constants, quadratic force constants 847
Force constants, quartic force constants 849
Front-door intruders 772
Frozen-core approximation 301 303
Full CI (FCI) theory 162 524
Full CI (FCI) theory, FCI benchmarks 163
Full CI (FCI) theory, ground state of 165
Full CI (FCI) theory, ground state of 163
Full CI (FCI) theory, ground state of BH 302 326
Full CI (FCI) theory, number of determinants in FCI 163 525 551
Gamma function, Euler gamma function 220 368
Gamma function, incomplete gamma function 368
Gamma function, relation to Boys function 368
Gamma function, relation to factorial functions 220
Gamma function, relation to Pochhammer symbol 371
Gauge transformations 110
Gaussian (normal) probability distribution 539 821
Gaussian basis sets 287
Gaussian basis sets for correlated calculations 300
Gaussian basis sets, 3-21G basis set 297
Gaussian basis sets, 6-311G basis set 300
Gaussian basis sets, 6-31G basis set 297
Gaussian basis sets, 6-31G* basis set 300
Gaussian basis sets, 6-31G** basis set 300
Gaussian basis sets, atomic natural orbitals (ANOs) 301 304
Gaussian basis sets, aug-cc-pVXZ basis sets 312 314
Gaussian basis sets, basis-set convergence 315
Gaussian basis sets, cc-pCVXZ basis sets 312
Gaussian basis sets, cc-pVXZ basis sets 308
Gaussian basis sets, contracted GTOs 294
Gaussian basis sets, correlating orbitals 180 304
Gaussian basis sets, correlation-consistent basis sets 301 307
Gaussian basis sets, Dunning — Huzinaga basis sets 295
Gaussian basis sets, DZ basis sets 228 300
Gaussian basis sets, DZP basis sets 300
Gaussian basis sets, even-tempered basis sets 292
Gaussian basis sets, floating orbitals 299
Gaussian basis sets, Huzinaga basis sets 291
Gaussian basis sets, polarization functions 299
Gaussian basis sets, primitive GTOs 291 294
Gaussian basis sets, split-valence basis sets 297 300
Gaussian basis sets, STO-kG basis sets 288
Gaussian basis sets, TZ basis sets 300
Gaussian charge distributions 361
Gaussian charge distributions, electrostatics of spherical distributions 364
Gaussian charge distributions, extent of Gaussian 402 424
Gaussian charge distributions, Gaussian-type orbitals (GTOs) 232
Gaussian charge distributions, spherical charge distributions 361
Gaussian overlap distributions 341
Gaussian overlap distributions, derivatives 343
Gaussian overlap distributions, expansion in Cartesian Gaussians 343
Gaussian overlap distributions, expansion in Hermite Gaussians 353
Gaussian overlap distributions, factorization 342
Gaussian overlap distributions, recurrence relations 343
Gaussian product rule 238 341
Gaussian product rule, illustration 342
Gaussian product rule, pre-exponential factor 341
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