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Kriegl A., Michor P.W. — The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis
Kriegl A., Michor P.W. — The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis

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Название: The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis

Авторы: Kriegl A., Michor P.W.


This book lays the foundations of differential calculus in infinite dimensions and discusses those applications in infinite dimensional differential geometry and global analysis not involving Sobolev completions and fixed point theory. The approach is simple: a mapping is called smooth if it maps smooth curves to smooth curves. Up to Fréchet spaces, this notion of smoothness coincides with all known reasonable concepts. In the same spirit, calculus of holomorphic mappings (including Hartogs' theorem and holomorphic uniform boundedness theorems) and calculus of real analytic mappings are developed. Existence of smooth partitions of unity, the foundations of manifold theory in infinite dimensions, the relation between tangent vectors and derivations, and differential forms are discussed thoroughly. Special emphasis is given to the notion of regular infinite dimensional Lie groups. Many applications of this theory are included: manifolds of smooth mappings, groups of diffeomorphisms, geodesics on spaces of Riemannian metrics, direct limit manifolds, perturbation theory of operators, and differentiability questions of infinite dimensional representations.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Анализ/Продвинутый анализ/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 618

Добавлена в каталог: 02.04.2005

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Предметный указатель
Extension, k-jet      431
Exterior algebra      57
Exterior derivative, covariant      392 399
Exterior derivative, global formula for      342
E’, space of bounded linear functionals      8
f-dependent      366
F-evaluating      184
F-foliated diffeomorphism      272
f-related vector fields      329
f-related vector valued differential forms      366
Fast converging sequence      17 18
Fast falling      17
Fiber bundle      375
Fiber bundle, gauge group of a      479
Fiber bundle, principal      380
Fiber of the operational tangent bundle      284
Fiber of the tangent bundle      284
Fibered composition of jets      431
Final smooth mapping      272
Finite type polynomial      60
First uncountable ordinal number $\omega_1$      49
Flat at 0, infinitely      61
Flatness, order of      539
Flip, canonical      293
Flow line of a kinematic vector field      329
Flow of a kinematic vector field, local      331
Foliation      272
Foot point projection      284
Formally real commutative algebra      305
Frame bundle      477
Frame bundle, nonlinear      477
Frechet space      577
Frechet space, graded      557
Frechet space, tame graded      559
Frechet-differentiable      128
Frobenius theorem      330 331
Frolicher space      238
Frolicher — Nijenhuis bracket      361
Functor, smooth      290
Fundamental theorem of calculus      17
Fundamental vector field      375 375
G-atlas      379
G-bundle      379
G-bundle, homomorphism of      384
G-structure      379
G?ateaux-differentiable      128
Gauge group of a fiber bundle      479
Gauge transformations      385
General curve lemma      118
Generating set of functions for a Frolicher space      239
Germ of f along A      274
Germs along A of holomorphic functions      92
Global resolvent set      549
Globally Hamiltonian vector fields      460
Graded derivations      358
Graded Frechet space      557
Graded Frechet space, tame      559
Graded-commutative algebra      57
Graph topology      435
Grassmann manifold $G(k,\infty; \mathbb{R})$      514
Group, diffeomorphism      454
Group, holonomy      426
Group, Lie      369
Group, reduction of the structure      381
Group, regular Lie      410
Group, restricted holonomy      426
Group, smooth      432
Groups, extension of      412
Hamiltonian vector field      460
Hausdorff, smoothly      265
Holder mapping      128
Holomorphic atlas      264
Holomorphic curve      81
Holomorphic diffeomorphisms      264
Holomorphic mapping      83
Holomorphic mappings, initial      268
Holomorphic vector bundle      287
Holonomy group      426
Homogeneous operational tangent vector of order d      277
Homomorphism of G-bundles      384
Homomorphism of principal fiber bundles      381
Homomorphism of vector bundles      289
Homomorphism over $\Phi$ of principal bundles      381
Homotopy operator      355
Horizontal bundle      376
Horizontal differential forms      392
Horizontal G-equivariant W-valued differential forms      401
Horizontal lift      376
Horizontal projection      376
Horizontal space of a connection      366
Horizontal vectors of a fiber bundle      376
Induced connection      394 394
Inductive limit      577
Infinite polygon      18
Infinitely flat at 0      61
Initial mapping      268
Inner automorphism      373
insertion operator      341 399
Integral curve of a kinematic vector field      329
Integral mapping      136
Integral, definite      16
Integral, Riemann      15
Interpolation polynomial $P^m_{(t_0,...,t_m)}$      228
Invariant kinematic vector field      370
Involution, canonical      293
Isomorphism of vector bundles      289
Isomorphism, bornological      8
Jets      431
K', set of accumulation points of K      143
k-jet extension      431
k-jets      431
kE      37
Kelley-fication      37
Killing form on $gl(\infty)$      520
Kinematic 1-form      337
Kinematic cotangent bundle      337
Kinematic differential forms, vector valued      359
Kinematic tangent bundle      284
Kinematic tangent vector      276
Kinematic vector field      321
Kinematic vector field, flow line of a      329
Kinematic vector field, left invariant      370
Kinematic vector field, local flow of a      331
Kothe sequence space      71 581
L(E, F)      33
Lagrange submanifold      460
Leaf of a foliation      273
Left invariant kinematic vector field      370
Left logarithmic derivative      404
Left Maurer — Cartan form      406
Left trivialized derivative      374
Legendre mapping      468
Legendre submanifold      468
Leibniz formula      54
Lie bracket of vector fields      324
Lie derivative      347 360
Lie derivative, covariant      399
Lie group      369
Lie group, regular      410
Lift, horizontal      376
Lift, vertical      293
LIMIT      577
Limit, inductive      577
Limit, projective      577
Linear connection      396 397
Linear mapping, bounded      8
Liouville form      523
Lipschitz bound, absolutely convex      17
Lipschitz condition      9
Lipschitz mapping      128
Lipschitzian curve, locally      9
Local addition      441
Local flow of a kinematic vector field      331
Locally complete space      20
Locally convex space      575
Locally convex space, barrelled      579
Locally convex space, bornological      575
Locally convex space, bornologification of a      575
Locally convex space, bornology of a      8 575
Locally convex space, completion of a      16
Locally convex space, nuclear      580
Locally convex space, reflexive      579
Locally convex space, Schwartz      579
Locally convex space, strong dual of a      579
Locally convex space, strongly nuclear      580
Locally convex space, ultrabornologification of a      575
Locally convex space, weakly realcompact      196
Locally convex vector space, ultra-bornological      580
Locally Hamiltonian vector field      460
Locally Lipschitzian curve      9
Locally uniformly rotund norm      147
Logarithmic derivative, left or right      404
M-convergence condition      39
M-convergent net      12
M-converging sequence      12
m-evaluating      184
m-small zerosets      205
Mackey adherence      48 51
Mackey adherence of order $\alpha$      49
Mackey approximation property      70
Mackey complete space      15
Mackey convergent net      12
Mackey convergent sequence      12
Mackey — Cauchy net      14
Mackey, second countability condition of      159
Mackey-closure topology      19
Mackey’s countability condition      236
Manifold      264
Manifold $M_C$ (complexification of m), complex      105
Manifold, contact      467
Manifold, natural topology on a      265
Manifold, pure      265
Manifold, symplectic      460
Manifoldstructure of $\mathfrak{C}^{\infty}(m, n)$      439
Mapping 1-homogeneous      34
Mapping between Frolicher spaces, smooth      239
Mapping, biholomorphic      264
Mapping, bornological      19
Mapping, bounded      19
Mapping, bounded linear      8
Mapping, carrier of a      153
Mapping, complex differentiable      81
Mapping, exponential      372
Mapping, final      272
Mapping, Holder      128
Mapping, holomorphic      83
Mapping, initial      268
Mapping, integral      136
Mapping, Legendre      468
Mapping, Lipschitz      128
Mapping, nuclear      136
Mapping, proper      445
Mapping, real analytic      102
Mapping, smooth      30
Mapping, support of a      153
Mapping, tame smooth      563
Mapping, transposed      326
Mapping, zero set of a      153
Maurer — Cartan form      373
Maurer — Cartan formula      378
Maximal atlas      264
Mean value theorem      10
Mesh of a partition      15
Minkowski functional      11 575
Modeling convenient vector spaces of a manifold      265
Modular 1-form      337
Modules, bounded      63
Monomial of degree p      60
Montel space      579
Multiplicity      539
n-th derivative      58
n-transitive action      472
Natural bilinear concomitants      367
Natural topology      488
Natural topology on a manifold      265
Net, M-convergent      12
Net, Mackey convergent      12
Net, Mackey — Cauchy      14
Nijenhuis tensor      368
Nijenhuis — Richardson bracket      359
Nonlinear frame bundle of a fiber bundle      477
Norm, locally uniformly rotund      147
Norm, rough      135
Norm, strongly rough      158
Norm, uniformly convex      204
Normal bundle      438
Normal smoothly      165
Norming pair      582
Nuclear locally convex space      580
Nuclear mapping      136
Nuclear operator      580
One parameter subgroup      371
Operational 1-form      337
Operational 1-forms of order < k      337
Operational cotangent bundle      337
Operational tangent bundle      283
Operational tangent vector      276
Operational tangent vector of order d, homogeneous      277
Operational vector field      321
Operator, differentiation      33
Operator, homotopy      355
Operator, insertion      341 399
Operator, nuclear      580
Operator, strongly nuclear      580
Operator, trace class      580
Operator, trace of an      580
Order of a derivation      277
Order of flatness      539
Ordinal number $\omega_1$, first uncountable      49
Paracompact, smoothly      165
Parallel transport on a fiber bundle      378
Partition of unity      165
Pincipal bundle      380
Pincipal bundle of embeddings      474
Pincipal connection      387
Pincipal right action      380
Plaque of a foliation      273
Poduct of manifolds      264
Poduct rule      54
Poincare lemma      350
Poincare lemma, relative      461
Polar $U^0$ of a set      578
Polynomial      60
Polynomial, finite type      60
Power series space of infinite type      72
Precompact      576
PRI, projective resolution of identity on a Banach space      588
Projection of a fiber bundle      376
Projection of a vector bundle      287
Projection, foot point      284
Projection, horizontal      376
Projection, vertical      293 376
Projective generator      584
Projective limit      577
Projective resolution of identity      588
Projective resolution of identity, separable      588
Proper mapping      445
Pseudo-isotopic diffeomorphisms      510
Pullback      377
Pullback of vector bundles      290
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