Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
De Branges L. — Hilbert Spaces of Entire Functions |
Предметный указатель |
150 315
219 254 261
50 53 57
77 314
9 12 86 88 101 131 313 314
Axioms for 56 57 135 314
Bar notation 77
Beurling — Malliavin theorem vii 254 263 284 316
Blaschke product 19 22 26 34 91
Boas, R. P., Jr. 313
Bolstein, R. 315 317
Bounded type 19 22 30 32 38 39 63 169 245 248 254 270 271 313 316
Carleman method 107 314
Cauchy’s formula 32 41 45 313
Comparison theorem 160 315
Conjugation 34
Cosine 18
Dirac equations 235
Eidswick, J. A. 315
Euler, L. vi 18 265 316
Existence of subspaces vi 117 132 261 263 314
Expansion theorem vi 152 156 192 295 315
Exponential type v 26 38 44 46 315
Extreme point vii 270 316
F(a, b; c; z) 200 207 233 294 297 299 306
Finite Fourier transform v 46 313
Fourier transformation v 43 48 165 245 251 254 313 316
Gamma function 18 198 207 211 218 237 262 295 297 301 306 313
Gauss space vi 194 198 201 316
Hahn, W. 317
Hankel transformation vi 184 301 316
Hardy space 219 254 261 316
Heine’s series 308
Hereditary property 169 181 184 196 206 210 217 224 231 303 315
Hilbert matrix vi 219 316
Homogeneous space 184 315
Hypergeometric function 194 200 207 218 233 294 297 299 306 316
Integral equation 122 124 134 136 140 145 156 315
Invariant subspace vi 314 315
Jacobi space vi 221 225 227 316
Jensen’s Inequality 32
Klopfenstein, K. F. 317
Krein — Milman theorem 271
Krein, M. G. 314
Krein’s theorem 26 38 41
| Kummer space vi 208 211 213 302 316
Laguerre class 288 315 317
Laguerre polynomial space 305 317
Laguerre space 292 317
Largest nondecreasing function 127
Levin, B. Ya. 313
Levinson, N. vii 251 316
Local operator vii 245 248 251 254 316
m(t) 122 128
Mean type 26 39 63 127 128 135 263 283 288 313 315
Meixner and Pollaczek spaces 296 317
Multiplication by z 84 314
Naimark’s theorem 271 316
Nevanlinna’s factorization 22 36
Ordering theorem vi 107 314
Orthogonal sets v 55
Paley — Wiener space v 43 46 48 165 182 271 313
Partial fraction decomposition 280
Periodic space 169 174 182 315
Perturbation theory 313
Phase function 54 55 59 90 139 158 160 192 281 314
Phragmen — Lindelof principle 1 6 14 21 31 313
Plancherel formula v 43
Poisson representation 6 15 25 33 36 38 39 47 91
Polya class 13 35 39 59 61 67 91 140 183 197 288 293 303 313 314 315
Quantum 308
Recurrence relation 194 198 201 209 211 213 221 227 292 305
Regular point 136 315
Rosenblum, M. vi 219 316
Rovnyak, J. and V. 317
Schmidt norm 116 290
Self-reciprocal function 301 316
Singular point 136 315
Sonine space 301 317
Square summable power series vii 294 310
SSPS vii
Stieltjes inversion formula 5 6
Stieltjes space 307 317
Stieltjes, T. J. 314 315
Structure problem vi 136
Subharmonic function 105 107
Symmetry 165 180 315
Szego, G. 317
Titchmarsh — Valiron theorem 39 313
Trutt, D. 314 317
Upper half-plane 1
Weight function 189 316
Whittaker function 218 316
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