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Kigami J. — Analysis on Fractals |
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-solution of the heat equation on 164
transform 48 67 129
-elliptic measure 89
-harmonic function 139
Affine nested fractal 116 117 150
Arcwise connected 33
Arithmetic case 207
bernoulli 25
Borel, -algebra 25
Borel, measure 25
Borel, regular measure 25 26
Borel, set 25
Boundary condition 92 93
Boundary condition, Dirichlet (see Dirichlet boundary condition)
Boundary condition, Neumann (see Neumann boundary condition)
Boundary of self-similar set 19
Cantor set 15 39 66
Cantor set, topological 13 19
Characteristic function 42 203
Closable 197
Closed form 197
Compact operator 92 94 198
Compact resolvent 64 92 93 133 198
Compatible sequence 51 65 69
Complete measure 25
Connected 33
Connected, arcwise (see Arcwise connected)
Connected, locally (see Locally connected)
Contraction 9
Contraction principle 9 10
Contraction property 199
Contraction ratio 9
Core 202
Critical set 19
D-eigenfunction (see Dirichlet eigenfunction)
D-eigenvalue (see Dirichlet eigenvalue)
Diameter 14
Diffusion process 66 193
Directly Riemann integrable 207
Dirichlet boundary condition 93 158
Dirichlet eigenfunction 132
Dirichlet eigenvalue 132
Dirichlet form 65 88 92 185 202
Dirichlet form on a finite set 42
Dirichlet form, local (see local Dirichlet form)
Dirichlet form, regular see regular Dirichlet form)
Dirichlet Laplacian 93 95 111
Dirichlet problem for Poisson’s equation 114
Effective resistance 46 51 65
Effective resistance metric 48 66 83 138
Eigenfunction, Dirichlet (see Dirichlet eigenfunction)
Eigenfunction, localized (see Localized eigenfunction)
Eigenfunction, Neumann (see Neumann eigenfunction)
Eigenfunction, pre-localized (see Pre-localized eigenfunction)
Eigenvalue, counting function 133 190
Eigenvalue, decimation method 135 156
Eigenvalue, Dirichlet (see Dirichlet eigenvalue)
Eigenvalue, Neumann (see Neumann eigenvalue)
Equilibrium point 9
Extension of a form 197
Extension, Friedrichs (see Friedrichs extension)
Finite rank operator 92 198
Finitely ramified 23
Fixed point 9 14 70
Focal point 180
Focal point, Rriedrichs extension 111 188 198
Frostman’s lemma 29
Fundamental solution 162 7
Gauss — Green’s formula 110 145 187
Generator 199
Green’s function 95 98 102 188 189
Green’s operator 94 95 102 103 145
Green’s operator, extended 102
Harmonic function 45 52 73 75 143
Harmonic structure 69 73 138
Harmonic structure, regular (see Regular harmonic structure)
Harnack inequality 46 78 100
Hata’s tree-like set 16 24 71 129
Hausdorff, dimension 28 29
Hausdorff, measure 28 138
Hausdorff, metric 10
Heat kernel 152
Heat, equation 162 164 190
Heat, kernel 158 171 190
Heat, semigroup 190
Hitting time 194
Inequality, Harnack (see Harnack inequality)
Inequality, Nash (see Nash inequality)
Integrated density of states 135 155
Isomorphism between self-similar structures 18
Koch curve 15 17
Laplacian 65 66 92 107 108 186
Laplacian, Dirichlet (see Dirichlet Laplacian)
Laplacian, Neumann (see Neumann Laplacian)
Laplacian, on a finite set 42
Laplacian, standard (see Standard Laplacian)
Lattice case 134 142 207
Lipschitz 9
Lipschitz constant 9
Local Dirichlet form 65 88 202
Local property 93 202
Localized eigenfunction 141
Locally connected 33
| M-harmonic 81
Markov property 42 56 93 162 202
Markov property of a semigroup 202
Mass distribution principle 29
Maximum principle 45 52 76 77 81
Maximum principle, parabolic (see Parabolic maximum principle)
Maximum principle, strong version 81
Maximum principle, weak version 77
Measure, Bernoulli 25
Measure, Borel (see Borel measure)
Measure, Borel regular (see Borel regular measure)
Measure, complete (see Complete measure)
Measure, Hausdorff (see Hausdorff measure)
Measure, probability (see Probability measure)
Measure, self-similar (see Self-similar measure)
Minimal 21
Modified Sierpinski gasket 129 129
Moran’s theorem 32
Multi-harmonic function 143
N-eigenfunction (see Neumann eigenfunction)
N-eigenvalue (see Neumann eigenvalue)
Nash inequality 153 172 202 204
Nested fractal 117 146
Nested fractal, affine (see Affine nested fractal)
Nesting condition 117
Net 10
Neumann boundary condition 92 158
Neumann derivative 110
Neumann eigenfunction 132
Neumann eigenvalue 132
Neumann Laplacian 92 111
Neumann problem for Poissons equation 129
Non-arithmetic case 208
Non-lattice case 134 208
Open set condition 30 32
Operator, compact (see Compact operator)
Operator, finite rank (see Finite rank operator)
Operator, Green’s (see Green’s operator)
Operator, renormalization (see Renormalization operator)
Operator, self-adjoint (see Self-adjoint operator)
Operator, symmetric (see Symmetric operator)
Parabolic maximum principle 164
Partition 22 23 83 139 173
Pentakun 119
Piecewise harmonic function 81
Poisson’s equation 114 129
Post critical set 19 72
Post critically finite 23 34
Pre-localized eigenfunction 141 146 153
Probability measure 25
Quadratic form, associated with a self-adjoint operator 197
Quadratic form, non-negative 197
R-network (see Resistance network)
Random walk 54
Refinement of partition 22
Regular Dirichlet form 55 65 88 202
Regular harmonic structure 69 75 167
Renewal, equation 137 207
Renewal, theorem 135 137 207
Renormalization operator 70
Resistance, form 55 61
Resistance, metric 56 61 70 75
Resistance, network 43 69
Self-adjoint operator 196
Self-affine set 10
Self-similar, measure 25 26 105
Self-similar, set 10 13
Self-similar, structure 18 25 26
Self-similarity of a form 83
Semigroup 160 199
Semigroup of symmetric operators 199
Semigroup, property 199
Semigroup, strong continuous (see Strong continuous semigroup)
Shift, map 13
Shift, space 12 18
Sierpinski, carpet 24
Sierpinski, gasket 15 24 71 108 128 135 137 149 155
Similarity dimension of harmonic, structure 138
Similitude 9 13
Snowflake 120
Solution of the heat equation on 162
Solution of the heat equation, (see -solution of the heat equation)
Spectral, dimension 135 137 138 155
Spectral, exponent 134 137
Standard harmonic structure 71 77
Standard Laplacian 109 135 149
Strong continuous semigroup 199
Strongly symmetric 116
Symbol 12 18 20
Symmetric, operator 196
Symmetric, strongly (see Strongly symmetric)
Symmetric, weakly (see Weakly symmetric)
Symmetry of a harmonic structre 115
Symmetry, group 146
Theorem, renewal (see Renewal theorem)
Theorem, Weyl’s (see Weyl’s theorem)
Totally bounded 10
Unit contraction 202
Variational formula 136 140 198
Weakly symmetric 37
Weyl’s theorem 133
Weyl’s theorem, empty 12
Weyl’s theorem, length of 12
Weyl’s theorem, word 12
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