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Deitel H.M. — Visual C# How to Program
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Название: Visual C# How to Program
Автор: Deitel H.M.
Аннотация: Learn how to build winning C# applications, start to finish, using the Deitels' proven methodology and signature Live-Code(tm) Approach! This new edition includes extensive use of Visual Studio 2005's new visual programming tools that tremendously reduce the amount of code programmers need to write in ADO.NET and ASP.NET applications. With these new tools, programmers can develop powerful ADO.NET and ASP.NET applications quickly and easily. You'll start with an introduction to C# and Visual C# 2005 Express. After examining methods and arrays, the Deitels present an in-depth introduction to object-oriented programming. They introduce powerful exception handling techniques for building mission critical software; followed by in-depth coverage of C#-based GUI development. Coverage also includes: multithreading; strings, characters; regular expressions; graphics; files and streams; and more. Next, you'll extend your C# applications to leverage XML and .NET, as you master ADO.NET database access and ASP.NET Web services delivery. An integrated, optional ATM case study teaches object-oriented design with UML(tm) 2.0 while a new GradeBook case study aids in the discussion of early classes and objects. From networking to security, the Deitels present hundreds of expert tips on good programming practices, avoiding errors, maximizing performance, testing, and debugging. For beginning programmers, and for developers experienced with traditional languages who want to master C# quickly.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: second edition
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 1648
Добавлена в каталог: 14.11.2006
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Examples, Initializing jagged and rectangular arrays
Examples, Initializing the elements of an array with an array initializer
Examples, Integer division without exception handling
Examples, IntelliSense feature of Visual Basic Express
Examples, Interaction between a Web service client and a Web service
Examples, Internal hyperlinks to make pages more navigable
Examples, Invoice class implements IPayable
Examples, Invoking a Web method from a Web browser
Examples, IPayable interface declaration
Examples, Linking to an e-mail address
Examples, Linking to other Web pages
Examples, ListView displaying files and folders
Examples, logical operators
Examples, main.html
Examples, Math tutoring application
Examples, MDI child FrmChild
Examples, MDI parent window class
Examples, Members declared internal in a class are accessible by other classes in the same assembly
Examples, meta tags provide keywords and a description of a page
Examples, Microsoft Agent demonstration
Examples, Nested and ordered lists in XHTML
Examples, Overloaded constructors used to initialize Time2 objects
Examples, Overloaded method declarations
Examples, Overloaded methods with identical signatures
Examples, Overloading operators for complex numbers
Examples, Parameter Info window
Examples, Passing a generic type Stack to a generic method
Examples, Passing an array reference by value and by reference
Examples, Passing arrays and individual array elements to methods
Examples, Paths used to draw stars on a form
Examples, Poll analysis application
Examples, Polygon-drawing demonstration
Examples, PrintArray method in which actual type names are replaced by convention with the generic name E
Examples, Printing array elements using generic method PrintArray
Examples, Private members of class Time1 are not accessible
Examples, Producer and consumer threads accessing a circular buffer
Examples, Producer and consumer threads accessing a shared object with synchronization
Examples, Producer and consumer threads accessing a shared object without synchronization
Examples, Program to display hidden text in a password box
Examples, Quantifiers used regular expressions
Examples, QueueTest.cs
Examples, Reading sequential-access files
Examples, readonly instance variable in a class
Examples, readonly variable initialized with a constructor argument
Examples, Record for sequential-access file-processing applications
Examples, Recursive Factorial method
Examples, Reference, output and value parameters
Examples, Regex methods Replace and Split
Examples, Regular expression used to determine file types
Examples, Regular expressions checking birthdays
Examples, Renaming the program file in the Properties window
Examples, Results of invoking a Web method from a Web browser
Examples, Roll a six-sided die 6000 times 2nd
Examples, SalariedEmployee class that extends Employee 2nd
Examples, Sample self-referential Node class definition
Examples, Schema-valid XML document describing a list of books
Examples, Schema-validation example
Examples, Scope class demonstrates instance and local variable scopes
Examples, Searching for characters and substrings in strings
Examples, Sequential file created using serialization
Examples, Sequential file read using deserialzation
Examples, Sequentially searching an array for an item
Examples, Server side of client/server Tic-Tac-Toe program
Examples, Service description for a Web service
Examples, Shapes drawn on a form
Examples, Shifted and scaled random integers
Examples, SOAP request for the HugeInteger Web service
Examples, Some methods of class ArrayList
Examples, Special characters in XHTML
Examples, SquareRootForm class throws an exception if an error occurs when calculating the square root
Examples, StackComposition class encapsulates functionality of class List
Examples, StackInheritance extends class List
Examples, StartsWith and EndsWith methods 2nd
Examples, Static member demonstration
Examples, static method Concat
Examples, Static variable used to maintain a count of the number of Employee objects in memory
Examples, String constructors
Examples, string indexer, Length properties and CopyTo method
Examples, string test to determine equality
Examples, StringBuilder class constructors
Examples, StringBuilder method AppendFormat
Examples, StringBuilder size manipulation
Examples, StringBuilder text insertion and removal
Examples, StringBuilder text replacement
Examples, StringBuilder's AppendFormat method
Examples, Substrings generated from strings
Examples, summing integers with the for statement
Examples, Syntax error indicated by the IDE
Examples, System.Drawing namespace's classes and structures
Examples, test application for class Analysis
Examples, Testing class BasePlusCommissionEmployee
Examples, Testing class BasePlusCommissionEmployee3
Examples, Testing class BasePlusCommissionEmployee4
Examples, Testing class CommissionEmployee
Examples, Testing classes File and Directory
Examples, Testing the insertion sort class
Examples, Testing the merge sort class
Examples, Testing the selection sort class
Examples, Tests interface IPayable with disparate classes
Examples, this used implicitly and explicitly to refer to members of an object
Examples, Thread life cycle
Examples, Time1 class declaration in a namespace
Examples, Time1 class declaration maintains the time in 24-hour format
Examples, Time1 object used in an application 2nd
Examples, Time2 class declaration with overloaded constructors
Examples, Tree structure for the document article.xml of Fig. 18.1
Examples, TreeView used to display directories
Examples, Unordered lists in XHTML
Examples, User-defined method Maximum
Examples, UserControl defined clock
Examples, Using a PictureBox to display images
Examples, Using Array class to perform common array manipulations
Examples, Using binary search to locate an item in an array
Examples, Using CheckBoxes to change font styles
Examples, Using class ArrayList
Examples, Using class StackInheritance
Examples, Using command-line arguments to initialize an array
Examples, Using foreach statement to total integers in an array
Examples, Using GroupBoxes and Panels to arrange Buttons
Examples, Using inheritance to create a queue
Examples, Using LinkedLists
Examples, using nested control statements
Examples, using prefix increment and postfix increment operators
Examples, Using RadioButtons to set message-window options
Examples, Using the HugeInteger Web service
Examples, Using the mouse to draw on a form
Examples, Using variable-length argument lists
Examples, Validating an XML document with Microsoft's XML Validator
Examples, Validating user information using regular expressions
Examples, Visual Basic console application 2nd 3rd
Examples, Web service components
Examples, WebBrowser example
Examples, Windows Media Player demonstration
Examples, XHTML document displayed in the left frame of Fig. 5.9
Examples, XHTML frames document with navigation and content
Examples, XHTML response when the browser requests WebTime.aspx
Examples, XHTML table
Examples, XML document containing book information
Examples, XML document that describes various sports 2nd
Examples, XML document using the laptop element defined in computer.xsd
Examples, XML document using Unicode encoding
Examples, XML file that does not conform to the XML Schema document in Fig. 18.11
Examples, XML namespaces demonstration
Examples, XML Schema document defining simple and complex types
Examples, XML Schema document for book.xml
Examples, XML used to mark up an article
Examples, XML Validator displaying an error message
Examples, XmlNodeReader iterating through an XML document
Examples, XPathNavigator navigating selected nodes
Examples, XSL document that transforms sorting.xml into XHTML
Examples, XSLT style sheet applied to an XML document
Examples, XSLT that creates elements and attributes in an XHTML document
Exception Assistant 2nd
Exception class 2nd 3rd 4th
exception handler 2nd
Exception handlers for FormatException and DivideByZeroException
Exception properties and demonstrating stack unwinding
exception thrown while holding a lock
Exceptions, ArgumentException
Exceptions, ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Exceptions, IndexOutOfRangeException 2nd
Exceptions, InvalidCastException 2nd 3rd
Exceptions, InvalidOperationException 2nd 3rd 4th
Exceptions, KeyNotFoundException
execute an application
Execution of the Welcome1 program 2nd
ExecutionEngineException class
Exercises, "Guess the number" game
Exercises, Account inheritance hierarchy
Exercises, Accounts Payable System Modification
Exercises, Airline Reservation System
Exercises, Airline Reservation Web Service Modification
Exercises, Alarm Clock GUI
Exercises, Baseball Database Application
Exercises, Baseball Database Application Modification
Exercises, Blackjack Web Service Modification
Exercises, Bouncing Ball
Exercises, Bouncing Ball with Collision Detection
Exercises, Bouncing Ball with Shadows
Exercises, Calculator GUI
Exercises, Card Shuffling and Dealing 2nd
Exercises, Complex Numbers
Exercises, Computer Simulator
Exercises, Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
Exercises, computing factorials
Exercises, Date and Time Class
Exercises, Date Class
Exercises, Dice Rolling
Exercises, DisplayQueryResult Application Modification
Exercises, DisplayTable Application Modification
Exercises, Duplicate Elimination
Exercises, Eight Queens
Exercises, Eight Queens Brute Force Approaches
Exercises, Enhanced Bouncing Ball
Exercises, Enhanced Rectangle Class
Exercises, Enhancing Class Date
Exercises, Enhancing Class Time3
Exercises, Game of Craps
Exercises, Guestbook Application Modification
Exercises, HugeInteger Class
Exercises, Knight's Tour
Exercises, Knight's Tour Brute Force Approach
Exercises, Knight's Tour Closed Tour Test
Exercises, Machine Language Programming
Exercises, Modifying the Internal Data Representation of a Class
Exercises, Nutrition Information XML Document
Exercises, Nutrition Information XML Schema
Exercises, Nutrition Information XSL Style Sheet
Exercises, Package Inheritance Hierarchy
Exercises, Page Hit Counter
Exercises, Payroll System Modification
Exercises, Perfect number
Exercises, Phone Book Web Service
Exercises, Phone Book Web Service Modification
Exercises, Polymorphic banking program using Account hierarchy
Exercises, Pythagorean Triples
Exercises, Radio GUI
Exercises, Rational Numbers
Exercises, Rectangle Class
Exercises, Sales Commissions
Exercises, SavingsAccount Class
Exercises, Set of Integers
Exercises, Shape Hierarchy
Exercises, Sieve of Eratosthenes
Exercises, Sorting XSLT Modification
Exercises, Student Poll
Exercises, Telephone-Number Word Generator exercise
Exercises, Tic-Tac-Toe
Exercises, Tortoise and the Hare Simulation
Exercises, Total Sales
Exercises, TransformTest Modification
Exercises, Turtle Graphics
Exercises, Validation Against Multiple Schemas
Exercises, WebControls
Exercises, WebTime Modification
Exercises, XmlReaderTest Modification
exhausting memory
Exists method of class Directory
Exit method of class Application 2nd
Exit method of class Environment
Exit method of class Monitor 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
exit point
exit point, of a control statement
Exp method of Math
expand a tree
Expand method of class TreeNode
expand node
ExpandAll method of class TreeNode
ExpandAll method of TreeView class
Expat XML parser
expiration date of a cookie
Expires property of HttpCookie class
explicit conversion
explicit type argument
exponential method
exponentiation operator
exposing a Web-service method
extend a class
extend an XML Schema data type
Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammar
extensibility 2nd
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
extensible language 2nd 3rd 4th
Extensible markup language (XML) 2nd
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 2nd 3rd
extension element
extension element, base attribute
extension XML Schema element
external DTD
F formatting code
F1 help key
Factorial 2nd 3rd
Factorial method
Fahrenheit equivalent of a Celsius temperature
False keyword 2nd 3rd
fatal error 2nd
fault tolerant
fault-tolerant program
FCL 2nd 3rd
FCL (framework class library) 2nd
Field 2nd
field of a class
field width
Fields 2nd
FIFO (first-in, first-out)
File class
File class methods (partial list)
File menu
file name extensions
File name extensions, .cs
File Name property of a file in the Solution Explorer
file opening in Windows
File server