Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra 3 |
Предметный указатель |
Homotopy I.285
Ideal 168
Ideal, prime 168
Ideal, radical 169
Idempotent I.271
Idempotent, split I.271
Image II.19 II.92
Induction 459
Infinite object 465
Initial object I.48
Initial object, strict 215
Initial structure II.366
Injective object I.167
Internal I.325
Internal automorphism I.287
Internal base-valued functor I.329
Internal category I.325
Internal category of elements I.331
Internal colimit I.333
Internal constant functor I.328 I.330
Internal distributor I.339
Internal dual category I.328
Internal filtered category I.331
Internal flat functor I.333
Internal functor I.327
Internal limit I.333
Internal natural transformation I.327 I.329
Internal power I.335
Internal presheaf I.329
Internal product I.335
Interpolation lemma 76
Intersection I.133 II.26
Inverse image functor II.393
Isomorphism I.19 I.31
Kan extension I.113 I.284
Kan extension, fibred II.434
Kan extension, pointwise I.124
Kernel II.2
Kernel pair I.52
Kernels lemma II.40
Kleisli category II.192
Kuratowski finiteness 479
Language of a topos 345
Language of a topos, coherent part of the 363
Language of a topos, interpretation of the 355
Lattice II.135
Lattice, -lattice II.233
Lattice, algebraic II.141 76
Lattice, complete II.135 II.183 II.253
Lattice, continuous 76
Lattice, distributive II.135 6
Law of excluded middle 2
Levels 373
Limit, -limit I.268
Limit, 2-limit I.293 II.339
Limit, bilimit I.295
Limit, fibred II.400
Limit, fibred internal II.401
Limit, lax-limit I.300 II.339
Limit, pseudo-limit I.300 II.339
Limit, weighted II.327
Local ring 370
Locale 14
Locale in a topos 427 431
Locale with enough points 67
Locale, compact 74
Locale, discrete 28 84
Locale, etale morphism of 47
Locale, Hausdorff 28
Locale, locally compact 81
Locale, morphism of 16
Locale, open morphism of 38 85
Locale, point of a 61
Locale, regular 83
Localization of a category I.119
Localization of a category, essential I.119
Localizing principle 393
Localizing subcategory II.64
Localizing system 195
Localizing system, upward directed 198
Locally compact space 26
Loewenheim — Skolem theorem II.278
Loop I.104
Lower bound 425
Lower bound, greatest 426
Membership relation 307
Metric space II.347
Model II.124 II.125 II.130 II.174 II.277
Model of a sketch II.277 II.285 249
Model, finitely generated II.146
Model, finitely presentable II.146
Model, free II.127 II.146
Model, generic 250
Modification I.290 I.298
Module II.135
Module, flat II.249
Module, free II.157
modus ponens 2 395
Monad II.189
Monad of families II.433
Monad with finite rank II.231 II.252
Monad with rank II.231 II.276
Monad, algebra for a II.189
Monad, free algebra for a II.191
Monad, generated by an adjunction II.193
Monad, idempotent II.196
Monad, left exact II.252
Monad, morphism of II.229
Monad, morphism of algebras for a II.189
Monoid II.186
Monoidal category II.292
Monoidal category, biclosed II.293
Monoidal category, morphism of II.313
Monoidal category, symmetric II.292
Monoidal category, symmetric monoidal closed category II.293
Monomorphism I.23
Monomorphism, pure II.249
More general adjoint functor theorem I.277
Morita equivalence II.180
Morita equivalent categories I.321
Morphism I.4
Morphism, bidense I.235
Multiplication 471
Natural number object 453
Natural transformation I.10 I.16
Natural transformation, 2-natural-transformation I.289
Natural transformation, cartesian II.382
Natural transformation, constant I.15
Natural transformation, Godement product I.13
Natural transformation, lax-natural transformation I.297
Natural transformation, object of - II.311
Natural transformation, pseudo-natural-transformation I.298
Nine lemma II.42 II.87
Noether isomorphism theorems II.44
Noether isomorphism theorems, first II.44
Noether isomorphism theorems, second II.44
Normal subgroup II.3
Nucleus 29
Nucleus, closed 33
Nucleus, open 33
Object I.4
Object, infinite 465
Object, Kuratowski finite 479
Open subset 15
Open subset, regular 15
Orthogonality I.193 I.194
Partial bijections II.289
Partial element 313
Partial morphism 308
| Path I.176
Path category I.177
Peano arithmetic 456
Pointed set II.86 II.136
POSET II.133 II.183 371
Poset in a topos 424
Poset, complete 425
Precartesian morphism II.376
Predicate calculus 2
Predicate calculus, intuitionistic 400
Presentable object I.197 II.62
Presheaf 88 195
Presheaf, closed sub-presheaf 95
Presheaf, closure of a sub-presheaf 98
Presheaf, morphism of presheaves 94 195
Presheaf, separated 88 196
Presheaf, support of a 94
Prime element 61
Product in a fibration II.411
Product of categories I.22
Product, associativity of I.40 I.41
Profunctor I.308
Projective object I.163
Propositional calculus 2
Propositional calculus, classical 2
Propositional calculus, intuitionistic 2 395
Pseudo-complement 7 15
Pseudo-element II.35
Pseudo-equality II.35
Pseudo-image II.35
Pullback I.51
Pullback, associativity of I.54
Pure monomorphism II.249
Pushout I.52
Quotient I.132
Radical 169
Rank II.272
Reflection along a functor I.97
Reflexive pair II.252
Regular cardinal I.268
Regular element 11 14
Relation II.101 II.114 367
Relation, category II.114
Relation, composite II.114
Relation, effective equivalence II.102
Relation, equivalence II.102
Relation, opposite II.114
retract I.24
Retraction I.24
Ring 370
Ring of fractions 171
Ring, local 174
Ring, localized 174
Ring, spectrum of a 173
Satisfaction 374
Section I.24
Semi-lattice II.134
Separated object 493
Separator I.151
Set I.3
Set, small I.3
Sharply less II.267
Sheaf 89 195 492
Sheaf, associated 123 127 214
Sheaf, morphism of sheaves 94 195
Sheaf, support of a 94
Short Five Lemma II.42
Singleton 157 307
Site 197
Sketch II.277
Sketch, geometric 270
Sketch, model of a II.277 II.290 249
Sketch, morphism of II.290
Snake lemma II.48
Snake lemma, restricted II.45
Solution set condition I.109 II.274
Space II.353
Space, compactly generated II.364
Space, exponentiable II.355
Space, Kelley II.364
Space, locally compact II.356 80
Space, regular 82
Space, sober 70
span I.305
Special adjoint functor theorem I.110
Spectrum of a ring 173
Stalk 113
Stone — Cech compactification I.113
Structure-semantics adjunction II.184
Subcategory I.19
Subcategory, algebraic II.185
Subcategory, epireflective I.120
Subcategory, full I.19
Subcategory, orthogonal I.197
Subcategory, reflective I.118
Subcategory, replete I.118
Sublocale 31
Sublocale, closed 18
Sublocale, open 18 45
Sublocale, regular 31 85
Subobject I.132
Subobject classifier 290
Subobject, closed I.228
Subobject, closure of a I.227
Subobject, dense I.228
Subobject, proper 465
Suspension I.104
Tensor II.320 II.331
Tensor product of Set-valued functors I.129
Term II.123 II.125 346
Term, coherent 363 366
Terminal object I.48
topology II.355 486
Topology, closed 491
Topology, compact open II.356
Topology, open 490
Topology, pointwise II.299 II.357
Topos 291 340
Topos, Boolean 440
Topos, classifying 249
Topos, De Morgan 442
Topos, Grothendieck 215
Topos, logical morphism of 338
Topos, slice 320
Torsion free group II.110
Torsion theory II.52
Torsion theory, hereditary II.56
Total space 113
Trichotomy 473
TRUE 344
Truth table 355
TYPE 344
Type, realization of a 355
union I.133 II.26
Union, effective II.27
Universal algebra II.125
Universal closure operation I.227
Universe I.2
Universe, axiom of I.3
Upper bound 424
Upper bound, least 424
Variable 344
Variable, bound 344
Variable, free 344
Way-below relation 73
Well-inside relation 82
Well-ordering 478
Yoneda embedding I.17
Yoneda Lemma I.11
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