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Varadarajan V.S. — Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups |
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-finite eigendistributions on SL(2, R) 208
(g, K)-modules 112
(g, K)-modules, finite multiplicity theorem for 114
(g, K)-modules, Harish — Chandra finiteness theorem for 113
(g, K)-modules, infinitesimal character of 113
(g, K)-modules, infinitesimal equivalence of 122
(g, K)-modules, unitary 121
Absolutely convergent series in Frechet space 279
Acceptable groups 39
Adjoint representation of a Lie algebra 304
Adjoint representation of a Lie group 303
Analytic vectors for a representation 107
Analytic vectors for a representation, Harish — Chandra density theorem for 109 140—143
Annihilator 11
Asymptotics of matrix elements of SL(2, R) 239
Asymptotics, relation to Plancherel measure of 226 251
Borel section 59
Borel subgroup 68
Cambpell — Baker — Hausdorff formula 306
Cartan subgourp for SL(n) 77
Cartan — Killing classification of simple Lie algebras over C 308
Character formula for discrete series representation of SL(2, R) 200
Character formula for principal and supplementary series representation 73
Character formula for principal series representation of SL(n) 96
Character formula of SL(2, C) 73
Character of 5
Character of 6
Character of a locally compact abelian group 10
Character of finite-dimensional representations 18
Character of irreducible representation, as a distribution 128
Character of irreducible representation, relation to infinitesimal equivalence 129
Character of principal series representations 96
Character of principal series representations, as Fourier transforms of orbital intergals 93
Class function 18
Cocycles 58
Complete reducibility of rational representations of SL(n, C) 49
Complete reducibility of representations of a compact group 20
Completeness theorem for 281
Completeness theorem for 272
Completeness theorem for compact groups 21
Cusp forms 282
Degenerate series of representations 71
Differentiable vectors for a representation 106
Differential operators of Lie groups 101 305
Discrete series representations 188
Discrete series representations of SL(2, r) 189
Discrete series representations, formal degree of 188 192
Discriminant of U(n) 25
Distributions on 296
Distributions on manifolds 298
Distributions with unipotent supports on SL(2, R) 217
Distributions with unipotent supports on SL(2, R), transversal order of 218
Distributions, differentiation of 297
Distributions, supports of 298
Duality theorem of Pontrjagin — van Kampen 11
Duel group of a locally compact abelian group 10
Duel measure to Haar measure on a locally compact abelian group 12
Eigendistributions of SL(2, R) 208
Factor 299
Factor representation of a locally compact group 65
Flag 69
Flag of type 69
Flag, full 69
Flag, full isotropic 70
Flag, isotropic 70
Formal adjoint on the universal enveloping algebra 120
Formal transpose of differential operators 307
Formal transpose on the universal enveloping algebra 120
Fourier series of a differentiable vector 109
Fourier series of a function on a compact group 23
Fourier transform of a function of 6
Fourier transform of a function on 5
Fourier transform of a tempered distribution on 9 299
Frechet space 291
Frobenius reciprocity 62
Functional equation of type (m, n) 225 244
Functions of type (m, n) on SL(2, R) 221
Fundamental theorem of Lie 304
Haar measure 301
Haar measure, finiteness theorem of, for (g, K)-modules 113
Haar measure, left 301
Haar measure, matching conditions of, for invatiant eigendistributions on SL(2, R) 214
Haar measure, regulatity theorem of invatiant eigendistributions on SL(2, R) 215—220
Haar measure, right 301
Haar measure, subquotient theorem 118
Harish — Chandra module 115
Harish — Chandra transform of a tempered distribution on SL(2, R) 285
Harish — Chandra transform on 277
Harish — Chandra transform on 242
Harish — Chandra, density theorem of, for analytic vectors 109
Highest weight of a representation of a compact Lie group 30
Highest weight of a representation of a semisimple Lie algebra 46
Highest weight, integrality condition fo 47
Imprimitivity theorem 60
Induced representation 58
Infinitesimal character 113
Integrable representations of SL(2, R) 193
Integration formula for Lie algebra of SL(n, C) 161
Integration formula for SL(2, H) 175
Integration formula for SL(n) 95
Integration on manifolds 306
Invariant Harish — Chandra transform of invariant tempered distribution on SL(2, R) 289
Invariant Harish — Chandra transform on Schwartz space of SL(2, R) 285
Invariant Harish — Chandra transform, characterization of 288
Inversion formula for 8
Inversion formula for locally compact abelian groups 11
Iwasawa decomposition for SL(n) 76 81
Jump relations of Harish Chandra for orbital integrals for compactly supported smoth functions on SL(2, R) 185
Jump relations of Harish Chandra for orbital integrals for functions on Schwartz space of SL(2, R) 268
K-finite vectors of a representation 108
Lattice in a locally compact abelian group 11
Lie algebra of a Lie group 302
Lie algebra over a field 302
Limit formula for Lie algebra of SL(n, C) 163
Limit formula for SL(2, R) 185
Limit formula for SL(2, R) on the Schwartz space 268
Limit formula for SL(n, C) 165
Limit formula for U(n) 33
Limits of discrete series of representations of SL(2, R) 201
Locally convex space 291
Maass — Selberg relations 248
Matrix elements of representations of compact groups 19
Matrix elements of representations of Lie group 123
| Mellin transform 15
Mock discrete series for SL(2, R) 193
Mumford's comjecture 3
Norm topology for operators 299
Operators of Hilbert — Schmidt class 295
Operators of trace class 295
Operators, integral 296
Operators, summable 296
Orbital integral on Lie algebra of SL(2, R) 170 174
Orbital integral on Lie algebra of SL(n C) 159
Orbital integral on Schwartz space 265 267
Orbital integral on SL(2, R) 170 175
Orbital integral on SL(n, C) 165
Orbital integral on U(n) 32
Orthogonality relations for characters of compact groups 19
Orthogonality relations for matrix elements of compact groups 19
Orthogonality relations for matrix elements of discrete series 188
Parabolic induction 67
Parabolic induction, restricted 76
Parabolic subgroup 68
Parabolic subgroup of SL(n, C) 69
Parabolic subgroup, associated to a Cartan subgroup 78
Parabolic subgroup, Langlands decomposition of 69
Peter — Weyl theorem 21
Plancherel formula for 7
Plancherel formula for in distribution form 9
Plancherel formula for 6
Plancherel formula for compact groups 2
Plancherel formula for locally compact abelian groups 12
Plancherel formula for SL(2, R) 205
Plancherel formula for SL(2, R) on Schwartz space 270
Plancherel formula for SL(n, C) 166
Plancherel formula for the unitary group U(n) 35
Plancherel formula, general form of, for semisimple groups 155
Plancherel formula, relation to asymptotics of matrix elements 226 251
Poincare — Birkhoff — Witt theorem 103 305
Poisson summation formula on 10
Poisson summation formula on locally compact abelian group 11
Principal series representations of SL(n) 70 85
Principal series representations of SL(n), characters of 70 96
Principal series representations of SL(n), compact model for 84
Principal series representations of SL(n), irreducibility of, for SL(2, C) 98
Principal series representations of SL(n), irreducibility of, for SL(n) 148
Projection valued measure(pv,) 292
Quasi-invariant measure 56
Quasicharacter 79
Quasiregular representation 57
Radial component of Casimir operator on Lie algebra of SL(2, R) 179
Radial component of Casimir operator on SL(2, R) 180
Rank of a compact Lie group 36
Regular point of a compact Lie group 36
Regular point of U(n) 25
Regular representation of 6
Regular representation of 5
Regular representation of a compact group 20
Representations of a group 1
Representations of a topological group 2
Representations, analytic of a Lie group 42
Representations, complete reducibility of, of a compact group 20
Representations, contragradient 1
Representations, direct sum of 1
Representations, holomorphic, of a complex Lie group 42
Representations, irreducible 1
Representations, irreducible, of SL(2, C) 45
Representations, projective unitary 4
Representations, rational 2
Representations, tensor product of 1
Representations, unitary 2
Representations, unitary equivalence of 2
Resolvent set of an operator 291
Root spaces of Lie algebra of a compact Lie group 36
Roots of Lie algebra of a compact Lie group 36
Roots, global 36
Roots, positive 37
Roots, simple 37
Schwartz space of 7
Schwartz space of SL(2, R) 230
Self-adjoint operator 292 294
Self-adjoint operator, spectral projections of 292
Self-adjoint operator, spectral subspaces of 292
Self-adjoint operator, spectral theorem for 292 294
Semidirect products, regular 64
Semidirect products, representations of 64
Seminarm 291
semisimple Lie algebras 309
Simple Lie algebras 308
Simple Lie algebras, Cartan — Killing classification of 308
Singular set of U(n) 26
Spherical functions on SL(2, R) 221
Strong inequality for functions on SL(2, R) 81 230
Strong topology for operators 299
Supplementary series, representations 71
Supplementary series, representations of SL(2, C) 73 147
Supplementary series, the characters of 73
Symmetric operator 293
Symmetric operator, Cayley transfrorm of 294
Symmetric operator, deficiency indices of 294
System of imprimitivity 60
System of imprimitivity, ergodic 61
Tannaka — Chevalley theorem 51
Tempered distribution on 9 299
Tempered distribution on SL(2, R) 260
Tempered measures on SL(2, R) 260
Type I groups 65
Unimodular group 55 301
Unitarian trick 50
Unitary dual of a group 2
Universal enveloping algebra 101 304
Universal enveloping algebra, filtration on 102
van Neumann algebra 299
Wave packet 240
Wave packet theorem 240
Wave packet, exact 255
Wave packet, normalized 255
Weak inequality for functions on SL(2, R) 230
Weak topology for operators 299
Weight of a representation of U(n) 30
Weight of representation of a semisimple Lie algebra 46
Weyl chamber 37
Weyl group 35
Weyl, character formula of, for a compact Lie group 40
Weyl, character formula of, for U(n) 28
Weyl, dimension formula of, for a compact Lie group 40
Weyl, dimension formula of, for U(n) 32
Weyl, integration formula of, for U(n) 27
Weyl, theorem of, on the finiteness of the universal covering group of a compact semisimple Lie group 41
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