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Birman M.S., Solomyak M.Z. — Spectral Theory of Self-Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space |
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-system 280
-system 280
-absolutely continuous part of a spectral measure 180
-absolutely continuous part of a spectral measure, subspace for a spectral measure 180
-absolutely continuous part of a spectral measure, vector for a spectral measure 180
(B)-pair 287
(B)-pair, irreducible 290
(B)-system 281
(B)-system, irreducible 290
(C)-system 281
(C)-system, irreducible 294
Absolutely continuous measure r with respect to a measure 11
Absolutely continuous measure r with respect to a measure of a self-adjoint operator 181
Absolutely continuous measure r with respect to a measure , part of a measure r with respect to a measure 14
Absolutely continuous measure r with respect to a measure , subspace 181
Absolutely continuous measure r with respect to a measure , vector for a spectral measure 180
Additive function 4
Additive function, a-finite 4
Additive function, finite 4
Algebra of subsets 2
Algebra of subsets of subsets 3
Algebra of subsets, a-algebra of Borel subsets of a metric space 3
Algebraic multiplicity 78
Associate vector 77
Base of measurability 160
Base of measurability, orthogonal 160
Basis orthonormal 25
Basis orthonormal, standard in 26
Bose commutation relations 279
Calkin algebra 267
Canonical representation 243
Cayley transform 104
Class K 40
Class K, 13
Class K, 245
Class K, 250
Class K, 254
Class K, 39
Class K, 15
Class K, 16
Class K, 259
Class K, 267
Closure of a linear operator 66
Commutation relations of quantum mechanics 279
Commutation relations of quantum mechanics, canonical 279
Commuting bounded operators 37
Commuting operators 61
Complete subset of a Hilbert space 20
Continuous singular spectrum 182
Continuous singular spectrum, subspace 182
Core of the spectrum 83
Defect number of a closed operator 82
Defect of a closed operator 81
Defect of a closed operator of a linear set 63
Deficiency indices of a symmetric operator of an isometric operator 101
Derivative of a measure r with respect to a measure ju 11
Dimension function 158
Direct integral of Hilbert spaces 162
Direct sum of linear subsets 63
Distribution function 114
Distribution function of eigen-values 273
Distribution function of s-numbers 245
Domain of an operator 60
Domination of operators 73
Domination of operators, strong 74
Eigen-space 77
Eigen-value of an operator 77
Equivalent measures 11
Extension of an operator 61
Family of projections closed under multiplication 47
Form of an operator 35
Form, closed 221
Form, lower semibounded 221
Form, positive definite 221
Form, quadratic 35
Form, sesqui-linear 35
Fourier coefficients 23
Fourier coefficients, series 23
Fourier coefficients, transform 192
Fredholm alternative 89
Friedrichs extension 229
Function of a self-adjoint operator 142
Function, a-finite 4
Function, additive 4
Function, countably additive 4
Function, finite 4
Functional, antilinear 32
Functional, continuous linear 32
Functional, Hermitian 34
Functional, quadratic 34
Functional, sesqui-linear 33
Generalized derivative 15
Generating system 170
Generating vector 175
Generator of a unitary group 151
Geometric multiplicity 78
Graph of an operator 62
Greatest lower bounded of a bounded operator 42
Greatest lower bounded of a bounded operator of a quadratic form 221
Hardy inequality 55
Hardy operator 55
hatch of a symmetric operator 216
Heinz inequality 232
Hermite polynomials 48
Hilbert identity 84
Hilbert space 19
Hilbert — Schmidt kernel 252
Hilbert — Schmidt kernel, operator 250
Hilbert — Schmidt kernel, operator-valued kernel 253
Horn’s inequalities 262
Inner product in a pre-Hilbert space 18
Integral with respect to a spectral measure 132
Involution 1
Isometric isomorphism of Hilbert space 19
Jordan chain 77
Kernel of a linear operator 60
Kernel of an integral operator 52
Kernel of an integral operator, Hermitian 52
Least upper bound of a bounded operator 42
Lidskii’s theorem 268
Linear sum of linear subsets 63
Measurable function 7
Measurable Hilbert family 161
Measurable set 3
Measure 4
Measure space 4
Measure space, separable 5
Measure with countable base 5
Measure, Borel 6
Measure, Borel spectral 128
Measure, complex 12
Measure, N-complete 4
Measure, simple spectral 175
| Measure, spectral 123
Modulus of a closed operator 184
Multiplication by the independent variable 112
Multiplication operator 163
Multiplicity function 172
Multiplicity of a spectral measure 178
Multiplicity of the spectrum 177
Mutually singular measures 13
Mutually singular measures, types 13
Natural boundary condition 234
Norm in a pre-Hilbert space 18
Norm in a pre-Hilbert space, a-norm 221
Normal eigen-value 83
One-parameter unitary group 150
Operator of finite rank 40
Operator polynomials 67
Operator, adjoint 69
Operator, adjoint to a bounded operator 35
Operator, bounded, non-negative 42
Operator, bounded, normal 44
Operator, bounded, positive 43
Operator, bounded, positive definite 43
Operator, bounded, self-adjoint 41
Operator, bounded, strictly positive 43
Operator, closable 66
Operator, closed 64
Operator, commuting with a self-adjoint operator 150
Operator, compact 39
Operator, decomposable 168
Operator, differential with constant coefficients 197
Operator, essentially self-adjoint 98
Operator, integral 52
Operator, isometric 100
Operator, lower semibounded 99
Operator, maximal symmetric 97
Operator, normal 109
Operator, nuclear 245
Operator, partially isometric 102
Operator, positive 99
Operator, positive definite 99
Operator, regular integral 52
Operator, self-adjoint 97
Operator, self-adjoint with simple spectrum 177
Operator, semiunitary 103
Operator, symmetric 97
Operator, unitary 101
Order of a root lineal 78
Orthogonal complement 27
Orthogonal sum of Hilbert spaces 29
Orthogonal sum of subspaces 28
Orthogonalization process 25
Orthonormal system 23
Orthonormal system, closed 24
Orthonormal system, complete 24
Polar decomposition 183
Pre-Hilbert space 18
Principle maximin 212
Principle minimax 212
Product of measures 6
Product of spectral measures 129
Projection 27
Quasi-regular point 82
Quasi-regular set 82
Range of an operator 60
Regular point 83
Resolution of the identity 140
Resolvent 84
Resolvent set of an operator 83
Riesz projection 269
Root lineal of an operator 77
Root space of an operator 77
Rotfel’d’s theorem 261
Schmidt expansion 243
Simple function 8
Sine of the angle between subspaces 88
Singular numbers of a compact operator 182
Singular part of a measure r with respect to a measure 14
Singular part of a self-adjoint operator 181
Singular sequence for a self-adjoint operator 206
Skew decomposition 86
Skew decomposition, projection 86
Skew decomposition, reducing decomposition 88
Space, $B(H_1, H_2) 39
Space, 30
Space, 22
Space, 30
Space, 10
Space, 130
Space, 8
Space, B(H) 36
Space, S(Y, E) 133
Spectral mapping property 158
Spectral measure space 123
Spectral resolution 140
Spectral trace 268
Spectrally orthogonal subspaces 170
Spectrally orthogonal subspaces, vectors 170
Spectrum 83
Spectrum, continuous 83
Spectrum, discrete 206
Spectrum, essential 206
Spectrum, joint of a system of operators 154
Spectrum, point 83
Spectrum, purely continuous 112
Spectrum, purely point 112
Spectrum, residual 83
Strong convergence of operators 36
Strongly commuting operators 61
Subspace of a Hilbert space 20
Subspace of a Hilbert space, invariant 76
Subspace of a Hilbert space, reducing 79
Support of a Borel measure 7
Support of a Borel measure, spectral measure 129
Support of a measure with respect to a measure 11
Support of a type with respect to a type 11
Topologically consistent norms 2
Trace of an operator 248
Type of a measure 11
Type of a vector with respect to a spectral measure 170
Type, maximal 171
Type, spectral 171
Uniform convergence of an operator 36
Unitary equivalent operators 103
Unitary equivalent operators, invariant 103
Vector of maximal type 171
von Neumann’s formulae 106
Weak convergence of operators 36
Weak convergence of vectors 33
Weyl’s criterion 207
Weyl’s inequalities 213
[\rho]-singular part of a spectral measure 180
[\rho]-singular subspace for a spectral measure 180
[\rho]-singular vector for a spectral measure 180
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