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Woelfle R.M. — A New Guide for Better Technical Presentations: Applying Proven Techniques With Modern Tools |
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Practice, public-speaking panic and 157
PREP system 160
Preparation 30
Preparation, methods of 26
Presentation analysis checklist 42
presentations 17 18 58 132 133 see "Speeches"
Presentations, anatomy of 16—22
Presentations, as communication 5
Presentations, case history 7—9
Presentations, cost of 2
Presentations, date of 22 53 54
Presentations, delivery 18
Presentations, directing 9—11
Presentations, do-it-yourself approach to 2
Presentations, facility 19 20 23 32 53 54 103
Presentations, fundamentals of 13—15
Presentations, importance of 5—12
Presentations, international presentations 84—88 134—137
Presentations, length of 53
Presentations, papers vs. 74
presentations, planning 1 2 38 39
Presentations, preparing 38
Presentations, problem-solving approach to 68—73
Presentations, procedure for handling, setting up 12
Presentations, purpose of 16 17 52 69
Presentations, readying 41 42
Presentations, requirements for giving 9 10
Presentations, time of 53 54
Presentations, types of 17 18
Presenter Professional (Visual Information Development) 271
Problem-solving activities 68—73
Production 291—294
Production equipment, decisions about 293
Production, how directors plan 292
Projected visuals 101—103
Projection exercise 150 151
projectors 15 20 39 48 101—103
proposals 17
Proteus MIDI (E-mu System) 324
Proxima Data Display LCD panel 195
Public address system 20
Public-speaking panic, curing 156 157
QA-1000 (Sharp) 184
Qualification of speaker, stating 18
Questioner, insulting 204
Questions 197—202 see
Questions, anticipating 171
Questions, ask and answer question 200—202
Questions, asking for 33
Questions, multiple choice question 200
Questions, rebound question 198 199
Questions, ricochet question 198
Questions, rifle shot question 198
Questions, sing-along question 199
Questions, use of 159
Radius monitor 246 324
RasterOps monitor 246 324
Ratliff, G.L. 174
Rauen, C. 184
Ravi, J. 308
Ray Dream Designer (Ray Dream) 271
Reading speeches 158—162
Reading speeches, developing the delivery 161 162
Reading speeches, ideas, explaining 159 160
Reading speeches, key points, reinforcing 160 161
Reading speeches, manuscript preparation 161
Reading speeches, purpose, providing 159
Reading speeches, visual aids, using 160
Reading speeches, writing the material 158—161
Readying 41 42
Rebound question 198 199
Rehearsals 27 79 80 168
Rehearsals, checklists 41
Rehearsals, criticism 41
Rehearsals, practice 40—41
Rehearsals, speaking mechanism 41
Reich, J. 107
RenderMan Accelerator (Levco) 272
Research method of preparation 26
Resolution 228
Resolution, computer/video 182
Resolution, film-based/television displays 116
Resolution, LCD projection panels 184—185
Response points, building in 55 56
RGB monitors 223 224
RGB monitors, manufacturers 224
Ricochet question 198
Rifle shot question 198
Rogers, D. 275
Room arrangement 80 86 87
Room arrangement, on-the-road visual presentations 190 191
Room layout 15 103 104
Ruark, H.C. 74
Rubin, S. 227
Scan rate 182 183
scatter charts 220
schedules 292
Schlesinger, E. 297
Schwan, J. 344
Screen viewing 103
Screens 15 20 80
Scripts, how directors evaluate 291—292
Scripts, reviewing 289—290
Scriptwriter's tools 287—190
scriptwriting 284—286
Scriptwriting, content, visualizing 285 286
Scriptwriting, creative concept, selecting 284 285
Scriptwriting, draft script, writing 286
Scriptwriting, editing 289
Scriptwriting, front-end analysis 284
Scriptwriting, review 289 290
Scriptwriting, structure, organizing 285
Sculpt 3D 271
seating 103
Seating arrangement 20
Self-contained speech 26
Self-evaluation checklist 42
Shapes, cultural attitudes toward 87
Shapiro, L. 227
Show Partner 241 243
Sign-Master 237
Silent troublemaker 209 210
Sing-along question 199
Situation 69
Situation, audience authority 54
Situation, audience size 52 53
Situation, facility 53 54
Situation, length of presentation 53
Situation, purpose of presentation 52
Situation, time of delivery 53 54
Size of audience 20 52 53
Size of audience, of facility 19
Skopec, E.W. 68
Slide sorters 246 250
slides 14 15 22 48 78 79 93 94 170 247 310
Slides, color 39 40 48 132 239 242
Slides, designing 107—109
Slides, dissolve unit 247
Slides, evaluating 107 108
Slides, film recorder 247
Slides, frequency of presentation 78 79
Slides, in international presentations 136 137
Slides, legibility of 98 99 170
Slides, on-the-road visual presentations and 192 193
Slides, preparing art work for 40
Slides, producing/preparing 105 106 108 109
Slides, size of 93
Slides, typography 108
Small-screen CRT projectors 181 182
Sony VPH 1270Q 183
| sound system 15
Sound Tools system (Digidesign) 260
Sound, decisions about 294
SpaceEdit (Abvent) 258
Speaker, definition of 58
Speaker, function of 59
Speaking mechanism 41
Speaking notes 39 46 47
Speech box, constructing 161
speeches 6 7 17 43—48 see "Creative clinical "Reading
Speeches, delivery 28 43—47
Speeches, humor in 27
Speeches, memorizing 44 45
Speeches, organizing 25 26 64—67
Speeches, performance guide for 174—177
Speeches, planning for 25
Speeches, podium practice 27 28
Speeches, polishing/rehearsing 27
Speeches, preparing 45 46
Speeches, reading 158—162
Speeches, recipes for 25—28
Speeches, types of 26 27
Speed exercise 155
sprites 264
Stage 20
Stand-alone monochrome projectors 182
Standout 245 246
Startling statements, use of 158 159
Stefanac, S. 329
Stoner, R.B. 291
Stories, use of 158
storyboards 62 232 292
StrataVision 3d (Strata) 269 270 271
Studio/1 248 254—256 265 266 323
Studio/1, film looping 256
Studio/1, HyperCard and 249
Studio/1, painting tools 255
Studio/1, sounds 256
Studio/1, tool sets 254
Studio/1, tweening feature 255 256
Studio/1, tweening-effects templates 256
StudioWorks 345
Subject, coverage of 77 78
Subject, knowledge 71
Subject, limiting 82
Super 3D (Silicon Beach Software) 253 269 270 323 324
SuperAnimater 250
SuperCard 250 260 262 266
SuperCard, sound 260
Superimposed graphs 14
SuperMac monitor 246
Swivel 3-D (Paracomp) 253 269 270 324
Symbols, cultural attitudes toward 87
Symbols, use of 61
Talaria "Multi-Standard Projector" (General Electric) 183
Talent, decisions about 292 293
TARGA image-capture board (AT&T) 136 137 221 344 347
Technical audience 30
Technical presentations 27
Technical Presentations (Ulman/Gould) 48
Technical presentations, audience analysis 81 82 170 171
Technical presentations, delivery, excitement in 168 169
Technical presentations, objective, defining 77 78
Technical presentations, preparing 82 83
Technical presentations, questions at 171
Technical presentations, rehearsing 79 80
Technical presentations, repetition, use of 78
Technical presentations, slides 170
Technical presentations, speaking, purpose of 81
Technical presentations, subject coverage 77 78
Technical presentations, time and 169 170
Technical presentations, visual aids 78 79
Technical society talks 26 27
Thesis titles, converting ideas to 61
Thesis titles, holding for successive visuals 62
Thesis titles, purpose of 61
Thesis titles, reworking 60
TIPS (TrueVision) 344
Toastmasters 11
Tongue exercise 148 149
TOPAS package (AT&T) 344
Touch terminals 229
Training meetings 17
transparencies 21
Transparencies, preparing 104 105
Transparencies, using 105
Troublemakers, anticipating 204 205
Troublemakers, types of 205—211
Tuck, L. 308
TVL Executive Presenter (Television Laboratories) 196
tweening 166 255 256 258 270
Uvula 145 147 148
Video 95 96 132 273 294
Video equipment, contingency plans for 179
Video graphics 346 347
Video outline 280—283
Video outline, concept, building 280 281
Video outline, defining the problem 280
Video outline, framework, developing 280
Video outline, reviewing 283
Video outline, three-column format 282 283
Video outline, writing 281 282
Video production 291—294
Video production, decision making 292—294
Video production, production planning 292
Video production, review 294
Video production, script evaluation 291 292
Video projectors 94 95 181 182 246
Video, in international presentations 136 137
Video, script writing 284—286
Video, scriptwriter's tools 287—290
Videodiscs 324
Videodiscs, formats 334
Videodiscs, interactivity levels 334 335
Videodiscs, production costs 335
VideoShow (General Parametrics) 196 241 242 243 313
VideoWorks II 249 258 260
visual aids 2 14 15 20—22 38 39 40 47 48 78 79 89—137 160
Visual aids, art 21
Visual aids, boards 91 92
Visual aids, computer displays 94 95
Visual aids, flip charts 15 21 92 101
Visual aids, legibility 97—100
Visual aids, motion pictures 21 22
Visual aids, multimedia 96
Visual aids, on the road 190 191
Visual aids, overheads 14 94
Visual aids, posters 92 93
Visual aids, print, size of 78
Visual aids, selection matrix 96
Visual aids, slides 14 15 22 48 78 79 93 94
Visual aids, standards 22
Visual aids, transparencies 21
Visual aids, video 95 96 132
Visual aids, when to use 21
Visualization 284—286 291 292
Visuals first-aid kit 191 193
Vivid Systems' Limelight 224
Vocal faults 13 47
Voice 13 14 27 48 289
Vugraphs 22
WalkThrough (Virtus) 268
Weber, M. 43
Weiman, L. 329
White, J.V. 125
Windows 228
Woelfle, R.M. 84 91
Words 13 38 59 67
Words, converting to pictures 23
Written presentations 6
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