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Garnett J.B. — Bounded Analytic Functions |
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Interpolating Blaschke products, factorization of 404
Interpolating Blaschke products, maximal ideals containing 379
Interpolating Blaschke products, perturbations of 310 404
Interpolating functions 9 138 150 165 293 317
Interpolating functions, parametrizations of 161 170
Interpolating sequences 190 215 284
Interpolating sequences and or BMO 316
Interpolating sequences and 214 422 443
Interpolating sequences and analytic discs 404 413 439
Interpolating sequences and general kernels 443
Interpolating sequences and harmonic functions 302 421 422—428
Interpolating sequences, closures of 379 442
Interpolating sequences, harmonic 302
Interpolating sequences, perturbations of 310 404
Interpolation problem 150 165 284
Interpolation problem, finite 7 138 293
Interpolation, linear operator of 294
Invariant subspace of 82
Invariant subspace of and 98
Invertibility 182
Invertible function 66
Invertible function in 395
Isometry 242
Isomorphic Banach space 242
Jensen formula 54
Jensen’s Inequality 34
John — Nirenberg theorem 230
Jones’s construction 358
Julia’s lemma 43
Jump theorem 89 128
Khinchin’s inequality 302 316
Kolmogoroff, theorems of 123 128 177
Koszul complex 364
Laplacian, weak 48
Least harmonic majorant 38
Least harmonic majorant and Nevanlinna class 69
Lebesgue set 46
Lebesgue’s theorem 21
Level curves 371
Lindelof’s theorem 92
Linear operator of interpolation 294
Linearization 129
Lipschitz classes 106 127
Lipschitz condition 90
Littlewood — Paley identity 236 246 270 323 382 383
Littlewood — Paley integrals 235 240 268 276 352 381
Littlewood’s theorem on subharmonic functions 98
Locally integrable function 222
Logarithmic capacity 78 282
Logarithmic potential 78
Logmodular algebra 66 201 218
Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem 26
Marshall’s theorem 196
Martingale S-function 352
Maximal conjugate function 110 (see also “Maximal Hilbert transform”)
Maximal function, dyadic 275
Maximal function, Hardy — Littlewood 22 24 254 336
Maximal function, Hardy — Littlewood, logarithm of 279
Maximal function, Hardy — Littlewood, of measure 29
Maximal function, nontangental see “Nontangental maximal function”
Maximal function, vertical 121 333
Maximal Hilbert transform 128 265
Maximal ideal 86. 183
Maximal ideal space 184
Maximal ideal space of 189 323 400—404 428
Maximal ideal space of 186
Maximal ideal space of a Douglas algebra 374 375
Maximal ideal space of disc algebra 214
Mean value property 11
Minimum modulus, theorems on 332 367 370 371
Minkowski inequality for integrals 14
Mobius transformation 1
Moduli of functions 66
Modulus of continuity 105 140
Mooney’s theorem 206
Morera’s theorem 95
Muckenhoupt’s theorem 255 268
Multiplicative linear functional 182
N see “Nevanlinna class”
Net 198
Nevanlinna class 69—75 97 98
Nevanlinna’s theorem 151
Newman’s theorem 194
Nontangential limits 29 94 95 389
Nontangential limits and Douglas algebras 392
Nontangential limits of functions 57
Nontangential limits of functions, characterizations of 58 88
Nontangential limits of functions, moduli of 64 66
Nontangential limits of conjugate functions 103
Nontangential limits of inner functions 81
Nontangential limits of Poisson integrals of measures 30 31 77
Nontangential limits of singular functions 76
Nontangential limits of subharmonic functions 98
Nontangential limits on Lebesgue set 46
Nontangential maximal function 28 430
Nontangential maximal function and 57 115
Nontangential maximal function and N 97
Nontangential maximal function, characterizes 115
Nontangential oscillation 30
Nontangential point 438
Nontangentially bounded 94 389
Nontangentially dense 316 389
Orocycle 43 76
Orocycular point 438
Orthogonal measure 136 203 205 219
Orthogonal measure, real 219
Outer factor 74 78 179
Outer functions 67 68 87 98 145 147 156 160 161
| Outer functions and dual extremal functions 177
Outer functions and extreme points 157
Outer functions and invariant subspaces 84
Paley — Wiener theorem 88
Paley’s inequality 273
Parametrizations of cosets 160
Parametrizations of interpolation functions 161 170
Partial sums of Fourier series 108 127
Peak interpolation set 125
Peak point 189
Peak set 125 127 205 215
Phragmen — Lindelof argument 340
Pick’s Theorem 2 7 40
Plessner point 95
Plessner’s theorem 95
Poincare metric 5
Point of density 94
Poisson integral 11—20
Poisson integral formula 11
Poisson integral, characterization 18
Poisson integral, mean convergence of 15
Poisson kernels 11 12
Poisson kernels, approximate relations between 419
Poisson kernels, Fourier transform of 62
Pommerenke’s theorem 282
Potential, Green’s 78 98
Potential, logarithmic 78
Predual of 205—212 220
Predual of , uniqueness of 210
Privalov’s theorem 94 389
Pseudohyperbolic distance 2 401
QC 377 378 396
Quadratic form 7
Quasi-continuous function 377
Range set 80
Representing measure 200
Representing measure and Douglas algebras 374
Representing measure and subharmonicity inequality 218
Representing measure, uniqueness on 202
Riemann surface 51 440
Riesz decomposition theorem for subharmonic functions 49 100
Riesz factorization theorem 56
Riesz, F. and M., theorem 61 65 94 125 133
Riesz, F. and M., theorem, generalized 203
Riesz, M, theorem 108 113 128
Rudin, theorem of 125
Schur’s Theorem 40 180
Schwarz’s lemma 1
Semigroup property 14
Separated sequence 285 415 439
Shift operator 82
Silov boundary 188 191 215
Silov boundary and Blaschke products 194
Silov boundary and Douglas algebras 374
Silov boundary and Gleason parts 402 438
Silov boundary and interpolating Blaschke products 337
Silov boundary of 191
Singular function 73
Singular function, boundary behavior 76
Smirnov’s theorem 74 87
Spectral radius formula 213
Spectrum 184
Stein — Weiss theorem 115 123 128
Stone — Cech compactification, 186 404
Stone — Cech compactification, and interpolating sequences 422 443
Stopping time arguments 232 338 382
Strong boundary point 215 403
Strongly logmodular algebra 66
Subharmonic function 33—39 47 48 98—101
Subharmonicity inequality 33 64
Subharmonicity inequality for representing measures 218
Sweep 229
Szego’s theorem 144
Tent 32
Top half of Q, T(Q) 290
translate 16
Triangle inequality for pseudohyperbolic distance 4
Uniform algebra 185
Uniform algebra on Y 186
Unimodular function 151 159 179 192 195 217 374 375 386
Univalent function 281 282
Upper half plane 5
Upper semicontinuous function 33
Vanishing mean oscillation see “VMO”
Variational argument 296
Varopoulos extension 276 362
Vertical maximal function 121 333
VMO 179 250—253 377 396
VMO and Carleson measures 276
VMO and conjugate functions 252
VMO and Littlewood — Paley integrals 276
VMO, dual space of 276
Weak function 21
Weak convergence in 206
Weak Laplacian 48
Weak-star convergence 15
Weak-star topology on 85
Weak-type 1-1 24
Weakly continuous functional 207
Weight function 178 254—267
Wermer’s maximality theorem 214 375
Whitney decomposition 266
Wiener’s theorem 213
Wolff, theorem of 322 324 366
Zero set 125 127
Ziskind’s theorem 337 367
Zygmund class 282 442
Zygmund’s theorem 114 123 128
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