Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Iliadis S.D. — Universal Spaces and Mappings |
Предметный указатель |
-uniform class 210
-representation 162
-structure 152
-component of a diagram 266
-saturated class of spaces 85
-structure 152
-co-structure 153
-saturated class 442
-universality property 442
-set 65
-set 65
-space 85
-p-base 82
-p-base 82
-D-base 82
(add)-BG-space 503
(mult)-BG-space 503
-expansion 194
-saturated class 441
-adjacent class of G spaces 316
-component of a diagram 266
-completion 468
-completion 473
-base 74
-co-base 74
-co-p-base 78
-co-structure 153
-p-base 78
-restriction 56
-spectrum 331
-spectrum, structural 381
-structure 152
-subset 370 385—386
-spectrum 341
-algebra of a set 37
-algebra of a set, minimal 37
-sequence 167
-set 67
-set, free 68
-saturated class 410
-saturated class, isometric ally 410—411
-equivalence class 4
-equivalence relation 15 42
-equivalence relation 14
-equivalence relation, s- standard 13
-equivalence relation, standard 13
-formulation xii
-property xii
-spectrum 341
-spectrum, structural 384
-extension of an indexed set 6
-component of a co-mark 346
-net 417
(S, M)-completion 468
Action of a group 293
Action of a group, (add)-Borel 502
Action of a group, (mult)-Borel 502
Action of a group, Borel 502
Action of a group, effective 306
Action of a group, free 306
Action of a group, limit 329
Action of a group, on a G-diagram 321
Action-component of a class of G-spaces 301
Action-component of a class of G-spaces with structure 316
Action-component of a class of G-subsets 308
Action-coordinate of a G-space 293
Action-coordinate of a G-space with structure 316
Action-coordinate of an element of a class of G-subsets 308
Adjacent class of G-spaces 308 316
Adjacent class of spaces with structure 316
Adjacent class of subsets 79 308
Admissible, branching triad 195
Admissible, tetrad 225
Admissible, triad 181
Algebra 4
Algebra, generated 4—5
Algebra, minimal 4
Algebra, of a set 4
Base for a space 5
Base for the closed subsets 5
Base for the closed subsets, normal 179
Base for the open subsets 5
Base for the open subsets, normal 180
Base, -standard 186
Base, -standard 22
Base, -standard 22
Base, -standard 22
Base, -dividing 454
Base, -indexed 5
Base, ( )-dimensional 225
Base, ( )-dimensional 193
Base, base-normal 180
Base, disjunctive 180
Base, positional 28
Base, standard 22
BG-space 503
Branching family of mappings 194
Cardinal 3
Chain 335
class 1
Class in the universe of metric spaces 409
Class in the universe of metric spaces generated 413
Class in the universe of metric spaces, complete 412
Class in the universe of metrizable spaces 409
Class of all bases 74
Class of all p-bases 78
Class of all pos-bases 78
Class of all ps-bases 78
Class of bases 74
Class of G-diagrams generated 328
Class of G-spaces generated 304
Class of G-spaces with structure 315
Class of G-spaces with structure, complete 318
Class of G-spaces with structure, generated 318
Class of G-subsets 308
Class of G-subsets generated 313
Class of G-subsets subset-generated 313
Class of G-subsets, complete 312
Class of p-bases 78
Class of p-bases, closed 79
Class of p-bases, complete 79
Class of p-bases, open 79
Class of spaces with structure 152
Class of spaces with structure, complete 154
Class of subsets 56
Class of subsets, closed 59
Class of subsets, complete 59
Class of subsets, open 59
Class of the limit spaces 277
Class, -rim-hereditary 92
Class, -str-rim-hereditary 157
Class, -rim- hereditary 113
Class, -rim-hereditary 128
Class, -rim-hereditaiy 128
Class, -rim-hereditary 114
Class, -rim-hereditary 129
Class, -rim-hereditary 106
Class, -rim-hereditary 125
Class, -rim-hereditary 125
Class, -rim-hereditary 112
Class, -rim-hereditary 126
Class, -rim-hereditary 104
Class, -b(l)-rim-hereditary 117
Class, -rim-hereditary 97
Class, -rim-hereditary 97
Class, -hereditary 143
Class, -hereditary 143
Class, -hereditary 133
Class, additive 66
| Class, b(0)-rim-hereditary 117
Class, corresponding 412
Class, multiplicative 66
Class, structural 380
Class, -rim-hereditary 129
Class, -rim-hereditary 126
Class, -rim-hereditary 104
Class, -rim-hereditary 115
Co-base, ( )-dimensional 229
Co-base, ( )-dimensional 203
Co-base, for an indexed collection 6
Co-base, for an indexed collection, closed 6
Co-base, for an indexed collection, open 6
Co-base, normal 185
Co-extension of a D-co-mark 267
Co-extension of a pair ( , ) 323
Co-extension of an P-co-mark 242
Co-extension of an S-indexed set 7
Co-extension, general 347
Co-indication, -normal 204
Co-indication, -normal 182
Co-indication, -normal 229
Co-indication, of an S-indexed set 6
Co-mark 6
Co-mark, -generalized 435
Co-mark, generalized 435
Co-mark, O-commutative 63
Co-mark, Q-proper 475
Co-mark, Q-regular 478
Co-mark, semi-straight 487
Co-mark, straight 487
Co-operator on a class of spaces 62
Co-operator on a class of spaces, commutative 62 63
Co-operator on a class of spaces, topological 62
Co-p-base 78
Co-pos-base 78
Co-ps-base 78
Co-singleton 474
Co-singleton, closed 474
Co-structure 153
Collection 1
Collection, full indexed 467
Collection, S-indexed 393
Compact resolution 495
Compact resolution, universal 495
Complementary to a base 179
Complementary to a co-base 185
Complementary to a co-indication 185
Complementary to a family 179
Complementary to an indication 179
Completion of an element 67
Component of a co-mark 346
composition 451
Containing Space 19 44
Containing Space, Q-quotient 476
Containing Space, quotient 476
Containing, action-mapping 301
Containing, diagram 271 272
Containing, G-diagram 326
Containing, mapping 244—245
Containing, space vii
Containing, structure 153
Containing, triad 310 317
Cover of a space 144
D-co-mark (for diagrams) 267
D-co-mark (for diagrams), proper 267
D-mark (for diagrams) 266
defining classes 89
Diagram (commutative) 266
Diagram (commutative), open 289
Dimension, at a point 459
Dimension, dim 144
Dimension, large inductive 132
Dimension, metric 423
Dimension, new 452
Dimension, order 453
Dimension, small inductive 91
Dimension-like function 89
Dimension-like function, base 89
Dimension-like function, base positional 89
Dimension-like function, new 452
Dimension-like function, positional 89
Dimension-like function, space 89
Dimensional kernel 459
Dispersion point 480
Domain of a mapping 2
Domain-class 241
Element, free (of a -set) 67
Element, isometrically universal 410
Element, isometrically universal, properly 410
Element, majorating 335
Element, minimal (of an order) 4
Embedding (for classes ( -rep.)) 164
Embedding (for mappings) 241
Empty Subset Condition 145
Equivalence class 4
Equivalence class, induced 242
Equivalence relation 4
Equivalence relation, s-standard 13
Equivalence relation, standard 13
Expansion of a branching family 194
Extension of an indexed set 6
F-co-mark 242
F-co-mark, product-open 294
F-co-mark, proper 242
F-domain 241
F-image 242
f-image of an (indexed) set 3
F-preimage of a co-mark 241
f-preimage of an (indexed) set 3
F-preimage of an indexed family 256
F-range 241
Family 1
Family of equivalence relations, -standard 41
Family of equivalence relations, -admissible 41
Family of equivalence relations, -admissible 153
Family of equivalence relations, -admissible 242
Family of equivalence relations, -admissible 324
Family of equivalence relations, -standard 186
Family of equivalence relations, -admissible 268
Family of equivalence relations, -admissible 41
Family of equivalence relations, (M, P)-admissible 394
Family of equivalence relations, (M, Q)-admissible 24
Family of equivalence relations, admissible 8
Family of equivalence relations, compact 495
Family of equivalence relations, generalized 437
Family of equivalence relations, induced 242
Family of equivalence relations, M-admissible 15
Family of equivalence relations, M-standard 15
Family of equivalence relations, O-commutative 63
Family, -standard 22
Family, -standard 22
Family, -standard 22
Family, -(Y, , I)-separating 265
Family, -(Y, O, I)-separating 265
Family, (Y, , I)-separating 265
Family, (Y, O, I)-separating 262
Family, standard 22
Filter 212
Filter, maximal 212
Final refinement 8 41
Finite Free Union Condition 134
Finite Union Condition 145
Function 2
Function, cardinal-algebra 433
G-space, Borel 503
G-space, limit 329
G-space, with -structure 315
G-space, with structure 315
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