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Shepherd Ph.S. (ed.), Dean Ch. (ed.) — Monoclonal Antibodies: A Practical Approach
Shepherd Ph.S. (ed.), Dean Ch. (ed.) — Monoclonal Antibodies: A Practical Approach

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Íàçâàíèå: Monoclonal Antibodies: A Practical Approach

Àâòîðû: Shepherd Ph.S. (ed.), Dean Ch. (ed.)


Monoclonal Antibodies: A Practical Approach covers the preparation, testing, derivation, and applications of monoclonal antibodies. New immunological techniques incorporating tried and tested methodologies are described, making the book of interest to established and inexperienced immunologists. Both the standard somatic hybridization technique and recombinant techniques, including the use of phage libraries, for the preparation of rodent and human monoclonal antibodies are described. Protocols for both the small and large scale production are detailed, as well as purification and labelling (with both radioisotopes and non-radioisotopes) methods. The applications of monoclonal antibodies in immunoblotting, enzyme linked immunoassays, immunofluorescence, and FACS analysis are all covered in detail. Finally protocols are given for the use of monoclonal antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis, tissue typing, detecting DNA modified during chemotherapy, and in the clinical analysis of transplantation samples for malignancy. This book will therefore be an invaluable laboratory companion to anyone using monoclonal antibodies in their research.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.02.2007

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2-mercaptoethanol, reduction-mediated Tc-99m-mAbs      226—227
2-mercaptoethanol, serum supplement      128
2TY media      68
3,3’-diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromogen with HRP      402—403
3,3’-diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromogen, DAB-HRP enhancement      405
3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole, chromogen with HRP      403
3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, coatings      394
Acusyst culture      138 139
Adhesion molecules, mAbs in RA      454
Affinity chromatography      158—162
Affinity, choice of ligand      160—161
Affinity, immunoaffinity      319—339
Agarose, embedding cells      427
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation in tobacco      188—192 196—199
Airlift fermenters      136
Alkaline phosphatase, anti-alkaline phosphatase, (APAAP) method, immunocytochemical staining      400—401
Alkaline phosphatase, AP-conjugated secondary Abs      280
Alkaline phosphatase, Fast Red TR salt chromogen      404—405
Alkaline phosphatase, IgG labelling      304—305
Alkaline phosphatase, mAb labelling      240 277
Alkaline sarkosyl      16
Amine group-specific dye derivatives      356
Ammonium sulfate, precipitation      144 157—158
Animal models, organ transplantation and mAb therapy      435—436
Anion exchange, chromatography      165—166
Anti-IL6 and -IL6R mAbs      453—454
Anti-receptor Abs, ligand binding assays      17
Anti-TNF-alpha mAbs      452—453
Antibody genes      33—34
Antibody labelling      see “Specific types of label”
Antibody therapies avoiding antiglobulin response      434
Antibody therapies, depletion vs non-depletion      433—434
Antibody therapies, immunosuppression vs immunological tolerance      432—433
Antibody therapies, mAbs in organ transplantation      431—448
Antibody therapies, radioimmunotherapy      229—231
Antibody therapies, rheumatoid arthritis      449—461
Antibody-ribosome-mRNA, (ARM) complexes      91—109
Antibody-ribosome-mRNA, amplification of genetic information      102—103
Antibody-ribosome-mRNA, antigen selection      98—103
Antibody-ribosome-mRNA, antigen selection recovery of DNA      100—103
Antibody-ribosome-mRNA, ARM specificity      105—106
Antibody-ribosome-mRNA, cycles and cloning      103—105
Antibody-ribosome-mRNA, generation by coupled transcription/translation      96—98
Antigen binding, immunoaffinity chromatography      331—333
Antigens immobilized, immunotubes      71—74
Antigens labelling, competitive binding immunoassays      309—311
Antigens on live cells      5—6
Antigens or streptavidin-coupled magnetic beads      98—99
Antigens, antigen-mAb complexes, recognition      277
Antigens, coating multiwell plates      12—13
Antigens, preparation for immunization      5
Antigens, reconstitution, immunoaffinity chromatography      335—336
Antigens, retrieval high temperature (HTAR)      397—398
Antigens, retrieval proteolysis      396—398
Antiglobulin response, antibody therapies      434
Arabidopsis, antibody fragment production      182—183
ARM cycle      92
ARM display      91—109
ARM examples      105—107
ARM method      93—105
ARM method, primer design and vH/K construction      93—96
ARM troubleshooting      107 (see also “Antibody-ribosome-mRNA (ARM) complexes”)
Ascitic route of hybridoma, production      126
At-211, radioimmunotherapy, applications      230
Avidin-biotin complex detection      398—400
B lymphocytes and myeloma cells      1—23
B lymphocytes and myeloma cells, preparation for fusion      10
B lymphocytes, Epstein — Barr virus transformation      114—116
B lymphocytes, lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL)      114—117
B lymphocytes, lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL), fusion with murine myeloma cells      118—120
B lymphocytes, mRNA, vH/K construction, ARM display      93—96
B lymphocytes, rodents as source      1—3
B lymphocytes, selection of antigen-specific B cells by rosetting      116—117
Bacteria minimal medium      70
BCIP/NBT substrate      280
Beta-glucuronidase (gus)      187
Bifunctional chelating (BFC) agents      219 229
Binary vector, components      189—192
Bioreactors stirred      134—135 (see also “Culture systems”)
Bioreactors, airlift      136
Bioreactors, fluidized bed      142—143
Bioreactors, membrane (miniPerm)      139—140
Bioreactors, Siran fixed porous beads      141—142
Biotin labelling      243 305—306
Biotinylated proteins, coupling to streptavidin coupled Dynabeads      99
Biotinylated proteins, tyramine, preparation      406—407
Biotinylation of antigen      74—76
BiP      183
BIRR-1, murine anti-ICAM-1 mAb      454
Bismuth-213, radioimmunotherapy applications      230
BLAST, database search program      63
Blood group antigens, human mAbs      111—123
Blood, fluorescence activated cell analysis (FACS)      371—389
Blood, normal values      377
Bolton and Hunter reagent, radiolabelling of mAbs      216 307
Bombardment-mediated gene transfer      192—196
Bone marrow, COBE-2991, buffy coat preparation      380—381
Bone marrow, COBE-2991, mononuclear cell fraction (MNC)      381—382
Bone marrow, fluorescence activated cell analysis (FACS)      371—389
Bone marrow, haematopoietic transplantation, Campath-1M, paediatric      383—384
Bone marrow, PBSC harvests, CD34 quantitation      379—380
Bone marrow, progenitor cell content, analysis      377—382
Bone marrow, T cell depletion      383—384
Bovine IgG potential contamination of media      152—153
Bovines, myeloma cell lines      3
BrdUrd flow cytometry in vitro incorporation      345
BrdUrd flow cytometry, background      343—345
BrdUrd flow cytometry, cell kinetics      341—343
BrdUrd flow cytometry, denaturation of BrdUrd      347
BrdUrd flow cytometry, examples      350—352
BrdUrd flow cytometry, fixation and staining procedures      345—349
BrdUrd flow cytometry, technique      341—353
BstN1 frequent-cutting enzyme      55
BstN1 frequent-cutting enzyme, restriction enzyme mix      56
Buffers, blocking buffer      277 278—279
Buffers, Harms buffer      269
Buffers, immunoassays      315—316
Buffers, lysis      266—268
Buffers, mixed micelle detergent (RIPA)      266—268 292
Buffers, SDS-PAGE      267
Buffers, sodium azide-phosphate-buffered saline (PBSA)      14
Buffers, TAE buffer      28
Buffers, TE buffer      28
Buffers, ThermoPol reaction buffer      35
C-erbB2 proto-oncogene as immunogen      4
Caesium chloride, isopycnic centrifugation      46—49
Cameras, CCD and colour cameras      365—367
Campath-1H in RA      456
Campath-1H, haematopoietic transplantation      383—384
Campath-1H, mAb therapies, antiglobulin response      434
Campath-1H, mAb therapies, rheumatoid arthritis      433
Campath-1H, renal allografts      445
Cancer, fluorescence activated cell analysis (FACS)      371—389
Canonical residues      60
Carbodiimide coupling, immunoaffinity chromatography      324—325
Carbohydrate coupling, immunoaffinity chromatography      325—326
Catalysed enzyme reporter deposition (CARD)      79
Cation exchange, chromatography      162—165
CCD cameras      365—367
CD25 mAb, clinical use      437 442 443
CD25 mAb, experimental models      443
CD28 and CD40, co-stimulation      443—444
CD3 mAb animal studies      437—438
CD3 mAb clinical use of anti-CD3 mAb      439—440
CD34 determinant, FACS      378—380
CD4 mAb, clinical trials      442
CD4mAb, cM-T412, anti-CD4 mAb with human IgGl      456
CD4mAb, experimental models      440—442
CD5-plus      455—456
CD7 mAb, anti-CD7 mAbs      455
CD8 mAb      440
cDNA cDNA: mRNA hybrid      31—32
CDw52 mAb, human IgGl Fc      see “Campath-1H”
CEA, anti-CEA antibodies      80
Cell adaptation, low levels of serum in culture      128—129
Cell fixation, BrdUrd flow cytometry technique      345—346
Cell fixation, immunofluorescence      358
Cell fixation, paraffin wax embedded tissues      392—393 (see also “Fixatives”)
Cell fusion in vitro somatic hybridization      11
Cell kinetics monitoring with BrdUrd-labelled nuclei      341—343
Cell labelling in vivo immunolabelling      368—369
Cell labelling, surface labelling      359
Cell lysates, controlled to produce a post-nuclear supernatant homogenate      269—270
Cell lysates, preparation      266—268
Cell lysates, preparation rigorous whole cell lysis      267—268
Cell lysates, sequential extraction      268—269
Cell staining procedures      346—349
Cell storage, long-term; liquid nitrogen      18
Cellular antigens      265—296
Cellular antigens, 2D PAGE      283—286
Cellular antigens, detection by immunoblotting      270—283
Cellular antigens, detection by immunoprecipitation      289—295
Cellular antigens, detection under disruptive conditions      292
Cellular antigens, subcellular localization of proteins      287
Chaotropic ions      334—335
Chaperone molecules      183
Chemifluorescence enhanced      279
Chemiluminescence enhanced      278
Chemotherapy, antibodies to modified DNA      411—430
Chemotherapy, detection of chemically modified DNA in lymphocytes      411—430
Chloramine-T labelling with I-125      209—210 307—308
Chloronaphthol substrate      280
Chothia scheme, CDR loops      60 61
Chromatography, affinity      158—162
Chromatography, equipment      153—156
Chromatography, hydrophilic interaction      173
Chromatography, hydrophobic interaction      169—172
Chromatography, immobilized metal affinity      166—168
Chromatography, immunoaffinity      319—339
Chromatography, integrated systems      154
Chromatography, ion exchange      162—166
Chromatography, liquid, general principles      155—156
Chromatography, monitors      154
Chromatography, nickel-chelate      88
Chromatography, other      172—173
Chromatography, size exclusion      168—169
Chromatography, TLC, radiochemical purity      212—213
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia      382
cM-T412, anti-CD4 mAb with human IgG1      456
Colloidal gold, light and electron microscopy      247—263
Colorimetry, signal detection      280
Colour cameras      367
Competitive binding, immunoassays      309—311
Competitive inhibition, immunoassay      317
Competitive radioimmunoassays      21
Complementarity-determining regions and humanized antibodies      58—65
Complementarity-determining regions, acceptor frameworks      62
Complementarity-determining regions, defined (Kabat; Chothia)      59—60
Complementarity-determining regions, grafting, humanization of recombinant ntibodies      25—27
Complementarity-determining regions, loop definitions      61
Complementarity-determining regions, Vernier zone      64
Confocal laser scanning, microscopy      364—365
Contact scheme, CDR loops      60 61
Copper-67, radioimmunotherapy applications      230
Coupling matrices, immunoaffinity chromatography      322
Crown gall disease      see “Agrobacterium tumefaciens”
Cryopreservation      122—123
Cryosections, methods for EM immunogold probes      251—255
CsCl banding, DNA preparation      47—49
Culture media, 2TY media      68
Culture media, Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM)      4
Culture media, HAT selection medium      11
Culture media, minimal medium, bacteria      70
Culture media, serum levels and replacements      127—128
Culture media, tobacco      197—198
Culture supernatants      149—180
Culture supernatants, concentration using hollow fibre device      151—153
Culture supernatants, problems with purification      151—153
Culture systems, Acusyst culture      138 139
Culture systems, comparisons      145
Culture systems, culture plates and flasks      129—130
Culture systems, high cell density      137—143
Culture systems, hollow fibre      138 139
Culture systems, membrane (miniPerm)      139—140
Culture systems, non-stirred systems      135—137
Culture systems, packed beds      140—142
Culture systems, perfusion (high cell density)      137—143
Culture systems, roller bottle culture      135
Culture systems, stationary cultures      129—131
Culture systems, stirred cultures      131—135
Culture systems, Tecnomouse      138—139 (see also “Bioreactors”)
Cyanogen bromide, coupling, immunoaffinity chromatography      322
Cytokines, anti-cytokine mAbs in RA      452—454
Cytokines, anti-cytokine mAbs in RA, anti-IL6 and -IL6R      453—454
Cytokines, anti-cytokine mAbs in RA, anti-TNF-alpha      452—453
Cytokines, mononuclear cell fraction (MNC)      384—389
Cytokines, mononuclear cell fraction (MNC), preparation      386
Cytokines, mononuclear cell fraction (MNC), staining      387
DB3, anti-progesterone antibodies      105—106
DB3, DB3R vH/K, selection from libraries      106—107
Decalcification      392—393
Dextran, detection methods, immunocytochemistry      400
Dialyser, hollow fibre dialyser assembly      153
Digoxigenin labelling      244
DNA preparation using CsCl banding      47—49
DNA staining, drug-DNA adducts      426—427
DNA staining, embedding cells      428—429
DNA, chemically modified antibodies vs modified polymeric DNA      412—414
DNA, chemically modified antibodies, applications      412
DNA, chemically modified antibodies, detection of low frequencies      414
DNA, chemically modified antibodies, ELISA      415—426
DNA, chemically modified antibodies, inducing tolerance      434—435
DNA, chemically modified antibodies, preparation      414—415
DNA, chemically modified antibodies, screening hybridomas      415
DNA, chemically modified antibodies, types      412
DNA, chemically modified detection in lymphocytes, patients undergoing, chemotherapy      411—430
DNA, linker DNA preparation      37—41
Dounce homogenization      269
DTPA anhydride      219—222
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM)      4
Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline      359
Dynabeads, antigen selection      98
Dynamic culture systems      135—137
Electron microscopy, immunofluorescence      355—370
Electron microscopy, immunogold probes      247—263
Electron microscopy, methods PLT      248—249 255—256
Electron microscopy, methods thawed cryosections      251—255
Electron microscopy, pre-embedding labelling      249—250
Electron microscopy, surface labelling      250
Electroporation competent cells, library construction      52—54
Electrotransfer and plating      54—55
Electrotransfer from gels to membranes      273—276
Electrotransfer immunoblotting, troubleshooting      282—283
ELISA, cell ELISA      78
ELISA, competitive inhibition      317
ELISA, IgGs, generic method      175—177
ELISA, phage ELISA      83—84
ELISA, protein A/G assays, reagent choice      175—176
ELISA, quantification of DNA, analysis of data      425—426
ELISA, quantification of DNA, competitive assays      419—425
ELISA, quantification of DNA, direct binding assays      418—419
ELISA, quantification of DNA, maximization of immunoreactivity      420—422
ELISA, quantification of DNA, modifications      415—426
ELISA, quantification of DNA, well coating      416—417
ELISA, sandwich ELISA      311—315
ELISA, soluble (scFv) ELISA      85—87
Elution regimes      72
Embedding cells, agarose      427
Embedding cells, paraffin wax, fixation procedures      392—393
Embedding cells, staining DNA      428—429
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