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Gunning R. — Lectures on Riemann Surfaces |
Предметный указатель |
Abel's theorem 160
Abelian differentials 72
Abelian varieties 151
Algebraic plane curves 234
Birational equivalence 240
Branched coverings 220
Canonical bundle 78
Cauchy-Riemann equations 40 87
Chern class (characteristic class) 98
Cochains 27
Cocycles 27
Cohomology groups 28 30
Cohomology sets (non-Abelian coefficients) 175
Connections (affine and projective) 169
Coordinate cohomology class of a structure 176
Coordinate coverings 1
Coordinate coverings, complex analytic 3
Coordinate transition functions 1
Cross sections of lime bundles 53
Cup product 147
Degree of a meromorphic function 224
DeRham sequence 68
DeRham theorem 69
Direct limit 30
Distributions 80 90
Divisor 48
Divisor class group 53
Divisor of meromorphic functions 50
Divisor of sections of line bundles 56
Dolbeault sequence 72
Dolbeault theorem 72
Dolbeault — Serre sequence 74
Eichler cohomology group 207
Elliptic Riemann surface 127
Exact cohomology sequence 32
Exact sequence of sheaves 25
Fundamental group l86 189 252
Genus 109
Geometric realization of a structure 217
Hyperelliptic automorphism 244
Hyperelliptic surfaces 126 228 244
Hyperelliptic Weierstrass point 126
Intersection matrix 148 253
Jacobi variety 145 153
Jacobian mapping 248
Lattice subgroup 135
Leray covering 46
Line bundles, complex 53
| Line bundles, flat 132
Manifold, topological 1
Normal Riemann surface 125
Order, of branching 220
Order, of cross-sections of line bundles 56
Order, of distributions 80
Order, of holomorphic functions 6
Partition of unity 35
Period matrix, of Abelian differentials 145 253
Period matrix, of lattice subgroups 140 142
Picard variety 136 146 153
Point bundle 114
Presheaf 16
Presheaf, complete 19
Principal curve (mapping) 241
Projective line 10
Projective linear group 174
Pseudogroup property 4 l64
Refinement of a covering 28
Refining mapping 28
Riemann matrix (pair) 150
Riemann surface 4
Riemann-Roch theorem 111
Riemann’s equality (inequality) 148
Schwarzian derivative 167
Sections of a sheaf 15
Serre duality theorem 75 95
Sheaf 14
Sheaf, constant 15
Sheaf, fine 36
Sheaf, of germs of differential forms 68
Sheaf, of germs of distributions 83 90
Sheaf, of germs of divisors 48
Sheaf, of germs of holomorphic functions 20
Structure, affine 167
Structure, complex analytic 4
Structure, differentiable 4
Structure, projective 167
Structure, subordinate 4 167
Support, of a distribution 85
Support, of a function 80
Symplectic group 155
Torus 11 137 140
Weierstrass, gap sequence 120
Weierstrass, point 123
Weierstrass, point, hyperelliptic 126
Weierstrass, point, normal 125
Weierstrass, theorem 51
Weierstrass, weight 122
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