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Debnath L. — Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Debnath L. — Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers

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Название: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers

Автор: Debnath L.


This book presents a comprehensive and systematic treatment of nonlinear partial differential equations and their varied applications. It contains methods and properties of solutions along with their physical significance. In an effort to make the book useful for a diverse readership, modern examples of applications are chosen from areas of fluid dynamics, gas dynamics, plasma physics, nonlinear dynamics, quantum mechanics, nonlinear optics, acoustics, and wave propagation. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers is an exceptionally complete and accessible text/reference for graduates and professionals in mathematics, physics, science, and engineering. It is also suitable as a self-study/reference guide.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Анализ/Дифференциальные уравнения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 593

Добавлена в каталог: 06.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Riabouchinsky      340
Riccati equation      364
Richards      94 189
Riemann      219 228 287
Riemann function      75 232
Riemann initial-value problem      221
Riemann invariants      219 226 228 239—243 248 252 341 466
Robin boundary-value problem      6
Robin condition      6
Rodin      324
Roll wave      213 216—217
Roll wave equation      216
Rosales      358
Rosenau      325
Roskes      96 422
Rossby wave equation      83 266
Rowland      436
Rowlands      97 426
Ruled surface      145
Russell      331
Saddle point      304—305
Sagdeev      347
Sandri      53l
Sanuki      438
Saric      97
Satsuma      98—99
Scattering data      363 370
Scattering equation      487
Scattering state      364 368
Schiff      94
Schimizu      97
Schmidt      436
Schrodinger equation      9 42—44 109 266 364 371 396 401 407
Schwarz inequality      416—417
Scoit      94—98 324 472
Secular (unbounded) term      534
Seddon      203
Segur      96 335 378 400 413
Self-focusing instability      442
Self-induced transparency (SIT)      492
Sen      90 517
Separation of variables      20—32
Separatnx      305
Serret-Frenet formulas      428
Shabat      357 395 405 413 419 422 450
Shallow water equations      236 257 339 340
Shallow water speed      35 333 339
Shallow water waves      236 257 520
Shigesada      323
Shock wave      114 166 174 192—195 230
Similarity solution      310 311 491
Similarity transformation      311 491
Similarity variable      292 311
Simple wave      179 219 222 227 229 242
Sine — Gordon (SG) equation      94 386 399 470—471 475 482 484 495—499
Single-soliton solution      375 483
Singular solution      114 153
Sinh-Gordon equation      399 498
Skyrme      95 477 487
Sleeman      98 325
Slobodkina      516
Slreiching transformation      310
Smoller      254 325
Smooth function      114
Sn-function      350 410 474
Solitary wave      335 349 410 427
Soliton      335 349 389 390 473 476 485
Solution, complete      113
Solution, discontinuous      163 178—181
Solution, general      113
Solution, generalized      3 159 174—177
Solution, particular      113 114
Solution, singular      114 153
Solution, weak      3 114 159 174—177 254
Sorensen      96
Source solution      292
Source term      302
Sparrow      328
Speed of shallow water waves      333 337
Stable node      304
Standing wave      24
Stationary phase method      58 66 268 295
Stationary point      58 66 268 295
Stewartson      96 97 98 422
Stokes      264 332
Stokes expansion      279 421
Stokes problem      84
Stokes — Ekman problem      85
Stretching variable      511
Stuart      97 98 531
Sturm — Liouville problem      393
Sturrock      531
SU      514
Superposition principle, linear      4—5 22 40 71
Superposition principle, nonlinear      389 390 486
Supersonic flow      245—247 253
Surface wave problem      87 89
Talanov      96
Taniuti      96 97 259 502 511 515 516
Tappert      97 443
Telegraph equation      8 80 83—84 232 258
thermal conductivity      52
Theta function      300 354
Three-soliton solution      380
Thyagaraja      415
Toda      95
traffic flow      189—202
Traffic flow equation      255
Traffic signal problem      198
Transform, Fourier      32 44 268
Transform, Hankel      58—59
Transform, Hilbert      97
Transform, Inverse Scattering      363—374
Transform, Laplace      49—50
Transition layer      288 293
Transition region      174
Transmission coefficient      368
Transverse vibration of string      21
Traveling wave solution      286 303 306
Triangular wave solution      294
Tricomi equation      13 260
Trullinger      482
Turin      319
Two-soliton solution      379 390
Ulam      333 418
Undular bore      350
Van Saarloos      98
Van Wijngarden      96
Variational Principle      99 104—110
Varma      97
Velocity of sound      220
Velocity potential      56 65 81
Vortex filament      428 432
Wadati      95 97 450
Wahlquist      387 389 396
Walsh      301 325
Wang      98
Ward      99
Washimi      96 97 502
Water wave equations      107
Watson      531
Wave diffraction      444
Wave energy      418
Wave equation      3 7 16 21 34 47 55 60 62 73—77 79 94 104 110 238 242 394 439 493
Wave front      153
Wave propagation velocity      187
Wave, Alfven gravity      266
Wave, cnoidal      350—351
Wave, compression      164 208
Wave, de Broglie      266
Wave, diffusive      285 288
Wave, dispersive      264
Wave, electromagnetic      9
Wave, expansive      163 170 179 207
Wave, flood      202 203
Wave, generalized simple      250—252
Wave, gravity      65 265 410
Wave, incident      368
Wave, inertial      266
Wave, internal      265
Wave, internal-inertial      266
Wave, ion-acoustic      344 346 518
Wave, kinematic      185—187
Wave, N      296 297
Wave, nondispersive      265
Wave, reflected      368
Wave, refractive      163 179
Wave, roll      213 216—217
Wave, Rossby      83 266
Wave, shallow water      236 520
Wave, shock      114 166 174 192 230
Wave, simple      179 219 222 227 229
Wave, solitary      335 349 410 427
Wave, standing      24
Wave, Stokes      263 280
Wave, transmitted      368
Wave, water      265 280
Weak solution      3 114 159 172 174—177 254
Wei      502 511 513—514
Weidman      96 335
Weiland      97
Well posed problem      6 17
Wenlzcl      441
West      320
Whilham      94 105 107—108 185—189 267 275 281 293 296 353 355 409 418 459 468
Whitham averaged Lagrangian      277 468
Whitham averaged variational principle      276—277 282 469
Whitham equation      271—273 276 278 282 404 421
Whitham rule      193 296
Wilhelmson      97
wronskian      369
Yajima      96 413—415 502 516
Yang — Mills equations      99
Yuen      96 418
Zabusky      96 334—335 352 359 418
Zakharov      96 347 395 405 413 419 422 450
Zakharov equation      435
Zakharov — Shabat (ZS) scheme      395
Zel'dovich      324 326
Zeppetella      325
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