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Honsberger R. — Mathematical diamonds |
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A certain angle bisector in a parallelogram 21
A certain quartic equation with an integer root 7
A certain rectangle and the relation 14
A certain set of equal circles in a square 8
A cevian property 15
A construction problem on perpendicular medians 11
A function f such that whenever |i — j| is a prime 22
A locus of midpoints of segments between two circles 7
A property involving the median of a triangle 8
A property of 16-digit integers 11
A property of cevian conjugates 15
A property of isosceles triangles 5
A property of regular n-gons inscribed in a unit circle 19
A property of sequences of positive integers 8
A property of the medial triangle 18
A property of uncountable sets of real numbers 18
A quadratic equation involving [x], the integer part of x 5
A sequence of positive integers with 8
A set of three quatioiis involving x, [x], {x}, etc. 8
A special concurrency and collinearity 15
A variation on a problem of Regiomontanus 11
Algebraic integer 13
An "oasis" property of prime numbers 20
An inequality on a sum of reciprocals and the rth prime 5
Analytic geometry 24
Arithmetic mean-geometric mean inequality 8
Binomial theorem 4
Brown, Steve 3
Bull, John 19
Butterfly problem 16
Cevian, cevian conjugate, cevian property, Ceva's theorem 15
Chebyshev polynomial 13
Circumcenter of a triangle 5 22
Coin-tossing: odd man wins 12
Coloring lattice points 13
Complete graph 6
Countability of the rationals 18
Covering 1, 1/2, 1/3,... with five bars 14
De Moivre's theorem 4
Differentiation 7
Dilatation (Homothecy) 7 22
Dinh, Hung 1
Dirichlet's theorem 20
Dissecting a 2 by 10 rectangle to cover a square 5
Distance-rate-time problem 8
Ellipse; given foci, tangent to x-axis; find major axis 5
Erdoes' result on infinite sets and integral distances 4
Erdoes' theorem on big distances in sets of diameter 6
Establish , where s = semiperimeter of the orthic triangle 5
Euclid 19
Euler line 22
Farey sequences 8
Fejer, Leopold 5
Find lattice points on graph of 14
Finding terms that are divisible by 11 in a certain sequence 22
Fractional part of an integer 8
Generating function 17
Graph, linear 3
Hahn, Liong-shin 11
Haruki, Hiroshi 16
Homothecy (Dilatation) 7 22
Hyperbola 4
Induction 8 10 17 20
Inequality concerning prime numbers 9
Infinite decimals 20
Infinite product 17
Inscribed circles 23
Integer distances 4
Interlocking sequences 8
Lambek, Joseph 17
| Law of Cosines 6
Law of Sines 21
Leapfrog induction 20
Linear dependence 5
Markov chain 12
Marquez, Juan-Bosco Romero 15
Matrix, 0-1 5
Mendelsohn, Nathan 20
Menelaus' theorem 15
Minimum circle enclosing a set of points in the plane 11
Moser, Leo 17
Mr. A thinks of a number 11
Number of divisors of an integer 11
On 8
On 16 positive integers with sum 100 and sum of squares 1000 14
On a certain square in a circle 21
On a certain triangle of maximum area 21
On certain fractions that reduce to integers 8
On certain triangles which have a common Euler line 22
On circles capturing points of a set of n planar points 11
On multiples of 24 7
On prime decompositions and a perfect square 5
On the functions and 11
On the largest regular hexagon inscribed in a square 11
On the minimum value of a certain function 11
On the triangle formed from the medians of a triangle 11
On three cards marked with integers x, y, z 11
Orthic triangle 5 22
Orthocenter of a triangle 22
Packing two squares into a third square 7
Payan, Charles 1
Polynomial; coefficients , , odd implies no rational root 5
Pythagorean triple 4
Quadratic f(x) consists only of 1's when x consists only of 1's 8
Quartering a quadrilateral; segments to midpoints of sides 5
Rabinowitz, Stanley 5
Random points 3
Rank of a matrix 5
Recursion 8 12
Reflecting a side of a triangle in the other two sides 5
Reflection of the plane 5 16
Reflector property of the ellipse 5
Relatively prime integers 9
Root-mean-square inequality 14
Rotation of coordinate axes 24
Rotation of the plane 5 8
Sedinger, Harry 11
Sharygin, I.F. 8
Sierpinski, Waclaw 20
Silverman, David 4
Special properties of 30 and 24 9
Square-free part of an integer 5
Subdividing a convex quadrilateral into sub-quadrilaterals 25
Takeda, Shingen 23
Takeda, Shinko 23
Tanaka, Shotaro 23
The 37th digit in a certain decimal 20
The butterfly problem 16
The footrace 5
The fractions on either side of 5/8 8
The greatest integer value of 14
The method of infinite descent 20
The remarkable point Q 16
The Schwab — Schoenberg mean 8
The strolling professor and her assistant 8
The value of for a certain 14
The weight of watermelons 8
To construct an isosceles triangle to touch two given circles 8
Vector, geometric 13
Winterle, Riko 18
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