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Molchanov V.F. — Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
Abel N.H. 142
Action, almost effective 16
Action, effective 16
Action, transitive 16
Addition theorem for Bessel functions 186 187
Addition theorem for Charlier polynomials 248
Addition theorem for functions 185
Addition theorem for functions 185
Addition theorem for functions 185
Addition theorem for Gegenbauer polynomials 186
Addition theorem for Hermite polynomials 190
Addition theorem for Jacobi functions 188
Addition theorem for Jacobi polynomials 187
Addition theorem for Krawtchouk polynomials 245
Addition theorem for Laguerre polynomials 189
Addition theorem for Legendre functions 185
Addition theorem for spherical functions 184
Alain P.N.D. 249
Algebra Lie, compact 13
Algebra Lie, exponential 13
Algebra Lie, reductive 13
Algebra Lie, semisimple 13
Algebra Lie, simple 13
Algebra Lie, symmetric 18
Algebra Lie, symmetric, dual 27
Algebra Lie, symmetric, effective 18
Algebra Lie, symmetric, irreducible 20
Algebra Lie, symmetric, pseudo-Riemannian 21
Alishauskas S.I. 249
Andrews G.E. 249
Ardalan F. 7 128
Askey R. 149 242 246 249
Auslander L. 145 249
Baily W.N. 249
Ban, E.P. van den 6 32 33 39 44 45 49 52 127
Bannai E. 152 249
Bargmann V. 145 249
Basis, canonical 164
Basis, elliptic 208
Basis, hyperbolic 208
Basis, parabolic 208
Basu D. 208 212 249
Bateman H. 143
Benoist Y. 45 127
Berezin F.A. 4 6 127 128 151 250 251
Berger M. 4 20 21 128
Bernoulli D. 142
Bernstein I.N. 95 128
Biedenharn L.C. 151 242 246 250 254
Bien F. 58 128
Binomial distribution 236
Blind B. 6 7 128
Bochner S. 151
Bopp N. 6 128
Borel A. 6 128
Bourbaki N. 12 128
Boyer C.P. 7 128
Braaksma B. 250
Bruhat F. 60 128
Cahen M. 21 128 144 145
Cartan E. 4 63 128
centralizer 10
Chebyshev P.L. 143 148
Clerc J.L. 250
Coefficient, Clebsch — Gordan 149 224 241
Coefficient, Racah 175
Commutant 44
Complexification of a symmetric space 23
Component of a group, split 16
Component, Fourier 8 34 102
Constantine A.G. 151 253
Convolution 8 35
Decomposition, canonical 19
Decomposition, Cartan 27 156
Decomposition, Cartan — Berger 24
Decomposition, Gauss 25 156
Decomposition, Iwasawa 16156
Decomposition, Langlands 16
Degree (dimension) formal 40
Delorme P. 6 61 129
Diagonal 4 20
Dijk, G. van 5 6 7 32 39 45 86 96 128 129 131
distribution 11 12
Distribution, extremal 36
Distribution, positive-definite 35
Doebner H.D. 252
Duality principle 56 57
Dunford N. 113 114 117 129
Dunkl C.F. 152 250
Durand L. 250
Eigenspace joint 4
Element, Casimir 14
Element, invariant 200
Element, q-regular 23
Element, semisimple 13
Equivariant 8 34
Erdeiyi A. 103 104 105 106 129 143 250
Euler angles 201
Euler L. 142
Factor space 16
Faraut J. 5 7 39 52 97 98 119 129
Fedenko A.S. 20 129
Feinsilver P.J. 152 250 252
Flensted-Jensen M. 6 26 41 56 59 61 129 234 250
Formula, Burchnall — Chaundy 226
Formula, inversion 10 43
Formula, Plancherel 10 36 43 231 232
Formula, Plancherel, partial 40
Function of a cone 232
Function, associated spherical 142 174
Function, basic hypergeometric 152
Function, belonging to a representation 171
Function, c-function 50
Function, central 176
Function, density 31
Function, generating 196
Function, Harish — Chandra 233
Function, harmonic 43
Function, Heaviside 11
Function, hypergeometric 142
Function, hypergeometric, generalized 144
Function, K-finite 57
Function, Krawtchouk — Meixner 240
Function, positive-definite 9
Function, spherical 4 8 34 142
Function, Wigner 149
Function, zonal spherical 142 174
Gaillard P.-Y. 6 7 129
Gangolli R. 6 129
Gasper G. 246 249 250
Gauss C.F. 142 143
Gavrilik A.M. 151 183 254
Gelbart S. 250
Gel’fand I.M. 4 5 6 7 12 41 82 100 127 129 130 135 145 149 151 183 251 252 257
Gel’fand S.I. 95 128 251
Gindikin S.G. 5 41 47 130 151 252
Godement R. 252
Gorbatsevich V.V. 18 130
Graev M.I. 5 6 7 129 135 151 183 251
Greiner P.O. 252
Gross K.I. 252
Group Lie, exponential 13
Group Lie, reductive 13
Group Lie, semisimple 4
Group, adjoint 13
Group, Heisenberg 160
Group, Poincare 160
Gruber B. 7 96 97 131 252
Gunson J. 249
| Gustafeon R.A. 252
Harinck, P. 6 128
Harish — Chandra c-function 233
Harish-Chandra 5 7 12 26 39 41 52 108 130 145 171 252
Harzallah K. 7 39 129
Helgason S. 4 6 7 12 18 20 21 26 28 32 39 45 52 53 56 63 131 233 252
Herz C.S. 151 253
Hilgert J. 41 130
Holman W.J. 252 253
Hoogenboom B. 253
Hyperfunction 11 12
Ikeda M. 253
Involution 13
Involution, Cartan 14
Ismagilov R.S. 6 131
Isomorphism of symmetric spaces 18
Isomorphism, Harish — Chandra 30
Ito T. 152 249
James A.T. 151 253
Janson S. 253
Jince J. 145
Johnson K.D. 52 131
Kac V.G. 253
Kalnins E.G. 208 253
Kapranov M.M. 251
Karabegov A.V. 6 131
Karlin S. 253
Karpelevich F.I. 5 47 60 129 131 151 250
Kashiwara M. 6 52 131
Kengmana T. 6 108 131
Kernel of an action 16
Khersonskij V.K. 242 246 257
Khudyakova G.I. 183 257
Kil’dyushev M.S. 147 253
Kirillov A. A. 7 8 12 37 39 45 62 72 131 145 163 253
Klein F. 142
Klesova L.M. 151 257
Klimyk A.U. 7 96 97 131 149 151 153 154 183 208 217 211 236 245 247 253 254 258
Klink W.H. 254
Knapp A.W. 52 131
Kobayashi S. 14 18 21 26 28 78 131
Koh S.S. 4 20 131
Koornwinder T.H. 7 131 149 188 234 236 243 249 254
Koranyi A. 52 130 254
Kosters M.T. 6 7 131
Koters W.A. 5 7 83 86 119 131
Kowata A. 131
Kuchment P.A. 52 132
Kufman B. 253
Kunze R.A. 252
Laplace P.S. 142 144
Lebedev N.N. 254
Legendre A.M. 142 144
Lepowsky J. 254
Levinson I.B. 242 259
Lewis J.B. 49 52 132
Lichnerowicz A. 29 32 132
Limic N. 5 7 132
Lindblad G. 259
Loos O. 21 26 28 132
Louck J.D. 151 242 246 250 254
Maass H. 151 254
Macdonald I.G. 254
MacGregor J.L. 253
Magnus W. 129 250
Manifold pseudo-Riemannian 12
Matsuki T. 6 26 41 58 75 132 134
Matsumoto S. 5 7 132
McBride E.B. 254
Metric pseudo-Riemannian 12
Meulenbeld B. 250
Mickelson J. 183 255
Miller W. 168 247 255
Milne S.C. 252 255
Minemura K. 131
Minlos R.A. 251
Molchanov V.F. 5 6 7 8 41 96 97 98 108 119 120 132 133
Moody R.V. 255
Moore C.C. 145 249
Moskalev A.I. 242 246 257
Mukunda N. 7 133
Multiplicity 156
Naimark M.A. 145 251
Niederle J. 5 7 131 133 183 255
Nikiforov A.F. 147 255
Nizhnikov A.I. 258
Nomizu K. 14 18 21 26 28 78 131
normalizer 10
Oberhettinger F. 129 250
Okamoto K. 6 41 129 131
Olafsson G. 41 131 133
Olevskij M.N. 255
Onishchik A.L. 12 18 130 135
Operator, adjoint 11
Operator, differential 11
Operator, differential, invariant 28
Operator, intertwining 92
Operator, Laplace 200 202
Operator, Laplace — Beltrami 12 200
Operator, symmetric 31
Orbit 16
Orbit, regular (singular) 78
Orsted B. 41 131 133
Oshima T. 6 26 29 32 41 49 52 58 60 61 75 131 133 134
Pair, Gelfand 42
Pair, generalized Gelfand 44
Paranuk V.I. 151 255 258
Parker M. 21 128
Parseval equality 170
Part, radial 31
Part, vector 14
Patera J. 255
Pavlyuk A.P. 151 257
Peetre J. 253
Peter F. 146
Plancherel measure 171
Poel M. 5 7 32 96 129 134
Polynomials, Charlier 240
Polynomials, Hahn 243
Polynomials, Hahn of imaginary argument 225
Polynomials, Hahn, dual 244
Polynomials, Krawtchouk 236
Polynomials, Meixner 237 238
Polynomials, Pollaczek — Meixner 212
Polynomials, Racah 247
Product formula for Bessel functions 194
Product formula for Charlier polynomials 248
Product formula for functions 193
Product formula for Gegenbauer polynomials 194
Product formula for Jacobi functions 195
Product formula for Jacobi polynomials 193 195
Product formula for Krawtchouk polynomials 245
Product formula for Laguerre polynomials 195
Product formula for Legendre functions 194
Product formula for Legendre polynomials 194
Product formula for Meixner polynomials 246
Product formula for spherical functions 43 193
Product of symmetric spaces, direct 18
Product, inner, non-local 6
Raczka R. 5 7 132
Radical unipotent 16
Rank of a Lie algebra 14
Rank of a Lie group 14
Rank of a symmetric Lie algebra 23
Rank of a symmetric space 23
Rank, split 23
Real rank 15 155
Representation, adjoint 13
Representation, continuous series 46 92
Representation, discrete series 39
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