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Curtain R.F., Pritchard A.J. — Functional Analysis in Modern Applied Mathematics |
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space 148
Absolute continuity 32
Abstract equations 146
Adjoint dynamical system 247
Adjoint operator 66 71
Affine subset 6
Algebraic dual 45
Almost everywhere 30
Almost everywhere, nowhere 86
Alternative theorem 102
Analytic semigroups 158
Approximate controllability 308
Approximation theory 292
Arzela — Ascoli theorem 109
Asymptotic stability 195
Asymptotically stable semigroup 193
B 88
Banach space 18
Banach’s Closed Graph Theorem 45
Bang-bang control 250
Basis (Hamel) 7
Bijective 8
Bilinear 66
Binomial distribution 76 80
Bochner integral 88
Bolzano — Weirstrass property 16
Borel algebra 12
Borel algebra, measurable functions 28
Borel algebra, measurable space 24
Borel algebra, sets 24
Boundary value problem 161
Boundary value problem, variation 50
Bounded sequence 16
Bounded sequence, set 15
Bounded sequence, transformation 39
Brownian motion 85
Calculus in a Banach space 87
Caratheodory theorem 122
Cauchy distribution 81
Cauchy distribution, sequence 16
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 223
Characteristic function 28
Classical solution 134
Closed 5
Closed operator 45
Closed operator, set 15
Closure 15
Coercive 66
Compact normal resolvent 179
Compact normal resolvent, operator 53
Compact normal resolvent, space 109
Compact normal resolvent, support 19
Compactness 15
Complete measure space 27
Completeness 18
Condition number 283
Conditional compactness 16
Conditional probability 82
Conjugate gradient 304
Continuity 12 108
Continuity for continuous time stochastic processes 85
Continuity, equi 109
Continuity, strong 43
Continuity, uniform 42
Continuous functions C[a, b] 9
Continuous functions C[a, b], linear functional 46
Continuous functions C[a, b], random variable 80
Continuous functions C[a, b], spectrum 163
Continuous functions C[a, b], time stochastic process 82
Contraction mapping 20
Contraction mapping, Mapping Theorem 20
Control of a diffusion equation 326
Controllability 221 308
Controllability, matrix 222
Controllability, space 221
Convergence 108
Convergence in probability 78
Convergence of random variables 78
Convergence of sequences 14
Convergence of series 14
Convergence with probability 1 78
Convergence, quadratic 290
Convergence, strong 42
Convergence, uniform 42
Convergence, weak 51
Convergence, weak* 52
Convex, balanced, absorbing set 110
Covariance function 78
Delta function 46 136
Dense subspaces of 35
Denseness 20
Diagonally dominant 285
Differential delay equations 130 329
Differentiation of a distribution 137
Differentiation of a distribution, under the integral 33
Diffusion equation 133
Dirichlet problem 161 185
Discrete random variable 79
Discrete random variable, stochastic process 82
Distributed parameter systems 307
distribution 136
Distribution, function 27 76 79
Distribution, theory 136
Domain of an operator 44
Dominated Convergence Theorem 90
Dual space 47
Duality 231
Eberlein — Shmulyan Theorem 52
Eigenspaces 162
Eigenvectors 162
Elliptic differential equations 133 141
Equi continuity 109
Equivalence classes 34
Essential surpremum 34
Euclidean space 3
Euler — Lagrange equations 260
Expectation 31 77
Exponential distribution 81
Extended Fundamental Theorem 32
Extension Principle 44
Extremal controls 247
Fatou’s Lemma 30
Feedback control 227
Filtering 234
Finite measure space 26
Fixed point 20
Fourier coefficients 61
Fourier coefficients, expansion 61
Frechet derivative 97
Frechet derivative, space 112
Fredholm alternative theorem 176
Fredholm Alternative Theorem, integral equation 160 177
Fubini — Tonnelli Theorem 33 90
Fundamental matrix 126
Fundamental matrix, Theorem of Calculus 31
Gateaux derivative 95
Gaussian elimination 284
Gaussian elimination, random variable 81
Gaussian elimination, stochastic process 83
Generalized inverse function theorem 262
Generalized Lagrange Multiplier Theorem 262
Gradient methods 300
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization process 60
Graph of a Linear Operator 44
Gronwell’s lemma 124
| Hahn — Banach theorem 46 113
Hamiltons principle 260
Hausdorff space 108
Hermite polynomials 61
Hilbert space 56
Hille — Yosida theorem 153
Holder continuous 158
Holder continuous, inequality 48
Hyperbolic differential equation 133
Hyperplane 6
Independent events 81
Infinite dimensional 7
Infinite dimensional systems theory 307
Infinitesimal generator of a semigroup 150
Inhomogencous abstract equations 119 156
Injective 73
Inner product 55
Inner product, space 55
Integrable function 29
Integral of non-negative measurable functions 29
Integral of non-negative measurable functions, Riccati equation 320
Integration on 29
Integration theory for real valued functions 24
Invariant set 203
Inverse (algebraic) 38
Invertibility 39
Isometrically isomorphic 11
Isometry 11
Isomorphic linear vector spaces 8
Jacobi polynomials 61
Joint distribution function 82
Kalman — Bucy Filter Theorem 240
Kuhn — Tucker conditions 269
La Salle’s Theorem 204
Laguerre polynomials 61
Laplaces equation 133 183 185
Lax — Milgram Theorem 65
Least squares minimization 257
Lebesgue integral on 30
Lebesgue integral on , measurable functions 28
Lebesgue integral on , measure 25
Lebesgue integral on , Stieltje’s integral 31
Lebesgue integral on , Stieltje’s measure space 26
Lebesgue — Banach space 34
Lebesgue — Banach space, Dominated Convergence Theorem 30 90
Lebesgue — Banach space, integrable 18 24
Legendre polynomials 7 61
Liapunov functional 195
Liapunov functional, stability 195
Limit point 15
Linear dependence 6
Linear dependence, functionals 45
Linear dependence, independence 6
Linear dependence, manifold 5
Linear dependence, quadratic problem 253
Linear dependence, stochastic differential equations 129
Linear dependence, subspace 5
Linear dependence, systems 125 198 220
Linear dependence, topological space 110
Linear dependence, transformation 37
Linear dependence, variety 5
Linear dependence, vector space 3
Liouville’s theorem 170
Lipschitz assumption 21 120
Lipschitz assumption, function 32
Local extrema 253
Locally convex space 111
Lower semicontinuity 53
Markov process 84
Maxima 96
Maximal 6
Maximal orthonormal sequence 61
Maximum principle 247
Mean square convergence 78
Mean Value Theorems 102
Measurable function 28
Measurable function, set 24
Measurable function, space 24
Measure space 25
Metric space 107
Mild evolution operator 216
Mild evolution operator, solution 159
Minimisation of bilinear forms 254
Minimisation of bilinear forms, under equality constraints 261
Minimisation of bilinear forms, with inequality constraints 267
Minkowski functional 111
Minkowski functional, inequality 9 10 34
Natural embedding 50
Neighbourhood 108
Neighbourhood, basis 108
Newton’s method 289
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations 119
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations, programming 267
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations, systems 201
Norm 3
Norm of a linear bounded operator 39
Normal distribution 81
Normal distribution, operator 69
Normed linear space 3 8
Numerical methods 282
Numerical methods, solution of optimization problems 299
Observability 229 230 313 314
Open balls 107
Open balls, covering 109
Open balls, loop control 227
Open balls, Mapping Theorem 44 113
Open balls, set 15 106
Optimal control theory 271
Optimal control theory, filter 240
Optimization problems 253
Ordinary differential equations 117
Orthogonal complement 58
Orthogonal complement, projection 58
Orthogonal complement, Projection Theorem I 64 235
Orthogonal complement, Projection Theorem II 293
Orthogonality 57
Orthonormal set 59
p-Norm 9 14
Parabolic differential equations 133 142
Parallelogram law 56
Parseval equality 62
Partial differential equations 132
Perturbation theory 191 205
Pettis integral 87
Picard — Lindeloff Theorem 120
Point spectrum 163
Pontryagin’s maximim principle 277
Positive limiting set, 203
Positive limiting set, , operator 69
Principle of superposition 37
probability density 80
Probability density, space 27
Probability density, theory 75
Product of normed spaces 11
Quadratic convergence 290
Quadratic convergence, cost control problems 315
Quadratic convergence, functionals 302
Quadratic convergence, programming 269
Quasi-evolution operators 218
Random variable 28 76
Range of an operator 44
Realization theory 251
Reflexive space 50
Regular point 261
Regulator problem 265
Relative boundedness 206
Relative boundedness, compactness 16
Relative boundedness, topology 106
Residual spectrum 163
Resolution of identity 58 174
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