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Recktenwald D. (ed.), Radbruch A. (ed.) — Cell Separation Methods and Applications
Recktenwald D. (ed.), Radbruch A. (ed.) — Cell Separation Methods and Applications

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Название: Cell Separation Methods and Applications

Авторы: Recktenwald D. (ed.), Radbruch A. (ed.)


Describes methods for the analytical and preparative isolation of specific populations of biological cells. Covers basic methods such as lytic removal of cell subsets, and details new developments in methods using endogenous physical cell properties such as cell size and cell density. Describes more specific cell separation methods based on monoclonal antibodies against cell surface markers, set out basic technical principles of the methods, and discusses typical examples with performance data, looking at applications in basic research and medicine. Includes an appendix of cell properties for cell separations and CD antigens. For those involved in clinical cellular therapy for transplantation, cancer, and AIDS, and in gene therapy.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 331

Добавлена в каталог: 20.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)      62
Ada      see Adenosine deaminase
Adeno-associated virus (AAV)      77(figure)
Adeno-associated virus (AAV), plasmids      75
Adenosine deaminase (ADA)      81
Adhesion molecules      73 (table) 285
AIDS      see Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Albumin      190
Analysis, residual cell.      188 198
Anemia, aplastic      290
Anemia, refractory      290
Antibody, fiuorochrome-conjugated      66 79
Antibody, fluorescein-conjugated      67 126
Antibody, OKT3      138
Antibody, phyccerjthrin-conjugated      66 122 126
Antibody, use in cell sorting      1 5 61 62 63 67 80 88 90 96 103 104 106 115 133—146 154 160 161 175—176 177 179 184 186 188 198 210 225 230 238 243 258 261 278
Antigen, use in cell sorting      1 65 68
Apoptosis      249 259—260
Avidin, columns      11 (table) 88—89 89
B cells      2 7 8 (figure) 34 51 163 164 272 273 274
B cells, depletion of      34
Bags, gas—permeable      69
Basic principles of      44—46
Beads, anti—immunoglobulin      183 188 191
Beads, avidin      91 92 156 161 179 210
Beads, coating protocols      189
Beads, Dynal      176 177 181 210 232
Beads, fluorochrome      156
Beads, hapten      156 164
Beads, incubating protocols      191
Beads, latex      220 221 221
Beads, magnetic      154 155 220 221 229
Beads, polyacrylamide      88 89 90 91
Beads, streptavidin      188 228
Biohazard      248 265
Biotin      228
Biotin columns      88—89 89 156 162
Blood, cord      88 98 117 284 284
Blood, murine      2
Bone marrow cells      19 52 69 70 75 90 246 258 261 284
Bone marrow cells, mononuclear cells of      63 65 66 67 68 74
Bone marrow cells, transplantation of      52—53 62 80—81 94 95 104 108 111 114 121 146 166 261 285
Bone marrow cells, vertebral, use of      114—117 118 119
Borohydride reduction      156
Calcium      239
Cancer      82 289
Cancer, breast      94 95 96 98 170 182 186 289
Cancer, lung      289
Cancer, neuroblastoma      182
Cancer, ovarian      72
Cancer, small-cell lung      182
Catcher tube sorting      248—249 248
Cell cycle, separation of cells according to      51 258
Cell selection, negative      133 158 159—160 162 181 182 200
Cell selection, positive      133 158 159—160 162—166 181 182 200 201
Cell selection, two-step      200—201
Cell selectors, Ceprate SC      87—101
Cell selectors, MacroCELLector      62—63 78
Cell selectors, RPR CELLector      62—66
Cell separation, direct      191
Cell separation, direct versus indirect      183—186 184 185
Cell separation, indirect      187 (figure) 191
Cell separation, using flow cytometry for      237—265
Cell sorting, efficacy of      252—254
Cell sorting, protocols      2—10 11 20 63
Cell sorting, punty of      252—254
cell types      also see specific names
Cell types, $H-2K^k$      273 274 274 276 277
Cell types, CD15      115 117
Cell types, CD19      99 164 165 222 224 284
Cell types, CD2      96
Cell types, CD20      27
Cell types, CD25      272
Cell types, CD3      51 (figure) 64 161 165 169 187
Cell types, CD34      16 19 20—24 25 28 29 30 34 48 50 52 53 63 64 66 67 68 70 75 77 91 94 98—99 103 115 117 169 170 171 183 190 258 279 283—290
Cell types, CD38      64 67 68
Cell types, CD4      64 66 81 99 112 126 162 273 275 276 278
Cell types, CD45      25 (figure) 30 162
Cell types, CD5      64 66 71 80 161 164 170
Cell types, CD56      99
Cell types, CD8      64 66 67 72 74 76 78 80 81 126 272
Cell types, gene—modified      77—78 261
Cell types, MOLT-4      107
Cell volume, electronic measurement of      245
Cenirifugation      24 25 27 28 52
Centrifugal elutriation      43—54
CFU      see Colony—forming units
Chambers, types used in      47
Chemotherapy      290
Chimerism      113
Chromatography      159
Chromium-release assay      26 74 142
Chromosomes      226—229 238 262
Chymopapain      195
Clinical use      48 52 78 80—82 87 104 210 233 263 283—290
Closed systems      48
Cobalt      155
COBE 2991      27
Colony-forming units/cells (CFU/C)      19 24 34 283
Complement      9 10 11 176 201
Computer-assisted (CACE)      50
Cotton wool      5 6 11
Cryopreservation      289 290
Cyanogen bromide      157
Cytokeratin      166 167
Cytokines      see Specific names
Cytostatic drugs      52
Dendritic cells      51 53 82 103 104 126 162 163
Density gradient material, characteristics of      17
Density—adjusted cell sorting (DACS)      29—34
DETACHaBEAD      195
Diaminohexane      157
Dimethylsulfoxide (DSMO)      29 93 114
Diphtheria toxin      134
Dispase      195
DNA, analysis      126 228 239 249
DNA, transfection      271—279
DSMO      see Dimethylsulfoxide
Dyspnea      29
Electromagnets      216—217
Electronic gate dissemination      2
Elutriation      106
Endocrine cells      225
Eosin      145
Eosinophils      126
Epithelial cells      51 225 226
Erythrocytes      2 3 50 115 117 162 164 223 224 264
Erythrocytes, lysis of      2
Erythroid burst-forming cells (E—BFC)      70
Erythropoietin (EPO)      290
Ex vivo expansion      98 289 290
FACS      see Fluorescence-activated cell sorting
Fc receptor      157 160 181
Ficoll      1 2 3 4 4 11 15 24 25 107 109 111 117 142 259
Flow cytometry      67 145 153 222 225 237—265 241 272 274
Flow cytometry, multiparameter      239—245 244
Flow cytometry, one-parameter      50 286
Flow cytometry, two-parameter      50 67 116
Fluidic-switching sorting      249—250 249
Fluorescence cell sorting (FACS)      1 2 15 33 158 159 163 165 167 170
Fluorochromes      237 238—239
Forward scatter      240 242 245
Gastrin cells      224—225
Gaucher’s disease      98
Gene, CAT      75 273
Gene, env      72
Gene, gagpol      11
Gene, mdr      273
Gene, nef      72
Gene, rev      81
Gene, therapy      81 98 104 166 277 279 289
Gene, tk      278
Gene, transduction      63
Gene, transfer      75
Glutaraldehyde      225
Glycophorin      109 117 120 162
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)      26 27 28 52 81 96 99 103 288—289
Graft-versus-leukemia (GVL)      26 288—289
Granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cell (GM-CFC)      70 95 95 96
Granuloses      3 109 223
GVHD      see Graft-versus-host disease
GVL      see Graft-versus-leukemia
Hematopoietic progenitor cells      18 19 20—23 25 27 29 50
Hemoglobinuria      29
Heparin      143
Hepatocytes      51
High-density particles, separation using      103—129
HIV      see Human immunodeficiency virus
Human immunodeficiency virus      98
Human immunodeficiency virus, gene      72 74 75
Human immunodeficiency virus, infection      248
IFN      see Interferon
IL      see Interleukin
Immunoabsorption      258
Immunoaffinity      134
Immunoglobulin, presence of      67
Immunomagnetic techniques      134 135 139 153—171 175—201 209—233 258 273 275
Immunomagnetic techniques, continuous      211—233
Immunotherapy      53 81 88 101
Immunotoxin      176 201
Integrins      285
Interferon (IFN), $\alpha$      61
Interferon (IFN), $\gamma$      53 61
Interleukin (IL), -2      61 73 76 81 272
Interleukin (IL), -3      75 99 285
Interleukin (IL), -6      75 99
Internet      238
Investigational device exemption (IDE)      140
Investigational new drug (IND)      140
Iron      155
Iron, dextran      155—156 156 159
Iron, oxide      210
Isothiocyanate      157 165 170 273 277
Keratinocytes      51
Kupffer cells      51
L-leucine methyl ester      1
Laser      239—240 240 242 242 247
Laser, tweezers      246
Lectin      62
Leukemia      285—286
Leukemia, acute lymphocytic (ALL)      81 286
Leukemia, acute myelogenous (AML)      81 286
Leukemia, chronic myelogenous (CML)      81 286
Leukocytes      2 53 162 190 285
Lipofection      81
Lipopolysaccharide      270
Liposomes      75
Liver transplantation      113
Long-term culture-initiating cell (LTCIC)      283
Lymphocytes      1 18 47 50 51 100 103 109 126 139 222 224 225 243 245 258 279
Lymphoma      124—125 135 182
Macrophages      2 8 190
Macs      see Magnetic cell sorting
Magnetic cell separation      192—195
Magnetic cell sorting (MACS)      1 2 153—171 272 274 274 275 276
Magnetic filter      211 224
Major histocompatibility class (MHC) I      273
Major histocompatibility class (MHC) II      10 276 278
Markers, activation      73 (table)
Markers, other      73 (table)
Markers, surface      271—279
Medium, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle (DMEM)      63 75
Melanoma-associated antigens      53
Methacrylate      155
Methylcellulose      15
Metrizamide      15
MHC      see Major histocompatiblity class
Monocles      1 18 43 50 57 53 162 163 223
Mpl ligand      285 290
Myelocytes      70
N-acetyl galactosamine      63
N-hydroxy-succinimide      157
Natural killer (NK) cells      1 18 26 27 29 162 163
Nen’e growth factor receptor      78
Neodymium-iron-boran magnets      180
Neutrophils      70
Neutrophils, recovery of, after transplantation      34 94 290
NHL      see Non-Hodgkir’s lymphoma
Nickel      104 105 106 107 107 108
Nitrocellulose filters      259
NK cells      see natural killer cells
Non-Hodgkiris lymphoma      19
Nuclei, separation of      250
Nylon wool      2 8 11 190
O-sialoglycoprotease      191
Optical scanning      212 220 229 237 242
Osteoblasts      18
Pancreatic islets      249 262—263
Panning      1 5 7 8 11 134 272 275
Parasites      249
PBMC      see Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
PBPC      see Peripheral blood progenitor cells
peg      see Polyethylene glycol
Percoll      3 (table) 17—18 19 24 45
Perfusion system      212
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)      3 5 50 62 64 66 72 76 161 162 163 165 167
Peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC)      63—64 87 90 284
Peroxisomes      230 231
Phagocytosis      190 191
Phycoerythrin      222 273
Phytohemagglutinin      65 74 76 81
Plasma membrane      239 245 250
Platelets      28 (figure) 64 111 115 223
Platelets, recovery of      34 94
Poisson statistics      252—253
Polyacrylamide      88
Polyethylene glycol (PEG)      17
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)      106 124 125 135 145 198 249 259
Polysaccharide      155
Polystyrene, immunoaffinity devices      61—82 176—201 210
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)      17
Prion      279
Promyelocytes      70
Pulmonary edema      29
PVP      see Polyvinylpyrrolidone
QBENDl0      283
Rare cells      210 213 224 249 264 211 275
Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rHuG-CSF)      19 20 23 27 28 30 34 50 52 94 94 97 97 117 120 284 289
Recombinant human granulocyte—macrophage colony—stimulating factor (rHuGM-CSF)      51 52 53 289
Recombinant human interleukin (rHuIL) -1      53 69
Recombinant human interleukin (rHuIL) -11      290
Recombinant human interleukin (rHuIL) -2      65
Recombinant human interleukin (rHuIL) -3      69 289 290
Recombinant human interleukin (rHuIL) -7      72
Recombinant human stem cell factor (rHuSCF)      69
Recovery of cells      257
Red blood cell      see Erythrocytes
Reducing sample size by      48
Renal cell carcinoma      81
Renal cell carcinoma, cell line      61
RHuG-CSF      see Recombinant human granulocyte colony-Renal cell carcinomastinrulating factor
RHuGM-CSF      see Recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor
RHuIL      see Recombinant human interleukin
RHuSCF      see Recombinant human stem cell factor
Ricin      134
RNA      239
Rosette      1 11 179—180 181 192 193 195 211 275
Samarium-cobalt magnets      180
SBA      see Soybean agglutinin
Sephadex G-10      11 (table)
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