Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Dwork B. — Generalized Hypergeometric Functions |
Предметный указатель |
Additive character 7
Adjoint space 33
Adolphson, A. 3 4 66
Aomoto, K. 1 3 122 133
Appell, P. 1 133
Appell, P., 1 107
Appell, P., , 17 109 131
Appell, P., 122 133
Artin — Hasse exponential series 5
Baldassarri, F. 3 43
Boyarsky, M. 4
Boyarsky, M., principle 1 2 3
Chow, W. L. 17
Cohen — Macaulay ring 29
Cone, denning forms 58 110 118 123 127 129 130 132 133
Cone, generating function 19 22 23 107
Cone, generators 16
Cone, interior points 66
Contiguity 13
Covering 1
Deformation of cohomology 144 146
Deformation of dual space 51
Deformation of proto gamma function 56
Deformation, differential equation 50
Dehomoginization 91
Dieudonne, J. 5
Differential forms 3 10 2 131
Differential module, reducibility 2 129
Differential module, submodule 139
Dual base 35 37
Duality map 151
Duality map, deformation 152
Duality map, translation 151
Duality map, uniqueness 169
Eagon, J. 17
Ehrhart, E. 19 20 21
Erdelyi, A. 2 122 128 133 134
Euler, L. 4 128
Fano, G. 134
Fermat surface 171
Fredholm determinant 9
Fresnel, J. 95
Frobenius mapping 1 41 56
Gamma function, generalized 70 (see also “Morita”)
Gamma function, p-adic (modified) 96
Gamma function, p-adic (modified), Gauss multiplication formula 100
Gamma function, p-adic (modified), modular property 96
Gamma function, p-adic (modified), polar locus 99
Gamma function, p-adic (modified), zero locus 99
Gauss, K., contiguity 2 13
Gauss, K., sum 5
Goursat, E. 129
Gross, B. 2
| Hochster, M. 17 29
Honda, T. 77
Hypergeometric functions 2 3
Hypergeometric functions, 107 117 128 129 135 168 Lauricella”)
Hypersurfaces (periods of cohomology) 3
Indicial polynomial 82
Inertial ideal 30
Jacobi sum (generalized) 4
Kampe de Feriet, M. 1 133
Kaneko, J. 122
Katz, N. 77 97 101 169
Koblitz, N. 2
Koszul complex 9 19
Kouchnirenko, A.G. 18 29 107
L-function 8
L-uniformity 80
Laplace transform 1 92 102 128 129 135
Laumon, G. 1
Lauricella 1
Lauricella, , 109 131 168
Lauricella, 122 133
Lauricella, 107 168
Morita, Y. 2
Multiplicative parameters 1
Multiplicative parameters, critical set 25 60 63
Multiplicative parameters, general 79
Multiplicative parameters, non-special 85
Pastro, I. 3 122
Proto gamma function 2 46 137
Proto gamma function, deformation 56
Proto gamma function, determinant 65 134
Proto gamma function, locus of degeneration 68 70
Proto gamma function, modular property 47 96
Proto gamma function, polar locus 68
R sequence 1 17 18 33 107 111 119 125
Reciprocity law 20
Regular singularity 77
Reich, D., space 4 95
Reich, D., trace formula 4
Resultant 29
Robba, Ph. 43
Samuel, P. 30 31
Sperher, S. 3 107
Support 7 57
Teichmuller representative 5
Translation matrix, M(a + u, a) 25 36
Translation matrix, M(a + u, a), deformation 54
Translation matrix, M(a + u, a), determinant 62
Triple 75
Triple fuchsian— 77
van der Poorten, A. 3 80
Van der Waerden, B. 31
Zariski, O. 30 31
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