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Woelfle R.M. — A New Guide for Better Technical Presentations: Applying Proven Techniques With Modern Tools |
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3-D animation 253 258—260 269 270
3-D animation, DynaPerspective (Dynaware) 247 258 269 270
3-D animation, Electriclmage Animation System (Electric Image) 271 272
3-D animation, Infini-D (Specular International) 271
3-D animation, MacRenderMan (Pixar) 272
3-D animation, MacroMind Three-D 269 271
3-D animation, mapping 269 270
3-D animation, Ray Dream Designer (Ray Dream) 271
3-D animation, ray tracing 270
3-D animation, Sculpt 3D 271
3-D animation, shading 270
3-D animation, StrataVision 3d (Strata) 269 270 271
3-D animation, Super 3D (Silicon Beach Software) 253 270 323 324
3-D animation, Swivel3-D (Paracomp) 253 270 324
3-D animation, tweening 270
35-mm Express 242
35-mm film strips 22
35-mm slides, hardware 130 181
35-mm slides, software 130 131
35-mm slides, tips for use of 131
3M Type 154 Transparency Film 246
Achromatic color, perception of 120
Acoustics 103 104
Acta outliner desk accessory (Symmetry) 244
Adamy, D.L. 77
ADDmotion (Motion Works) 265
Adobe Type Manager 137
Advance notice checklist 41 42
Advancement, successful presentations and 7—9
Amend, R.H. 291
Amiga (Commodore) 316 327 328 340—342 346
Animation see "Multimedia" "3-D
Animation Stand (Linker Systems) 267 324
Animation, 3-D animation 253 258—260 269 270
Animation, ADDmotion (Motion Works) 265
Animation, cel animation 258
Animation, cost of 260 261
Animation, defined 264
Animation, difficulty in producing 248
Animation, frame tearing 268
Animation, frames 257 258
Animation, interactive 249 268
Animation, Mac display vs. videotape 265—268
Animation, programs 323 324
Animation, quality 268
Animation, real-time animation 264
Animation, special effects 264 265
Animation, types of 253
Animation, video anomalies 269
Animation, video hardware 324
Answering questions, bluffing, avoiding 204
Answering questions, eye contact 203
Answering questions, listening to the questions 202 203
Answering questions, mistakes in 203 204
Answering questions, questioner, insulting 204
Answering questions, repeating the question 203
Area charts 219 220
Arnett, N. 340
Articulation drills 153 154
Ask and answer question 200—202
Attitude of audience 20
audience 49—57 69 81 82
Audience feedback 54—56
Audience feedback, asking for 157
Audience feedback, audience behavior, observing 55
Audience feedback, overresponding, avoidance of 55
Audience feedback, remaining objective 55
Audience feedback, response points, building in 55 56
Audience participation 32 175 176
Audience sophistication, humor and 166 167
Audience, analyzing 20 23 38 39 49 50
Audience, attitude toward presenter 51 52
Audience, audience feedback 54—56
Audience, graphics and 218
Audience, impression made on 7
Audience, level of awareness 50 51
Audience, level of expertise 30 31
Audience, objective of 51
Audience, overloading with information 288
Audience, relationship to presenter 52
Audience, size of 52 53
Audience-situation, analyzing 49
Audience/speaker relationship 59—62
Audio-visual aids, use of 5
Audio-visual presentations, content, visualizing 285 286
Audio-visual presentations, creative concept, selecting 284 285
Audio-visual presentations, draft script, writing 286
Audio-visual presentations, extracting content of paper for 75 76
Audio-visual presentations, front-end analysis, conducting 284
Audio-visual presentations, media characteristics 287 288
Audio-visual presentations, narration, writing 288 289
Audio-visual presentations, physical setting for 75
Audio-visual presentations, planning/developing 74—76
Audio-visual presentations, production 76
Audio-visual presentations, purpose of 74 75
Audio-visual presentations, required material 75
Audio-visual presentations, scripts, reviewing 289
Audio-visual presentations, structure, organizing 285 286
Audio-visual staff, building reliable team 180
Audio-visual staff, communicating with 179 180
Audiovisual media, physical characteristics of 287 288
Audiovisual media, sensory characteristics of 287
Audiovisual media, special uses of 287
Authoring software 262—272 323 326 see "3-D
Authorware (from Authorware) 262 266
Autodesk Animator 340
Backup procedures for equipment 179
Bar charts 218 219
Bar charts, with margin notes 14
Beiswinger, G.L. 190
Blackboards 80
Bluffing, avoiding 204
boards 91 92
Body language 157
Body language, international presentations and 86
Body of presentation 15 71 78
Brainstorming, electronic 318 319
Brainstorming, outlining software and 320
Briefcase Video Computer (Picture Conversion Inc.) 196
Briefings 16 17
Broadcast take-offs 285
Broner, M.A. 37
budget 276 278 279 292
Bullet charts 245
Business presentations, future of 345 346
Business TV 275—279
Business TV, aims of 277
Business TV, budgeting 276 278 279
Business TV, corporate control of 275 276
Business TV, cost of 276
Business TV, financial approaches 277 278
Business TV, global challenge 276 279
Business TV, media/video center 276 278
Business TV, productions, number of 279
Business TV, video programming under government contract 277
Busy-busy troublemaker 210
Callender, J.B. 192
Cards/posters 20 92 93
Carliner, S. 287
CD ROM 131 334 343
Cel animation 258
Chairman 58
Chalkboards 91 92
Changes, during speech 83
Changes, suggesting 67
Chart-Master 235—238 242 243
Charts 39
charts, creating 216 217
Charts, data points 215
charts, types of 215 218—220
| checklists 41
ChromaScript (AGFA Matrix) 136
Chromatic color, perception of 120 121
Cillo, J.P. 23
CLOSE 15 33 47 60 71 78
Coale, K. 248
COLOR 118—124
Color slides 39 40 48 132 239 242
Color, cognitive guidelines for use of 123 124
Color, cognitive principles 122
Color, contextual effects 122
Color, cultural attitudes toward 87
Color, individual characteristics 122
Color, perception 120—122
Color, perceptual guidelines for use of 123
Color, physiological guidelines for use of 122 123
Color, physiology of 118—120
Color, tips for use of 125—128
color, use of 23 24
ColorQuick printer (Tektronix) 246
Column charts 218
Communication process, message structure 37 38
Communication process, transmission 37
Computer displays 94 95 see
Computer equipment 181 see
Computer equipment, contingency plans for 179
Computer graphics 213—272 344—347
Computer graphics, computer video signals, real-time display of 223
Computer graphics, display technologies 221 222
Computer graphics, photographic technologies 222
Computer graphics, projection technologies 223—225
Computer graphics, standards 221
Computer/video color projectors 182
Computers, audio capabilities 227 228 230
Computers, audiovisual media, future for 232
Computers, audiovisual use, planning for 232
Computers, bookmarks 229
Computers, communication of information 230
Computers, interaction capabilities 229
Computers, modularization 229
Computers, production /distribution of presentations, inexpensiveness of 230
Computers, self-paced/self-scheduled learning 230
Computers, touch capabilities 229 232
Computers, update ability 229 230
Computers, visual capabilities 228 230—232
Connelly, J.C. 141
Continuity of script 291
Contractions, use of 159
Control, maintaining 32 33
Copyrighted music 294
Covino, P. 187
Creative speech, clinical approach to 141—155
Creative speech, clinical approach to, poise 142—145
Crew, communicating with 179 180
Cricket Presents 131 136 244—246
Criticism 41
Curtis, E.I. 25
Data collection 39
Data points, charts 215
Datacam 35 242
Delivery 139—211
Delivery, presentations 18
Delivery, speeches 28 83
Desktop presentation software 341 342
Desktop presentation software, backgrounds 245 246
Desktop presentation software, defined 244
Desktop presentation software, graphics 245
Desktop presentation software, outlining features 244
Desktop presentation software, output alternatives 246
Desktop presentation software, overheads, producing 246 247
Desktop presentation software, presentation variations 247
Desktop presentation software, programs 244 245
Desktop presentation software, slide show features 246
Desktop presentation software, slides, producing 246 247
Desktop presentation software, sorting capability 246
Desktop presentation software, style sheets 246
Desktop presentation software, templates 246
Desktop presentation software, text 245
Diaphragmatic breathing exercise 145 146
Dimensions Presenter (Visual Information) 247
Directed method of preparation 26
Dornbusch, J.F. 158
DQ-Animaq (Diaquest) 324
Draft script, writing 286
Dramatizations 285
Drawing a blank 173
Dynamic communication 175
DynaPerspective (Dynaware) 247 258 269 270
Early-leaver troublemaker 211
ElectricImage Animation System (Electric Image) 271 272
Electrohome 2000 182 183
Electronic copyboards 91
Elmo EV-308 Video Presenter 193
Environment see "Facility"
Equipment, backup procedures for 179
Evaluation meetings 17
Examples, use of 159
Excitement, projecting 168 169
ExecuVision 243
Explanatory information 83
Extemporaneous presentations 45
External oral presentations 6
eye contact 33 83 162 203
Eye contact, exercise 148 149
Facial exercises 145 146
Facial expressions 162
facility 19 20 23 32 53 54 103
Facility, cards/posters 20
Facility, international presentations 86—88
Facility, lectern 19 20
Facility, location of 19
Facility, on-the-road visual presentations 190 191
Facility, projectors 20
Facility, public address system 20
Facility, room arrangement 80 86 87
Facility, screen/stage 20
Facility, seating arrangement 20
Facility, size of 19
Feedback see "Audience feedback"
Fermoyle, K. 325
Film recorders 222 223 241 247
Film recorders, manufacturers 223
Film-based/television display systems 110—117
Film-based/television display systems, brightness contrast/color 113—115
Film-based/television display systems, illumination 115 116
Film-based/television display systems, legibility, defined 110
Film-based/television display systems, resolution 116
Film-based/television display systems, stroke width 113
Film-based/television display systems, symbol form/shape/dimensions 111 112
Film-based/television display systems, symbol size 110 111
Film-based/television display systems, symbol spacing 112 113
Film-based/television display systems, uppercase/lowercase letters 113
FilmMaker (Paracomp) 267
Final arrangements checklist 42
Fitch, D. 134
Flipcharts 15 21 92 101
Flipcharts, placing notes on 15
Floyd, R.E. 13
Floyd, S. 284
Foils 14 15
Foreign-language presentations see "International presentations"
Frame grabber 315 316
Free-association method of preparation 26
Garver, R.V. 168
GEM Graph 242
GEM WordChart 237
gestures 14 47 83 162
Gestures, international gesture dictionary 88
Gleason, J.P. 163
Gossiper troublemaker 209
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