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Gosling J.P. (ed.) — Immunoassays: A Practical Approach
Gosling J.P. (ed.) — Immunoassays: A Practical Approach

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Название: Immunoassays: A Practical Approach

Автор: Gosling J.P. (ed.)


A practical manual presenting step-by-step protocols designed to help biologists develop an immunoassay in any common format for any suitable analyte. Describes methods for raising and choosing polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, immunogen preparation and characterization, sourcing standards, the synthesis and characterization of radioactive, enzymatic, fluorescent, and ligand labels, the preparation of a wide variety of solid-phase reagents, assay optimization, validation of quantitative and qualitative assays, curve fitting and data processing, and quality assurance procedures for small- and large-scale users.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 303

Добавлена в каталог: 23.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Stabilizing reagents      126
Staff training      268
Standard operating procedures      268
Standards      165 182-183
Standards, recovery      224-226
StatLIA®      260
Stokes’ shift      93
Storage of cells      47-49
Storage of enzymes      125-126
Storage of immunogens      182
Storage of latex microspheres      161
Storage of membranes      161
Storage of microtitre plates      145-146 160
Storage of reagents      236 267
Storage of tubes      160
Streptavidin      123 141
Streptavidin, coating protocol      147
Sulfhydryl conjugation      106 108 135 138 177-178
Supplements      37-41
Support materials      130-131
Surface plasmon resonance      83 85
Synthetic immunogens      169-170
Systematic error      265
Target values      285-286 292
Temperature      194 195 196
Thawing cells      48 49
TMB      96
Tosylates      135 157 158
Total error      265
Tritium      89 90
Tubes      150 298
Tubes, storage      160
Tween-20      143
Two-site assays      8 9
Two-site assays, antibodies for      72-76
Vacuum dot blot      154
Validation studies      211-238
Vesicles      90
Volume, independence of      226-228
Web sites      68-69
Weighted curve-fitting      248
Western blot      9
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