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Lott J., Schall D., Peters K. — ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook
Lott J., Schall D., Peters K. — ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook

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Название: ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook

Авторы: Lott J., Schall D., Peters K.


Well before Ajax and Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation hit the scene, Macromedia offered the first method for building web pages with the responsiveness and functionality of desktop programs with its Flash-based "Rich Internet Applications". Now, new owner Adobe is taking Flash and its powerful capabilities beyond the Web and making it a full-fledged development environment.
Rather than focus on theory, the ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook concentrates on the practical application of ActionScript, with more than 300 solutions you can use to solve a wide range of common coding dilemmas. You'll find recipes that show you how to:
Detect the user's Flash Player version or their operating system
Build custom classes
Format dates and currency types
Work with strings
Build user interface components
Work with audio and video
Make remote procedure calls using Flash Remoting and web services
Load, send, and search XML data
And much, much more ...
Each code recipe presents the Problem, Solution, and Discussion of how you can use it in other ways or personalize it for your own needs, and why it works. You can quickly locate the recipe that most closely matches your situation and get the solution without reading the whole book to understand the underlying code. Solutions progress from short recipes for small problems to more complex scripts for thornier riddles, and the discussions offer a deeper analysis for resolving similar issues in the future, along with possible design choices and ramifications. You'll even learn how to link modular ActionScript pieces together to create rock-solid solutions for Flex 2 and Flash applications.
When you're not sure how ActionScript 3.0 works or how to approach a specific programming dilemma, you can simply pick up the book, flip to the relevant recipe(s), and quickly find the solution you're looking for.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 592

Добавлена в каталог: 03.12.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
replace parameter, replace( ) method      
replace parameter, String.replace( ) method      
replace( ) method      
replacement codes      
replaceSelectedText( ) method      
replaceText( ) method      
Reserved words      
Responder class      
restarting sound      
restrict property, filtering text input with      
result event listener      
ResultEvent parameter      
results, variables, server-side processing      
return character      [See carriage return character]
return statements      
reusable code      2nd
reverse( ) method      
reverse( ) method, reversing strings      
RexExp.exec( ) method      
RGB color values      
rgb property      
right triangles, calculating distance of      
rightmargin attribute (<textformat> tag)
root nodes (XML)      
root.loaderInfo.parameters property      
rotation parameter      
rotation parameter, createGradientBox( ) method      
rotation parameter, drawRegularPolygon( ) method      
rotation parameter, drawTriangle( ) method      
rotation parameter, Pen.drawStar( ) method      
round( ) method      
round( ) method, random numbers, generating      
rounding numbers      
roundToInterval parameter      
roundToInterval parameter, NumberUtilities.random( ) method      
roundToInterval parameter, NumberUtilities.round( ) method      
RPC (remote procedure calls)      2nd
RSO      [See remote shared objects]
runtime environment      
s (dotall) flag      
saturation, changing on display objects      
save dialog boxes      
scale modes (movies)      
scaleMode parameter (lineStyle method)      
scaleX parameter (createGradientBox( ) method)      
scaleY parameter (createGradientBox( ) method)      
screenResolutionX property      
screenResolutionY property      
scripts, server-side      
scripts, server-side, variable results      
scroll events, responding to      
scroll( ) method (BitmapData class)      
scrollH property (text fields)      
scrollV property (text fields)      
scrubbing video      
search( ) method      
seconds parameter (addTo( ) method)      
seconds property (Date object)      
seconds, formatting      
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)      
security (system), dealing with      
Security.showSettings( ) method      
securityError event (LoaderInfo class)      
securityError failure event      
SecurityErrorEvent event listener      
SecurityPanel.CAMERA value (flash.system.SecurityPanel class)      
SecurityPanel.DEFAULT value (flash.system.SecurityPanel class)      
SecurityPanel.LOCAL_STORAGE value (flash.system.SecurityPanel class)      
SecurityPanel.MICROPHONE value (flash.system.SecurityPanel class)      
SecurityPanel.PRIVACY value (flash.system.SecurityPanel class)      
SecurityPanel.SETTINGS_MANAGER value (flash.system.SecurityPanel class)      
seed parameter      
seed parameter, noise( ) method      
seed parameter, perlinNoise( ) method      
seed parameter, pixelDissolve( ) method      
seek( ) method      
seek( ) method, NetStream class      
select events      2nd
selected text, responding to      
semicolon (\      2nd
send( ) method      
sending data to server-side script      
servers, loading .swfs from different      
setChildIndex( ) method      
setChildIndex( ) method, dragging/dropping objects      
setColor( ) method      
setInterval( ) function      
setPixel( ) method      
setPixel( ) method, noise patterns, creating with      
setPixel32( ) method      
setSelection( ) method      
setStyle( ) method      
setTextFormat( ) method      
setTextFormat( ) method, formatting portions of text      
setTimeout( ) function      
setting (display), detecting      
Settings dialog box      
Settings menu item      
Shape class      2nd 3rd
Shape class, custom visual classes      
shapes, bitmaps, filling with      
shapes, gradient, filling with      
shapes, solid/translucent colors, filling      
shared objects      
shared objects, reading data from      
shared objects, removing data from      
SharedObject class      
SharedObject classes      
SharedObject classes, persistent information and      
SharedObject.clear( ) method      
SharedObject.flush( ) method      
sharpness property      
shift( ) method      
Show All menu item      
Show Redraw Regions menu item      
showAll mode      
showSettings( ) method      
sides parameter (drawRegularPolygon( ) method)      
simple buttons, creating, interactive buttons, creating      
Simple Object Access Protocol      [See SOAP]
SimpleButton class      
SimpleButton class, mouse interactions and      
single non-whitespace (\\s) metasequence      
single white space (\\s) matasequence]      
size attribute (<font> tag)
slice( ) method      2nd
slice( ) method, multidimensional arrays and      
smooth parameter (Graphics.beginBitmapFill( ) method)      
SOAP (simple object access protocol)      
Socket objects      
Socket objects, handling socket errors      
Socket objects, receiving data      
Socket objects, sending data      
socket programming      
socket programming, connecting to      
socket programming, disconnecting from servers      
socket programming, handling socket errors      
socket programming, handshaking      
socket programming, receiving data      
socket programming, sending data      
Socket.close( ) method      
Socket.connect( ) method      
socketData event handler      
solid colors, filling shapes      
sort( ) method      
sort( ) method, custom sorts, implementing      
sort( ) method, randomizing elements in arrays      
sorter function      
sorting arrays      
sorting arrays, custom, implementing      
sortOn( ) method      
Sound object      
sound, applications, creating      
sound, buffers, setting for      
sound, creating/loading objects      
sound, finding out when finishes      
sound, getting the size of      
sound, ID3 tag, reading      
sound, looping      
sound, offsetting the start of      
sound, pausing/restarting      
sound, reading the level of      
sound, spectrums, reading      
sound, starting/stopping      
sound, stopping      
sound, video      
sound, volume and pan of      
SoundChannel class      2nd
SoundChannel class, pausing/restarting sounds      
SoundChannel class, tracking the progress of sounds      
SoundChannel.leftPeak property      
SoundChannel.rightPeak property      
soundComplete event      
SoundLoaderContext class      
SoundMixer class      2nd
SoundMixer.computeSpectrum( ) method      
SoundTransform class      2nd
soundTransform property      
sourceBitmap object (threshold( ) method)      
sourceRect parameter (pixelDissolve( ) method)      
spaces inserting leading/trailing      
special whitespace characters      
spectrums (sound)      
speed of display objects      
splice( ) method      
splice( ) method, inserting elements in the middle of arrays      
split( ) method      
split( ) method, converting strings to arrays      
split( ) method, randomizing elements in arrays      
split( ) method, removing and replacing characters/words      
split( ) method, retrieving one character at a time      
split( ) method, reversing strings      
spreadMethod parameter for beginGradientFill( ) method      
Sprite class      2nd 3rd 4th
Sprite class, adding items to display list      
Sprite class, custom visual classes      
Sprite class, dragging/dropping objects with the mouse      
Sprite class, mouse interactions and      
Sprite.rotation property      
square brackets (\      2nd
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)      
stage.align property      
Stage.focus property      
Stage.scaleMode property      
stage.showDefaultContextMenu property      
standalone players      
stars, drawing      
start( ) method (addEventListener)      
startDrag( ) method      2nd
startDrop( ) method      
startIndex parameter      
startIndex parameter, indexOf( ) method      
startIndex parameter, lastIndexOf( ) method      
startIndex parameter, setSelection( ) method      
startIndex parameter, setTextFormat( ) method      
startIndex parameter, substr( ), substring( ), and slice( ) methods      
startingAngle parameter (drawArc( ) method)      
statement body      
static attribute      
static methods      
static methods, creating      
static properties      
stitch parameter (perlinNoise( ) method)      
stop( ) (addEventListener)      
stopAll( ) method      
stopDrag( ) method      
strict equality/inequality      
strict flag      
String class      
String data type      
String( ) conversion function      
String.charAt( ) method      
String.charCodeAt( ) method      
String.concat( ) method      2nd
String.fromCharCode( ) method      
String.match( ) method      
String.replace( ) method      2nd
String.search( ) method      
String.split( ) method      2nd 3rd
strings, arrays, converting      
strings, dates, parsing      
strings, joining      
strings, parsing into words      
strings, quotes and apostrophes in      
strings, removing and replacing characters/word      
strings, retrieving one character at a time      
strings, reversing by words/characters      
strings, special whitespace characters      
strings, substrings      
strings, substrings, extracting      
strings, substrings, searching for      
strings, Unicode, converting between      
strings, whitespace, trimming      
StringUtils class      
structure (XML)      
Stubblebine, Tony      
StyleSheet object      
StyleSheet property      
subclasses, creating      
subclasses, superclass methods, implementing      
subdirectories, saving class files      
substr( ) method      
substring parameter      
substring parameter, indexOf( ) method      
substring parameter, lastIndexOf( ) method      
substring( ) method      
substrings, extracting      
substrings, searching for      
super cookies      
super keyword      
superclasses, implementing subclass versions of      
swapDepths( )      
switch statements      
system languages, checking      
system security, dealing with      
systemFont attribute      
tabstops attribute (<textformat> tag)
tags, XML      
ternary conditional operator (? :)      
test expressions      
test( ) (RegExp class)      
TexField.setTextFormat( ) method      
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